His Mother
Like a thunderous storm, my body was awoken
I looked within deep and my soul grinned at me
Terrified at what I had become, I turned and looked at him
Beautiful big brown eyes and cheeks full of his mother’s milk
My son, I whispered in my mind at the comfort of life
And within I felt the life I had given him
A chubby baby boy excited to live
My heart was full of love and the sweetest adorations
Like in all the days of compassion,
His father lured me to the serenity of satin sheets
We dwelled in pure lust without looking at our expectations
And from our passion came a life of pure joy
Abundant with the grace of God, the sun shone
I looked to the heavens and He smiled down at me
Basking in the light and warmth of endless Utopias
My heart fluttered, my heart song, my heart burst in joyous infatuation
And with the images and illusions, I toyed back and forward
Altered realities for my future, blurred and contorted
But I didn’t give a damn; I was special and loved by a man
In his manly arms my being levitated into planes unseen
The days got dark and my world fell to pieces
The walls of my asylum caved in
My very existence was choked and my life left me
My life seemed like a mirage, always visible but difficult to retain
A dark depression glared at me from mirrors
And from within the devil spoke, but of what?
A forked tongue constantly tickling my eardrum
The irritation drove the sanity out, I was left mad
Enraged for a passion that left me, abandoned me in the height of ecstasy
The lines of my future lost, left without definition
Plucked out from the very grasp of my own existence
How could I take care of my son, when the care for me was lost?
You took it, lied to me and made me feel so special
And now your back is all I see, your kinky afro and broad shoulders
Lost with a precious life to look after, madness drove me
His red tail amused itself as it played between my legs
Opening wounds for the world to mock me in my unstable mind
I cracked,
A pin dropped in the silence of my heart
The silent echoes broke through my arteries
Resonating deafening evils and turning my soul black
Why do you clinch a heart like this and not let go?
My ears turned deaf to my pleas, why am I here?
The world sat on my shoulders and deeper I drowned
From the womb of my flesh my baby must face the world alone
Letting go of my life, I died a thousand times and why?
The ultimate sin is letting my son suffer for my transgressions
How and why are the structures of society dictated?
I never stopped looking back my son
And in the darkness that has engulfed you
Your light shall shine effortlessly
I died the day I left you, but I know God will take care of you
Her Son
I will turn my head to a past unknown,
Stagnant like swamp water, lost like a rejected drone
I peep around corners, at a world that spat me out,
A womb that rejected my frail body leaving me in a drought
A mother well gone, ran off to a world that seemed to care,
She was drawn in by the illusion of a lustrous affair.
I will never know the pain or joy that harbored in her heart.
Tears or smiles hidden beneath a scarlet bonnet.
To the world I slipped through her eelish fingers,
Abandoned, left bare, helpless, tears without anchors.
Glorified underneath the hot sun,
I was left to the world to auction.
Innocence I guess was my impermeable cloak.
Blameless to the earth, the world engulfed me in her yoke.
In the distance, the silhouette figure of my mother,
And with time, I forgot her face, so I waited for my father.
Day dreaming of a king on a white stallion,
Strong jawed and broad shoulders and a lion of a man.
But my dreams were shattered, a father never came.
No one came so I was left without a name.
Words to comfort my soul were told,
So I let time pass by, for promises foretold.
And in the years that went by, I forgot,
The memories, the pain and anguish lay deep in my thought.
His Life
Through the winds of change Job was left bare
Favored by God for his faith, he was restored
And to the devil, he had nothing at all to compare
So the angels came to Job and his Kingdom was reformed
In all faith I have in God; he made my path clear
Like the walk in the valley of the shadow of death
He purged and burnt all things that were sent to make it obscure
He restored in me His eternal breath
Left to forge through this world alone
My strength was found and left to Him to guide
Many have tried to have Him cloned
Presenting it to me so that I might backslide
Linked through the veins of His majesty
We find purpose in the connections as we travel
Along a path we dare not see a future, we fear our inhumanity
So God has left us among ourselves to wrestle
He let the world mock me for my deficiency
And from that my awareness of myself grew
My strength fortified and character grew in all its potency
In His light I hold my head up high and start anew
He told me not to fret, because I was born in splendor
The misfortunes that became of me when I was young
Were of the tests of time that would put me out of danger
So I am thankful, I will not weep, I hold my tongue