Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun

A Story by Caleb

These are all of my writings I did on Halloween so Have fun.


The Stranger

The darkness is considered evil, but I enjoy it. They say they hate me for it, but what do I care they are nothing. In my world nobody can hurt me; nobody was there. Then you came along and opened up everything showing me the warmth of the light. Now I can see that both the light and the dark are nothing to be feared and they are both there to bring warmth and love not death and despair. Without the dark there shall be no light, for dark and light coexist canceling out to make life exist.

The Ghost

You see me, but do you acknowledge me? I am there, but are you? I see the eyes of a wandering soul pondering how this happened to one so beautiful. I walk up prepared to look like a fool, for I am talking to a ghost who they can not see. I ask how you died, but instead you cry. You are so happy that I can see you, but my heart shines because you take all my breath away. I am dead, but I am not mad for now I can help you not be sad.

The Werewolf

This hunger all the pain I see my victim oh sweet pain. This feeling of blood lust oh how I want to tear away this lust. In the end it takes control this sweet blood trickles down as I take your life I realize. This is me its not a lie. Thanks to you I have accepted this wonderful feeling of blood, but now you will feel this wonderful feeling for I give some of me to you.

The Vampire

I hunt I enjoy drinking the blood. You hunt me, but I have won. For when you find me I will take everything you love and make you hate. I see it know the wonderful feeling of having you as my eternal enemy just me and you. Oh the joy of the constant fighting until one day one of us will claim the others life. I will last an eternity, but you will not so one day we will fight until I die or you become like me.

The Witch

Come to me walk through my endless maze. See what happens when my wrath is upon you. You have accused me hunted me of witchery. Come now and I will show the power true magic can do to a puny human as yourself. I just wanted to live in peace, but now I will destroy everything in your village piece...by piece.   

The Windigo

I see what I am doing, but I can’t stop. When I eat, this pain I feel goes away. I try to say something, but all that comes out is a sound of pain and sorrow that you run from. I want to eat more and more everything insight for this pain is torturing me. I see them your children screaming I am sorry I can’t stop the pain is eating me. So I will eat them to stop the pain it is only a couple seconds, but the relief is bliss beyond everything. So hide if you can because I won’t stop I must eat everything until I can eat no more.

The Goblin

This is fun oh sweet fun. How I love making this mischief making you crazy. Its enjoyable seeing how you try to get rid of me. You try and try oh it is funny seeing your struggling search, but you will not find me. For I am your eternal torment until you decide to end it all. Then I will  move on to the next, for when I am done that is when I have had my fill.

The Demon

You pathetic human oh how you think you are protected from me with all those crosses. I will get in I will corrupt, for I am eternal never dying hell. I will take everything you have one by one. Your faith oh how funny to think I can’t get you. If you aren't strong in faith they will not protect you. You are mine now and I welcome you for now you're my puppet my body for my eternal fun on this earth until I am expunged.

The Corruption

It tears at me like a burning wildfire. I see my family and while I give them a kiss it is telling me to kill them all. I walk away going to work I give the children laugh in my suit. While they are laughing I feel the urge to snap their necks oh the enjoyable word. I walk away do nothing ignore the urge. I go back home go to bed and do everything over again. I have fought it of for years, but no more I do it I kill my family oh the sweet relief and joy from doing it. I feel no sadness it was fun. I got to work dress up laugh and this time I scare the children and then they see their death.  

The Psychopath

Why do I do this you ask? Well that is simple because it was fun. You people call me a Psychopath, but I call myself an artist. It is not simple to be able to make a good looking person out of many different body parts. The hard part was taking the people apart piece by piece because they always kept screaming! That was hard dealing with all those annoying painful screams! They eventually shut up though probably because of the blood loss. When you put them back together though now that was the fun part. Seeing which combination of parts made the best person. Yes I am crazy, but it was never boring.

The Personalities

They are always fighting for control not knowing the havoc they cause on the way. They each are thoughts of murderers and rapists each wanting to gain control of my mind so I came up with a solution. Each month I let one of them do what they want to. Lets just say I have started to enjoy it. Well then you better be careful because its my turn and I am going to take you through a night of eternal fun.

The ghost of the patch.

I watch over this patch you can pick a pumpkin, but you can’t smash it. You walk by me don’t notice that's good because I am hear to scare the birds and protect this patch from all kinds of pests. Smash a precious pumpkin and it will be your last for I am there ever watching, and I can make your life a living hell. Your death will be slow and the pain will be eternal. For the pain in hell will seem like a bubble bath when I get through with you.

© 2014 Caleb

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Added on December 8, 2014
Last Updated on December 8, 2014



Roberts, MT

I am new to this so please don't judge me to much. I am 17 and have been writing for only a few months. I hope to get better so please give me any pointers if you can. more..

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