You express well the destitution that drives some to search for solace in a bottle. I've known many like that, and one of them was me. You drink because you have a problem, and before you know it, your worst problem of all is the alcohol. Nice writing, Cool Girl.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you so much! I have friends who's sad.
It's really something I didn't expect Aless. But you describ everything like you have drink (great acting, you would be a great Dialogue writer!) It really expresses that thoughts of someone who is losing everything and that just wants everything to move on but yet, he or she wants to hold on to everything becuase he or she is too afraid of moving forward, what might await ahead? could it be worst than right now? .
Always remember that Drinking is not worth it like IM said down there, SO NEVER DO IT. I like the poem, I could feel the pain and sadness all through the poem and I could picture it right in my head too.
I like the poem, its something new from you Aless. Great write.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Thank you so very much! I appreciate your time and kindness :)
Trust me...don't ever get drunk. Its really REALLY not gonna do any good. I know from my own experience....and after lookin at what alcohol left of my so called father... Anyhow, the poem is really well done.
We cant wait to grow up and taste everything the world has to offer adults who we envy for years - starting from recognising the difference that adulthood is special because bedtime is much much later lol. But we might adopt a quick way to look/feel adult, smoking, drinking experimenting with drugs and sex and lose ourselves completely. I think you nailed a soul trying to grow up too quick here CG.
Great write my friend.
Hey everyone! I'm Cool Girl, and I love writing!
My obsessions: Coffee, Coffee Ice cream, more coffee, SPRINKLES, reading, writing, singing, playing piano, and talking :) haha
Other stuff: I cur.. more..