Dreams of the Stars....

Dreams of the Stars....

A Poem by Luke Masters

(Words in Italics added to make speeches flow. On the right side are the names of the people who said the words to the left... I clearly have no claim on the words, only the flow... and the italics.)



My fellow citizens of the world...                        J.F. Kennedy

Let me assert my firm belief that

the only thing we have to fear is fear itself...      F. Roosevelt

That the God who gave us life gave

us liberty at the same time...                              T. Jefferson

The world has turned over many times

since I took the oath...   D. Macarthur

And even though we face the

difficulties of today and tomorrow,

I still have a dream...     M.L. King Jr.

With malice towards none, with

charity for all, with firmness in the

right, as God gave us the right, let

us strive on to finish the work that

we are in - to bind up the nation's

wounds...                       A. Lincoln

And to observe good faith and justice towards

all nations, cultivate peace and harmony

with all...                      G. Washington

For true hope is swift...                                      W. Shakespeare

And we must keep that hope alive...                    H. Truman

And so I say to you

Always give your best, never be

discouraged, never be petty, always

remember - others may hate you, but

those who hate you don't win, unless

you hate them - and then you destroy

yourself...                     R. Nixon

As we peer into society's future,

we - you and I and our government -

must avoid the impulse to to live only for

today, pondering for our ownings and

convenience, the precious resources of

tomorrow...                  D.D. Eisenhower

Be honest in all that you do,

for an honest man is the

noblest work of God...  A. Pope

And that's one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind...                             N. Armstrong



© 2012 Luke Masters

Author's Note

Luke Masters
Not a poem as such, but none of the other options either... Forgive the justification of the names. It won't let me line them up for some reason...

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Added on February 11, 2012
Last Updated on February 11, 2012


Luke Masters
Luke Masters

Newcastle, Australia

I enjoy reading and writing, computer games and movies. I am a fan of the comic/graphic novel genre, along with the sci-fi/fantasy, action/adventure and comedy genres. Favourite band: Queen Favou.. more..

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A Poem by Luke Masters