Daddy, What's It Like?

Daddy, What's It Like?

A Story by Shiningwolf

     A loving father tucks her little girl into bed.



               "Yes angel?"

"What's it like to dream?"

                                   "Dreaming is a magical thing, you can see everything you want."

"Really daddy?"

                                    "Yes sweetie, anything your heart wants."



"What's it like to be happy?"


The father laughs.

                                   "Well sweetie aren't you already happy?"

"I don't know"

                                  "Well lets see are you smiling?"


                                "Well now we must fix that shall we?"

He tickles her, making her laugh her cute giggle.




Both still laughing.


"What's it like to feel loved?"

  "Well now you tell me honey."

"Um, is it a warm fuzzy feeling?"

    "Why yes it is!"

"Yay I got it!"

                                      "You sure did!"

The little girl becomes sleepy. The father smiles and begins to walk out, holding back some tears.




He turns to find her crying.


"Where's momma?"


His face hardens.



                                    "Go to sleep pumpkin"

"But daddy!!!"


She falls into a deep sleep, as he walks out the door...tears falling down now.

That following morning she wakes up and jumps out of bed and runs downstaires to greet her daddy...but hes gone.




She walks into the kitchen to find her daddy laying on the floor dead with policemen around him. She rushes to his side, the police let her through.




She starts to cry as the police try to consule her.


              "I am sorry little girl, your daddy is gone."

Before she gets up to follow the police out the door she turns around and holds her chest.


"Daddy....what's it like to feel heartbreak?"...


20 Years pass and she finally finds out that he commited suicide from his dead wife.

She walks to his grave one day and prays and at the end she says...


"Daddy, what's it like to feel empty?"...


She frowns...but a sun beam shines through the dark clouds that day covering her body, feeling warmth. She starts to cry and says..


"Daddy, I love you, I know what love feels like now. I miss you...."


© 2011 Shiningwolf

My Review

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Very well done. At the start I thought this was sweet and then you shocked me. I found this to be a little rushed and think you have room to turn this into a longer more detailed story. Please take that as a compliment, it means the reader wants to know more.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is flipping intense and one of the most amazing writes I've read.. I wasn't sure where it was going and you wowed me.. xx

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is absolutely incredible. I'm about to cry. So sad, I guess that's good writing, right there.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Chills! This was written so great!

Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm almost crying! Just amazing, beautiful.
Write a lot more of these. Never enough. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is really amazing. Such a sad and moving story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Emotional and very deep. The flow and words are brilliant. No criticisms, just write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this made me cry... very good.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Sad and written with emotion, and touching piece of work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very sad.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 19, 2011
Last Updated on May 19, 2011



Mustang, OK

My name is Crystal. I am 23 years old. I am who I am. I am just a girl trying to traverse through the challenges of this life. I write to express myself and to create art that has meaning. more..


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