In a world so cold she still finds a reason to smile. A smile, that only is visible to her. A faint but beautiful smile that the world shuns in hate and utter despair. Who is she? Who is this girl that sits alone on the path of life and death?
A simple little girl is the answer. No she is not special, nor magical. She is a simple city girl that sits on her porch everyday and just watches. She sees more than we will ever notice. A little girl, not young enough to be a child, nor old enough to be a woman. Trapped in a mind of old but body of young. What she knows, could unravel the secrets of the world.
What is it she sees? She sits everyday, and just watches the world around her. To her, everything makes sense. She is not a genius, nor a gifted child. She is just a open minded thinker. An artist, you could say.
In a world so cold, she can find warmth. When hell will come and destroy everything, she laughs. A child's laugh of wonderment. She sees people's ignorance. She sees people's weaknesses. However most of all, she can see hope. Hope is not something you would normally think, but she does. She can see a magical place full of the Earth's creatures and imagination.
The sun and moon, the clouds and stars, the yin and yang. Opposites do attract. This statement she knows. For everything is not so different. She knows that people stress, and that stress turns to anger, and anger leads to hate, hate leads fill in the blanks.
She laughs at the face of danger. She carries on in hard times. She always has a smile. A smile that is blind. Blindness from the world. Yet visible at the same time. She knows...who is she? Nothing but a simple girl.