One Night
A Poem by Créatif Word
Her body was numbed by the alcohol and loud music Her ecstatic frenzy blocked out all sensations of any immediate consequences Her pelvis moved melodiously to the rumba vibes Her feet carried her flow and balanced her slightly bent body She felt his throbbing extension against her full rounded buttocks So she pushed even harder so he could flood Her thoughts were everywhere Lucid, incoherent murmurs blending with the African sounds of rumba A constant knocking in her mind tried to remind her "What time is it, mother is going to be upset" It nagged at her, so she inhaled a bit of exotic weed to drown her thoughts But no matter how much she managed to convince herself to go She was imprisoned in the uncontrollable excitement of his groove His huge arms encapsulated her entire being Locked in the moment, their alcohol coated tongues met The kiss aroused magical sensations between their groins And made an unsolicited union enjoyable She felt like a real woman, as his hands appreciated her wetness "I'm out of control" she whispered in his ears "I like it baby girl, get crazy for daddy" His fingers spoke to her honey entrance in a language only the gods understood "This is bliss" she thought to herself Her drugged mind spoke in echoes, resonating in every corner of her body He had promised to call her But many sunsets had gone by Nights marinated into days and weeks into months Her heart grew wearily "I love you baby girl" The words still embraced every inch of her body And in every inch of her womb Something else grew, implanting itself With the passing mornings Her nausea grew stronger Her Stomach played tricks on her And her meals refused her refuge Palpitations and dread consumed her heart "What will mother say?" Her friends will laugh at her The club was quiet But the ghosts of a vibrant night Still lingered in the air Rumba and stale sweat Manifested into forms of delusions He was no where to be found Her cheeks greeted cold tears And her future guillotined by her actions Her mother demonized her thoughts So she ran far away Carried by a furious wind She landed in-between the ruins of society And she remembered the stories Of a lady in dark clothes A demon who snatched babies from wombs Her arms were iron apparatus And with one puff of her seductive breath Your troubles are lost and washed clean They called her Lady Puff Her last memory in the smoke of confusion Legs parted up high and cold steel Against her young 12 year old thighs "Sshh, relax little younger, "Inhale this here portion, you won't feel a thing" Lady Puff's eyes glared a persuasive flume The girl's mind was tossed by luminous smoke Mist and contorted figures carried her forth As she felt the cold between her thighs
© 2013 Créatif Word
Added on August 11, 2013
Last Updated on August 11, 2013
Créatif WordHarare, Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe
I'm a student of life, but that doesn't mean that I will go where the wind goes. I love the intricate nature of the universe and the people who live in it... more..