Three Page Tragedy

Three Page Tragedy

A Story by Caleb

I could feel her cold breath upon my shoulder as I was carrying her home from the party. I never realized it, but she has always been with me. Through the hardest times in my life she has always helped me through, and now I will repay her for the joy she has brought me. We finally arrived at her house so I knocked on the door, but I forgot that her roommate was out for the year so I grabbed the house key from the bird house. I opened the door and brought her upstairs to her room. Then I laid her down closed her door, and sat down to warm up before I went back out into the cold winter air. I sat there for a couple minutes, but before I knew it I was asleep. The next morning I decided to be nice and cook up some breakfast before she got up. I decided to make a cliche breakfast of buttermilk pancakes, eggs, and bacon. I hoped she would like it, for it was my turn to take care of her. When I was done I put all of the food on a tray and went up to her room. I knocked on the door a couple of times before she told me to come in. When I entered she sat up in her bed.

“Zeke what are you still doing here.”

I couldn't help but blush a little.

“I accidentally fell asleep on your couch when I was trying to warm up so I decided to make you breakfast as an apology.”

She then laughed a little bit which caused me to chuckle a little bit. I then went to go leave the room, but she quickly told me to go grab some food for myself and to come and eat with her. I didn't know what to do so I decided to go down stairs grab some food and sit with her for awhile before I had to go home. I sat there for awhile and then I told her that I had to go home. I live by myself so when I got home my house was as dead as night except for the loud noise my answer machine was making. When I pressed the button my doctor said he needed to see me. My doctor usually never calls me so I better go find out what he wants. I went and took a shower before I got ready to go to the doctors. I got dressed and was about ready to go to the doctors when the doorbell rang.

“Who in the hell is that.”

I answered the door and it was Leyla. She was very quiet there for awhile before she asked if she could come in. I let her in and went straight to the kitchen to fix us up some coffee

“So Leyla what did you want to talk to me about.”

She didn't answer me so I turned around to ask her what was wrong. But before I could say anything else she gave me a hug.

“Leyla wh….what are you doing.”

I didn't know what to do, but I eventually had to give her a hug in return. This huge lasted about ten minutes before she kissed me.

“I love you Zeke I have for a long time now, but I have never been able to tell you. And when you did all those things for me to day I knew I had to tell you, but I will understand if you don’t feel the same about me.” It was so much to take in, but I was barely able to respond.

“No! I do love you it’s just that this all happened so suddenly that I thought my heart was about to explode.”

We talked to each other for a while, but when I saw the time I told her that I had to go to the doctors. She was very adamant about coming with me so I drove us to the doctors. When we arrived I checked in and waited for the doctor. It was almost midnight before the doctor came and told me to come with him. The walk was very quiet and tens that I was starting to sweat. Then when we were secluded he looked very solemn.

“What's wrong doctor you looked like you just seen a ghost.”

He didn't answer right away which started to make me get this queasy feeling in my stomach. Was something wrong?

“Zeke remember when we decided to run a test to see if you had cancer.”

“Yeah so you said the test were negative. That I didn't have cancer.”

“Well see here's the problem we read the wrong test results it turns out you do have cancer.”

When he said this it felt like somebody had just stabbed me in the gut.

“How in the hell do you read the wrong test results.” We both stood there quietly for awhile.

“Well is there anything that you can do for me.”

 “Well we can start you on a couple rounds of chemo every couple of weeks and see what happens from there.”

February Journal Entry

Day 1- I have been on chemo for at least a month now and the doctors are telling me that the tumor is still not shrinking. I can’t expect much to happen after a month of chemo with no results. Leyla came to visit me after this though which brought my spirit up. We talked for awhile, but she broke down in tears.

“Don’t cry please I need you to be strong for me because if you're strong then I will be.”

I got her to calm down and I told her that I loved her, and after a while we talked some more. She left later because it was time for another treatment.

Day 2-I woke up this morning feeling even worse than before. I threw up three times in a row this morning. I just hope I start to feel a little better soon so I can go home with Leyla. I am scheduled for another treatment tomorrow so I guess I will get more sleep so I will write some more tomorrow.

Day 3-I am starting to feel better the doctors say that the tumor is finally going down and that I can go home soon. I just hope that the cancer doesn't start getting worse again. It almost got me last time, but I won’t give up.

Day 4- I finally get to go home since Leyla moved all her stuff into my house. This is good news for I get to eat some real food finally. Oh yeah my father visited me and said that he approves of Leyla so that is a plus.

Day 5- We didn't get much sleep last night we just were too distracted. When we got up Leyla made me a wonderful breakfast before she had to go to work. I’m glad I am back in my home.

August Journal Entry

Day 1- It got worse again the doctors say that it came back in force. I just hope Leyla will remain strong.  Please God let her stay strong.

Day 3- I couldn't write yesterday I was just too weak. It seems to be harder to keep up to date on my journal. I just hope everything is alright with Leyla she seems to be puking a lot.

Day 7- This will be my last entry I just don’t have the strength to write anymore. I doubt I will get better so if you’re reading this then I am probably gone, but tell Leyla that I love her and I wish I could be wither her and my son.

“What is this oh it must be the journal my father kept I wonder what it says.”  I felt her……

News report and Note found inside the journal.  

“Breaking news 26 year old woman found dead in her apartment. She was found dead by her mother on the second floor of her apartment. She appeared to have hung herself leaving behind a suicide note.”


I am sorry mother that you had to find me like this. I just couldn't stand it any longer. I tried and tried to live my life without him, but I couldn't. He was the first man I ever loved and I just couldn't get him out of my mind. Take good care of Jackson for me he will need your guidance Tell him that I love him and that I said goodbye.

© 2015 Caleb

Author's Note

This is something I wrote about because I had friend who's girlfriend died from cancer. He tried to take his life the next day, but was stopped in time by his parents. He is doing better now, but I decided to write a story that best captured the pain I saw.

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Added on January 15, 2015
Last Updated on February 3, 2015



Roberts, MT

I am new to this so please don't judge me to much. I am 17 and have been writing for only a few months. I hope to get better so please give me any pointers if you can. more..

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