![]() Alone (Working Title)A Screenplay by Joel Adenyn![]() A guy who even though surrounded by people feels all alone and lives in a world all by himself as if no one else is there. Until he meets a girl that brings him out of his shell.![]()
Alone (Working title) Written By Joel Adenyn FADE IN: INT. KYLE’S ROOM - MORNING KYLE
(V.O.) It’s
been seven months since it happened. KYLE, a young man awakes from his
bed and starts his daily routine, eat food, brush teeth, get dressed, exercise,
etc. KYLE
(V.O.) Nothing has
really changed. I still go about my day as if nothing is different. I guess you
could say I’m lonely. But I’ve always been alone so I suppose I’m used to it.
It’s harder though, to go from what things were like to what they are now even
if it was for a short time. When we look at where we are and where things are
going in life it can seem pretty long, but when we look back at our past life
seems very short. KYLE finishes writing in his
journal. INT. KYLE’S ROOM - AFTERNOON KYLE is playing a video game with
an extra controller next to him yet no one playing it. KYLE So
how was your day? KYLE is talking to himself. KYLE That’s
cool. I saw her again today. KYLE
was outside reading a book. KYLE
No. I don’t know what to do. I’m not just going to walk
over and say, “Hi, I think you’re pretty. Let’s go out” I mean she only moved
in not that long ago. KYLE Yes
exactly, that’s why it’s so awkward. KYLE Hey
you may not care about making a fool of yourself, but I do. KYLE Look
I don’t want to talk about it alright. KYLE
Shut up okay. I don’t have to sit here and listen to you
talk about my love life or lack thereof and put up with you when you’re always
cheating at this stupid game. KYLE Hey!
Don’t touch me… Let go. Give me that. (Random Mumblings) KYLE is struggling to keep his
controller in his hands and take the other controller away from no one. INT. KITCHEN " EVENING KYLE gets a class of water and
drinks it. KYLE Oh
hey mom. KYLE Nah
Richie left like an hour ago. I’m actually heading out too. KYLE To
see a movie. KYLE Yes
by myself. KYLE No
it’s okay. I don’t mind. Thanks anyway. KYLE Yeah
I can stop by the store on my way home. KYLE Okay.
Love you too. He leaves. THE MOVIE THEATER KYLE is sitting in the middle of
the theater alone. He laughs at a scene in the movie and as he looks around to
see no one else is laughing so he awkwardly stops. THE STORE KYLE walks around an empty store
to grab some milk and waits in line. He checks his watch and the he slowly
moves forward after a few minutes and puts money on the counter. KYLE Here
you go. KYLE Yeah
thanks. You too. He takes the milk and leaves. EXT. KYLE’S HOUSE " NIGHT KYLE pulls up to his house and
gets out, but stops and stares at the only window with a light on in the house
where the girl lives. He sets the milk on top of the car. KYLE I
wonder if that’s her room. KYLE What
are you doing Kyle? She’s not going to come outside and start talking to you. The light turns off. KYLE (Says
nothing, just nods.) KYLE walks around the car and
inside the house. After a minute comes back outside and grabs the milk he left
on the car. KYLE’S ROOM KYLE And
so another day goes by. KYLE collapses on bed defeated. INT. KYLE’S HOUSE " MORNING KYLE awakes from his bed and
starts his daily routine, eat food, brush teeth, get dressed, and exercise
again. KYLE
(V.O.) Routine has
become my medication. I keep going; doing the same thing day in and day out
helps. It makes things feel like they haven’t changed, even though a part of me
wants things to change. Isn’t it the definition of insanity to do the same
thing over and over, but expect different results? Maybe I am crazy. But I also
have to ask, is it this insanity that’s keeping me sane? KYLE finishes writing in his
journal. DENTIST’S OFFICE KYLE is sitting in the chair with
a bib on and mouth wide open. KYLE (Non-sensible
gibberish) KYLE flinches at the pain caused
by no dentist working on his teeth. (More
non-sensible gibberish) EXT. PARK " AFTERNOON/EVENING KYLE is sitting on the grass
reading a book as the sun gets closer to setting. A girl sits down next to KYLE
catching him off guard. KYLE (Surprised
gasp) GIRL Ah.
Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. KYLE Where
did you come from? GIRL My
house. KYLE Oh.
Well yeah. GIRL What
book are you reading? KYLE Um,
nothing really that exciting. What can I do for you? GIRL Tell
me your name. KYLE GIRL Hi,
Kyle. I’m Patricia, but you can call me Patty for short. KYLE Hello. PATTY So I’ve seen you
come and go from your house a few times, but you’ve never introduced yourself
so I figured I would have to come and do that. KYLE Sorry.
I’ve never been good at introductions. PATTY Well
we’re going to have to change that. KYLE What? PATTY Stand
up. KYLE Huh? PATTY Come
on, come on. I don’t have all day. KYLE awkwardly stands up and they
face each other. PATTY Now
do as I do. “Hello. My name is Kyle. It is nice to meet you.” KYLE PATTY Okay
clear your throat and put some emotion into it Mr. Robot. KYLE Hello.
My name is Kyle. It is nice to meet you. PATTY Hello.
I’m Patricia. It’s nice to meet you too. PATTY puts out her hand for him
to shake and he hesitates for a moment and slowly shakes her hand. PATTY Good. Now let’s talk about what there is to do for fun
around here. I myself like to… (Continues to talk) KYLE
(V.O.) I met a girl like Patty once. She stood out from everyone
else. She made me feel special in her own little way. Patricia moved in just a
few houses down from me not long ago and I’ve looked at her from a distance
this whole time, only glimpses or quick looks. Always tempted to go say hi, but
never had the courage. What was it that I was so afraid of; the possibility of
being rejected again? Or that things would actually go well? INT. KYLE’S ROOM " DAY KYLE is playing video games alone
again. KYLE Yeah
we finally talked. KYLE It
was good. KYLE Well, she likes reading books and hiking. She is very
opinionated and out-going. It has been nice hanging out with her. KYLE Yes
just hanging out. We only met a few days ago. KYLE No
it’s too soon to ask her out. KYLE And
I don’t even think she likes me like that. KYLE I
doubt it. KYLE Well that’s that. Time for me to go to work and for you to
get your lazy butt out of here. KYLE Yes
now. KYLE I’ll
see you later. KYLE sits a moment before he
turns out the lights and leaves. EXT. PARK " AFTERNOON/EVENING KYLE and PATTY are sitting next
to a tree eating sandwiches. KYLE Thank
you for the food again. PATTY Well
it’s not a picnic without some. KYLE sets down his sandwich and
starts to get really nervous. KYLE So
it’s been fun hanging out with you. PATTY Of
course it has. I’m awesome. (Smiles) KYLE Well
I thought that maybe we could do it more. PATTY Hangout
more? KYLE Well
not hangout more. PATTY So
you don’t want to hang out? KYLE No
I do want to hangout just not call it hanging out. PATTY You’ve
lost me. KYLE Well
it’s more like… PATTY Yeah. KYLE When
two people spend time together. PATTY Keep
going. KYLE Um… PATTY You’re
almost there. You can do it. KYLE (Head
down and quietly) Do
you want to go out with me? PATTY Go
out like boyfriend and girlfriend? KYLE Yes. PATTY pauses a moment. Then she
moves into a pouncing position like a cat. KYLE What
are you doing? PATTY pounces and jumps on KYLE
knocking him over. KYLE Why
did you do that? PATTY (Tilts
head to one side) Meow.
to laugh) KYLE and PATTY are seen doing
various activities together. KYLE
(V.O.) Things got better after that. I no longer felt nervous
around her and grew more comfortable. We started to have lots of fun and the
days sort of blended together. The time we spent went by so quickly as much as
we wanted them to seem slower. I haven’t felt this good for over 7 months. INT. KYLE’S ROOM " DAY KYLE is playing video games
alone. KYLE So we were up the canyon by the stream the other day
skipping rocks and fishing with homemade rods when she tried to show off and
ended up falling in the water and getting soaked. Laughed my head off. KYLE Yeah
it feels really good. It’s been awhile. KYLE I
don’t want to think about it. KYLE Look it still bugs me and sometimes I want to, but I’m not
that stupid. I’m going to leave things alone. Everything is good right now and
I don’t want to screw anything up. KYLE No,
but I’ve got to try and forget about it. Let it go. Move on, you know? KYLE Yeah. KYLE Yes
I’ll introduce you to her soon. KYLE No
she hasn’t met my mom yet. KYLE
haven’t met hers either. KYLE I’m sure it’ll come up eventually, but honestly I’m
dreading the day. I don’t do well with parents for some reason. KYLE Yeah,
we’ll see. KYLE awakes from his bed and
starts his daily routine, eat food, brush teeth, get dressed, exercise, again,
but seems happier. KYLE
(V.O.) It’s
strange how the littlest things seem to change. I sleep better and waking up isn’t
as much of a chore as it usually is. My routine has changed which at first
scared me because I didn’t know how it would affect things; the way I feel and
act, but each day actually seems brighter. It’s like I want to wake and up go
out and do things. Before it seemed like I went through my routine just to
survive. Just to survive. But now I experience life. I’m no longer just
surviving, but I’m living. EXT. PARK " AFTERNOON/EVENING KYLE and PATTY are on the swings. PATTY So
what kind of current affairs do we have today? PATTY has a newspaper while KYLE
stares at the ground. PATTY Oh
there’s a series of burglaries going around the valley. Suspenseful. KYLE Hey
Patty. PATTY Yes? KYLE Do
you ever get afraid? PATTY What
do you mean? KYLE Like
is there anything that you are afraid of? PATTY Of
course. Everyone does. I’m afraid of spiders, heights, chupacabra’s. KYLE I
mean something immaterial. PATTY Like
what? KYLE Like
are you afraid of being alone? PATTY KYLE I
am. I’m afraid of being alone in my life. PATTY I
don’t see that happening. KYLE I am though. I have always been alone. My whole life I’ve
felt like I’m the only one around even when I’m around lots of people. Especially
when I’m around other people. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t shake the
feeling. PATTY And
you’ve always felt this way? KYLE No.
Once before for a little while I felt pretty normal actually, but that didn’t
last. PATTY Do
you feel alone with me? KYLE No, not at all. I feel great around you. You seem to give
me courage and I forget all about that kind of stuff. It’s just sometimes I
fear it won’t last. PATTY That’s
normal I guess, but you won’t have to worry about that with me around. KYLE Good. PATTY puts the newspaper down on
the ground and stands in front of KYLE. PATTY Kyle you will never be alone. You have lots of people in
your life that really care about you and want you to be happy. You just have to
look around and see that they are there right in front of you. I know that
despite the way you feel if you just believe it then you can see for yourself
each person in your life. Surrounding KYLE are all the
people in his life that care about him. When he turns away from PATTY to look
at them they disappear. PATTY grabs his cheek and kisses his forehead. KYLE What
was that for? PATTY If
you catch me I’ll give you a real one. PATTY then pushes KYLE backwards
off the swing and starts to run towards the nearby playground. KYLE gets up and
chases her around the jungle gym before finally catching her on the grass and
they fall down. She gives him a sweet kiss and then puts her head in his chest
and they lay there smiling. INT. KYLE’S KITCHEN " NIGHT KYLE comes home through the
kitchen and stops before entering his room. KYLE Hey
mom. KYLE Yeah
just got back from hanging out with Patty. KYLE It
was fine. KYLE opens the door to his room
and takes a step before stopping. KYLE Actually, it was really great. We talked about what we
would do with our life and how our day was then we went to the park and had a
fun time chasing each other around on the jungle gym. I had an amazing time. KYLE’S MOM appears in the kitchen. KYLE’S
MOM Sweetie that is amazing. I haven’t seen you this happy in a
long time. She must be a sweet girl. I hope to meet her soon. KYLE Yeah
me too. KYLE and KYLE’S MOM hug and then
he goes to his room. KYLE
(V.O.) That was the first time I’ve really opened up to my mom. It
felt nice to have her there and to feel her hugs again. INT. KYLE’S LIVING ROOM " DAY KYLE and PATTY are sitting on the
couch watching TV. PATTY So
do you know what today is? KYLE Thursday? PATTY Yes,
but what else? KYLE I
don’t know what? PATTY I
can’t believe you forgot. KYLE Forgot
what? PATTY It’s
our 2 month anniversary today. KYLE Is
it really? Oh I’m so sorry. I guess I wasn’t thinking. PATTY No
you weren’t. Just like the typical guy. KYLE Again
I’m sorry. Here let me make it up to you. PATTY Where
are you going? KYLE One
sec. KYLE disappears for a moment, but
returns holding something behind his back. PATTY What’s
that behind your back? KYLE Here. KYLE hands her a present all
wrapped up. PATTY Oh
you didn’t forget. You sly dog making me think you were a jerk. PATTY opens it up and there is a
book inside. PATTY No
way! This is what I’ve been wanting for forever now. KYLE You
like it then? PATTY Of
course I do. You’re so sweet. PATTY hugs KYLE and then quickly
opens up the book and looks it over while KYLE watches. PATTY You know I haven’t really been in a relationship like this.
Since my mom died I’ve basically taken care of my dad. And because he’s in the
army we tend to move around a lot so staying in one place for very long doesn’t
allow me to make many friends or meet a cute guy like you. But he said this
time should last and I’m very happy we met. KYLE puts his arm around her and
brings her in again for a hug and kisses her head. KYLE
(V.O.) Things went on like that for a while. We shared more about
ourselves and the wall I had around me got smaller. The more time I spent with
her the wall seemed to come down little by little. I noticed more people in my
life who hadn’t seemed to been there before. I started to realize that maybe
she was right and all I had to do was believe and the loneliness seemed to
disappear. INT. MOVIE THEATER " NIGHT KYLE and PATTY are sitting in the
theater when another girl walks by and KYLE hides and starts to breathe
heavily. PATTY What’s
wrong? KYLE Nothing,
it’s nothing. I’m fine PATTY Kyle
what’s going on? KYLE That
girl is my ex-girlfriend. PATTY So
what, don’t let it bother you. KYLE It’s
not that easy. PATTY Kyle,
are you okay? KYLE I
need some air. KYLE gets up and runs out of the
theater. PATTY follows. OUTSIDE THE THEATER KYLE walks to the parking lot and
tries to steady his breathing. PATTY Kyle
I don’t understand what’s going on. KYLE We
used to date a while ago and I really liked her, but things didn’t end well. PATTY What
happened? KYLE I don’t know really. Things were fine one day then she just
changed. She turned into a different person and said and did a lot of things
that hurt. PATTY Why
are you acting like this? Do you still have feelings for her? KYLE No. I. I don’t know. Maybe. I haven’t seen her for months
and then seeing her in there with another guy kind of freaked me out. It was
hard at first talking to you because you remind me of her. PATTY I
remind you of your ex-girlfriend? That’s exactly the kind of thing a girl wants
to hear. KYLE I
don’t mean you remind me of her, but there are things that are the same. PATTY Are
you dating me because of that? KYLE No
I’m dating you because of who you are. She has nothing to do with it. PATTY Then why are we out here? Why does the sight of her affect
you like this? And what am I supposed to think? From what I can tell you still
have feelings for her and I’m only your girlfriend because she and I are the
same and since you can’t have her you’re stuck with me. KYLE No
it’s not like that at all. PATTY What
is it like then? KYLE I
don’t know! Just stop it! Shut up! PATTY goes silent and stares down
me home. KYLE Patty
I’m sorry I just… PATTY Take.
Me. Home. Now. KYLE stands there not knowing
what to do and finally drops his shoulders in defeat and walks towards the car
with PATTY following. KYLE
(V.O.) We haven’t spoken in over a week. I tried to get a hold of
her, but she was avoiding me. I felt really bad about what happened and I can’t
believe it happened like that. I never told her about my ex-girlfriend because
it never came up and it wasn’t something you really want to talk about. I loved
my ex-girlfriend. We were together for over a year and near the end she started
to change. It wasn’t an overnight thing, it happened gradually, but I didn’t
notice until it was too late. We were still young she said and wanted to
experience life more without being tied down. Things went downhill quickly and
in the end I ended up with a broken heart, she told me I wasn’t worth anything
and our relationship meant nothing to her, and she ended up falling in loving
with this guy that treats her like crap. And now here I am almost a year later and I
finally found someone that makes me feel better than my ex did. I love Patricia
and it seemed like I was losing her if I hadn’t already. INT. KYLE’S ROOM " DAY KYLE is once again playing video
games alone. KYLE I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to give up,
but I’ve been trying for over a week to talk to her and apologize and maybe
explain things better. What should I do Richie? What can I do? RICHIE appears next to him. RICHIE Don’t give up. I’m sure it will be okay. It was your first
fight and if she’s as smart a girl as I think she is she won’t let you get
away. You’re a good guy and just have a little faith. She needs some time to
absorb this. It’ll be okay. KYLE Thanks.
I hope you’re right. RICHIE I’m
always right. KYLE Sure
you are. RICHIE Yep.
So when are you going to try again? KYLE I
think I will after work tonight if she’s awake. If not, then tomorrow. RICHIE Sounds
good. I wish you better luck with her than you have at this game. KYLE That’s
because you cheat. EXT. KYLE’S HOUSE " NIGHT KYLE pulls up to his house and
gets out. PATTY’S light is out and so is the rest of the house. KYLE I
guess she’s asleep. KYLE notices the front door is
open. KYLE Why
is there door open? Maybe the wind blew it open. I should go close it for them. KYLE runs across the street and
up to PATTY’S HOUSE. He looks inside and doesn’t notice anything at first, but
soon sees someone lying on the ground. KYLE Mr.
Reynolds is that you? Are you okay? KYLE runs over to him and checks
to see if he’s okay and finds blood. KYLE He’s
still breathing, but why is there blood? What happened? Patty? The door closes and KYLE stares
at a burglar who isn’t there. Suddenly KYLE gets into a struggle with no one and
is losing the fight. After a brief struggle KYLE and the burglar are at the top
of the stairs, KYLE on bottom. KYLE kicks the burglar who isn’t there and sends
him down the stairs. The burglar appears at the bottom and doesn’t move. KYLE Patty? KYLE runs up to her room and
finds her on the floor also with blood around her. KYLE picks her up and holds
her in his arms while he struggles to pull out his phone and dial the police. KYLE I’m
so sorry Patty. I’m sorry. Please. It’s going to be okay. It’ll be fine. KYLE Police
please help. There was a burglar and two people have been stabbed. Tell me what
to do I can’t lose them. KYLE is trying to keep his
composure as he holds PATTY in his arms and wait for the ambulance to arrive. INT. KYLE’S ROOM " MORNING KYLE awakes from his bed and
starts his daily routine, eat food, brush teeth, get dressed, exercise, but this
time things seem sad. THE STORE KYLE stands in line with groceries,
but no one is there. KYLE’S HOUSE KYLE pulls up to his house and
grabs the groceries and gets out. He stops and stares at PATTY’S house for a
moment and sighs before walking up to his house. INT. KYLE’S FOYEUR/LIVING ROOM "
DAY KYLE enters his house full of
people sitting at a table, kids running around, and PATTY gets up from the
couch and comes over to him as he sets the groceries down. PATTY How
was your day? KYLE I
hate Monday’s. PATTY laughs and gives KYLE a
little kiss before grabbing one of the bags, hands it to KYLE and grabs the
other. A few kids run by them as they walk to the table where everyone else is
and are welcomed by cheers as the front door closes to a happy ending. THE
END. © 2012 Joel AdenynAuthor's Note
Added on July 8, 2012 Last Updated on July 8, 2012 Tags: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Pantomime, Short Film, Short, Film, Story, Plot, Characters Author![]() Joel AdenynSan Francisco, CAAboutI like stories. So if there is a good story out there, book, movie, video games, TV show, doesn't matter what medium it comes in. It's all about the story, the world the characters are placed in, how .. more..Writing