FanFiction For All
A Book by Taylor M.
Every once and awhile I get sudden inspiration. What do I do with it? Fanfiction. It involves my favorite characters from my favorite TV shows, such as Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. 
© 2013 Taylor M.
Author's Note
I am a HUGE Sabriel (sam/Gabriel) shipper, sorry.
Added on July 14, 2013
Last Updated on July 15, 2013
Tags: supernatural, doctor who, sherlock, wholock, superwho, superlock, sabriel, destiel, sam/gabriel, dean/castiel, doctiel, the doctor/castiel, barbeques
Taylor M.Surrey, United Kingdom
I am a young writer who wants to be heard. I am a Whovian, and a Sherlockian. I hope you enjoy my writing, because I often get ambarassed by my work. I mostly write about romance, heart-break, suspens.. more..