My Vision

My Vision

A Poem by Créatif Word

Crouching in the desert heat
My skin peeling underneath
A merciless sun above
My lips cracked from thirst
Mirages floating, invading my mind
Insanity kicking a*s so I go loco
Crouched and sand granules
Suffocating my will to live
The saturation of my lungs
Have lost their potency

The desert floats over sand dunes
Into the distant heat and simmers
The sun laughs
As its rays caress it into fiery
I’m lost in this vast arid land
My hands quiver as I try
To touch a dream
Lost in the distance
As the joker juggles dreams
Into the air and lets them go
Dropping them to crash on solid ground

I still crawl through the heat
Holding my own, myself dry
Pissed from alcohol
And medication, to lose dignity
I play around with appreciations
And infatuations in hallucinations
Trying to find their way back
My mind has gone solid
Rock hard diamond, impenetrable
I try to click my heels
To find my way back home
But clouds shade my moments
Grey, dark, searching for light
The blackness has paralyzed me
I’m lost around nothingness
Do I wait?
But for what?

On gentle wings it came
Celestial light, celebrating my being
Engulfing me through purity of sensations
Angels lighting the sky with lightening bolts
Cussing down my frailties
Rebuking my foul nature
And ending my painful afflictions
Clear clouds consume my abode
And as I kneel to welcome
The pure splendor of holiness
He came into form too immaculate
For eyes and ears to sense
And so I went blind and deaf
Purged of my sinful humanity

My mind lost for words in darkness
My heart beating in all its fullness
My senses fluttering through every pore
I sense, He was here for me
I sense the visions knocking in my head
I sense purification in my humanity
He was here
He came down unsophisticated
And held me in His glory
The visions are clear

I remember
I stood
I stood in a dark moment
Roars and spears
Metals and sparkles
Flushes of light through the air
He was held under a heavy burden
Brutality crowned his head
Piercing precious skin
Holy blood drenching the earth
But they pushed him forth
Whips cutting through His back
I saw the wounds they caused
Deep lacerations of ignorance
So I cried
But remembered that it was a vision
I couldn’t stop it

I blacked out
In the darkness I saw
Demons reaching out to grab me
Sharp whispers of heat
Fire blazing through my head
So I screamed out above
And light was restored
Three figures on crosses
Pain imprisoned their bodies
Vicious words torched them
And I saw it and understood
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing”
The sacred lips said under an ungodly weight
“…truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise”
A storm, an earth quake and Pharisees cut in half
And in the drizzle of holy blood from His body
The deaf heard
The crippled walked
The ignorant saw

And in the desert I rose
I coughed out sinful sand
My life, my being, our journey
I understood our humanity
And in humility embraced all
I shuffled off the materialist ways of me
And embraced a spiritual path
Clear sighted of my journey
God holds me close to His bosom
I will never fall or fret

© 2013 Créatif Word

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Added on August 11, 2013
Last Updated on August 11, 2013


Créatif Word
Créatif Word

Harare, Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe

I'm a student of life, but that doesn't mean that I will go where the wind goes. I love the intricate nature of the universe and the people who live in it... more..
