It's always scary and lonely when entering a new situation...usually temporary.
Good use of similes Katerina...and imagery was spot on
It was an excellent way to depict loneliness, we could all understand and feel.
I know from whence you I'm sure everyone does...
See "Alone in Thought" if you care to...
I loved the line or maybe the word "I feel alone and "faint"...a great way to describe loneliness....faint
One grammar issue....or typo...'To' to 'too' in "to many times" unless you used (my heart was broken into many parts)...but who am I to say
Excellent write Katerina
Posted 11 Years Ago
11 Years Ago
Thanks! I appreciate ur review! And I'll fix that typo, tnx again!
Wow I like this but what do you mean by when you started going to school. Were you like home schooled for a while or something. Well anyways I like this piece good write..
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Tnx, I'm really glad u liked it. I wasn't home schooled though, it was at the beginning of 5th grade.. read moreTnx, I'm really glad u liked it. I wasn't home schooled though, it was at the beginning of 5th grade, wasn't one of my best years.
Wow ! It's pretty intense and spendidely written !
You definitely don't need many words to create pathos, that's great !
Wanna read more poems of yours ! Espero pelos proximos :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
Thanks, I'm so glad u enjoyed it! I promise to post some more soon :)
You have an amazing way of describing your emotive responses and senses around you without borrowing the usual boring words that others may use when they can't express themselves proper. Gorgeous yet tragic, and beautifully introspective, but you are quite aware and with an incredible wit about you to understand the dynamics and roller coaster moods that we all share at one time or another!! This is, yet, another beautiful little write by you, and I'm impressed that you are of a callow age, but possess a gorgeous heart that proves to be quite fun to watch and tell a story of any kind...... Beautiful Katerina. xoxo -Your Mark
Thanks, I'm glad u liked my way of describing my pain :) Tnx again!
12 Years Ago
Did I go too far...... in describing your "pain"? I just really appreciated the way you wrote this a.. read moreDid I go too far...... in describing your "pain"? I just really appreciated the way you wrote this and can't wait to see more of it!! xoxo -Mark
12 Years Ago
No, it ok, I love it when people describe how they liked my poems, I really apreciate it!