

A Story by Robby


Fire flashed through the sky, sending embers down on everything within a 1-mile radius of the church. The forests caught fire and burnt. The priests were in panic. The head mage had been slaughtered earlier in the day, when the Knights first raided the temple. He told his apprentices to flee, but some of them refused to let their past, their heritage, be engulfed in flames, without a fight. Even though the priests were powerful, by peasant standards, the Knights had the power and might of the Archbishop, who loathed the church because it exiled him from their order, after he was discovered using necromancy, with is strongly banned and feared. The Archbishop used the power of Necera to fuel his magic, and in-turn, fuel the might of the Knights. The Knights destroyed the temple, and only a few apprentice mages escaped into the burning forest.


                Twenty years after the massacre of the temple, the few mages who made it out started their own order. They worshipped the god Lutina, but they also recognized the powers of the god Necera, something that the previous order did not, which inevitably caused their downfall. This new order was headed by the five mages who made it out. Tannshi, the youngest of them, was the most adept at earth magic, so she taught earth magic to the new students. Her sister, Tanera, was adept in the style of fire, so, naturally, that’s what she taught. The third girl, named Shanera, taught wind magic.  Meloin, the oldest of the apprentices that managed to make it out of the temple, taught the secrets of water. Kano, the last of the apprentices, taught the skill of melee combat. The apprentices lived in harmony for the next couple of years.


Seeing as how the five had been through so much together, they formed close bonds with each other. But, however, two certain ones were closer than professionally approved. Tannshi and Kano were involved on a professional level, as well as a personal level. They had been lovers for about five months now, but none of the others knew, not even Tannshi’s sister, Tanera, knew.


Tannshi was sleeping when a soft knock sounded on her door. She awoke suddenly, drawing a few defensive spells to the tip of her tongue, when a soft voice said, “It’s only me, babe.”

Tannshi knew who it was, even in the dark. “You aren’t supposed to be here,” She scolded him.

“I’m sorry babe; I just had to see you.” He slipped the door open a little bit wider, and entered the room. Tannshi sat up in bed, pulling her blanket up protectively around her neck. Kano walked to the foot of the bed, and smiled down at her, “You know, there’s no since in hiding. I’ve seen everything you’ve got.” He sat down beside her, and gently pulled the blanket away. “Besides, you look better this way.” She sat there, her golden blonde hair falling down over her breasts, the flimsy fabric of her nightgown barely covering her. She blushed, absently tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “What do you want?


“I just wanted to see you, that’s all.”


“Well, you’ve seen me, now go away, it’s too early in the morning”


“Aw, c’mon.” He pretended to pout, and she laughed. He bent down, kissed her, and turned, walking out the door.


                           **             **             **             **             **


The sun was already in the sky when Kano walked into the hall. His students were already gathered, ready to begin practice.

“C’mon Kano, we’ve been waiting!”

“Yeah Kano. Hurry up!”


 “Alright, alright. Calm down. Who wants to try first?” He pulled his long staff off of the wall, behind the display stand. The ends were plated with steel, to keep the wood protected. “I’m using my staff today, so you’d better be on guard, and keep it up”


“Alright, I’ll go.” The oldest of the boys, Meko, stepped forward, drawing his preferred weapon, the broadsword. Kano and Meko walked out to the ring, and facing each other, bowed. The rest of the class crowded around the ring, anxious to see who wins.


Kano raised his staff, and Meko raised his sword, bringing it down. Kano brought his staff up, deflecting the blow, and knocking it off to the side. He then slammed the end of the staff into Meko’s chest, knocking him to the ground. Meko jumped back to his feet, bringing the sword around, trying to land a blow on the side of his instructors head. Kano ducked, and stuck his foot out on a sweeping kick, knocking Meko to the ground, again. Meko got back to his feet, though not as fast as before. He started swinging his sword in no apparent pattern, making it hard to parry the blows. He brought his sword down, causing Kano to jump back, lest he be struck by the blow.


“All right, time to finish this” Kano brought his staff up, parrying Meko’s blow, and at the same time, bringing the other end up into Meko’s gut, knocking him up, and backwards.  Meko hit the ground with an “UFH!” sprawled out. He grimaced when he stood, looking at his instructor. “Remind me why I don’t spar with you? Oh yeah! I ALWAYS END UP ON MY A*S, LOOKING STUPID!” He smiled slightly, and offered his hand, as was customary. Kano shook his hand, patting his apprentice on the back. “Good fight, but you need to keep your weapon up at all times. Don’t let it drop.” Kano began to walk out of the ring, but Meko slid his foot out, tripping his instructor. Kano fell to the dirt, inhaling dust and coughing. “Now who’s on the ground?” Meko laughed and took off running. Kano jumped up, laughing. “JUST WAIT TIL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!” He chased after him, laughing and yelling.


           **        **        **       


*The sun started to set, and everybody was in the largest room. The floor was covered with dirt. Tannshi stood in the middle, teaching the new students the simple spell used to summon a clay golem. She spoke the simple incantation, and the dirt started to swirl, slowly taking the form of a bulky human. The golem took form, and then smoothed out as much as was expected. It stood about four feet tall, and looked around slowly, looking at the students. Tannshi stepped up to the golem. “This students, is the simple clay golem. It is nothing more than dirt, and the lowest magic. Anybody with any skill at incantations can make it. The golem is the basic spell in any of the elements. Water, wind, earth, and fire. I’ll only be teaching you earth.” She smiled slightly. “Well students, let’s see you summon your own golems.” She stepped out of the circle, and stood against the wall, watching them. She walked to the window, and looked out, watching the sun set. She kept her ears focused on the group, even though her eyes weren’t. She smiled slightly, thinking about past times. She was broken from her trance when a piece of clay came flying, and crashed against the ball beside her. She turned quickly, and saw the students standing on the outside of the ring, while the golems were on the inside, fighting each other. The students were laughing, and joking with each other. She heard bets flying across the room, and then she realized what was going on. The students were pitting their creations against each other, seeing whose was stronger. She decided this was a good idea though, so the students would know how to use their golems, and still know that they needed to train. She smiled, and moved her lips silently, her own golem forming in the middle. Her golem stood there, watching the weaker golems fight. One of the students yelled, “Let’s take on her golem. C’mon! Let’s get it!” All the golems then turned on the one, and began attacking it. Small pieces chipped off, and Tannshi spoke one word. “Spikes.” The golem nodded, and slammed its fists into the ground, sending up spikes of clay into each of the other golems. The fight was over instantly, as the impaled golems shattered. “When you get my level, you can do that, and much more.” She laughed softly. “But, you all still have a way to go. Alright. Class is over for today. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Be safe!” As the students filed out of the room, she stood at the window, watching an interesting exchange take place between Kano and a stranger, who looked like a runner from the capital city. She hurried down into the court yard, but by the time she got there, she heard Kano saying, “We’ll consider it. I’m not sending anyone to their death.”


A few minutes later, all the masters were formed in the hall, in session. Kano was speaking at the time. “The capital city has requested that we send people to take care of their rogue assassin problems


© 2008 Robby

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Added on May 6, 2008



New Bern, NC

The Hunted The Hunted

A Story by Robby

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A Story by Robby

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A Story by Robby