very beautiful. '' It's the prime time, but diminishing as days pass, a mere presence of love will will make me shine, do not forget, it is the fine season, but never wait any one''. this is what I understood from the poem,
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thanks Sayed for your invaluable time and you have analysed it beautifully.
How beautifully wrapped into a small box of words. Very well thought, greatly named, perfectly touched and above all beautifully driven.
I am amazed with your skill of showing the entire creeping life that sprouts our from the earth of completely dark world and bends up to be an entire life tree.
Keep up the great write and also, keep tagging me.
Thanks for sharing a beautiful thought of yours.
Stay blessed
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much for a comprehensive review. I highly appreciate it.
The Magic Faraway Tree has been my favourite book and I remember how I missed school for a day to be truly immersed in the imaginary world that Enid Blyton had beautifully created.
Enid Blyton's b.. more..