A Book by The Creative Disaster
Samuel, the youngest of three orphans, is kidnapped while they walk far away to school. For a reason unknown to them, people are unwilling and afraid to help once they find out their inheritance. 
© 2013 The Creative Disaster
Author's Note
The first two chapters are horrible (I'm bad at beginnings), so be as harsh as you want on those. Look for any problems in the conflicts and plot/subplot development. Grammar and descriptions are of minor concern (but still are one!)
Added on July 13, 2013
Last Updated on July 13, 2013
Tags: adventure, Great Depression, Czech, novella, thieves, children, hardship, inheritance, suspense, thriller, mystery
The Creative Disaster
Hi! My name is George and I'm a high schooler with a love of writing, but then again pretty much everyone here has that love so I guess I better tell you something you don't know. What you probably do.. more..