![]() Car CrashA Story by Taylor M.![]() Dean, Sam, Castiel, and Harley get into a crash.![]()
Harley was a demon, sure. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t have friends. Transporting herself into the backseat of the familiar Impala, she shouted, “Hey friends!” A large grin was on her face until she noticed Castiel sitting next to her, and she hissed. Her brunette hair hung in her eyes. Although she liked Sam and Dean, Castiel was a different matter.
"Great. Another monster" Castiel hissed back. Harley frowned.
"I'm not a monster, Castiel." She said, blowing her bangs out of her face. "Am I Sammy?" She asked, and giggled slightly as he only hummed in response. Knowing it would make Castiel uncomfortable, she flicked her eyes to black as she looked at the angel. Castiel sighed and shuffled closer to the window, staring at the dark road.
"An atrocity by any means" he muttered. He knew it would stir up trouble, but couldn't help it.
"You're one to talk... angel." Harley growled. Dean looked into the rear-view mirror.
"Alright kids, calm down." He joked, only half kidding. Sam was busy studying an old book, and he just slightly lifted his head to acknowledge Dean's words.
"So what are you here for this time?" he said sarcastically.
"I'm just checking up on my friends, C man." Harley said jokingly. In all honesty, she had mostly expected Castiel to be here, but she loved picking on him. "You'd know what that's like." Castiel glared at the demon, seeing the mischievious glint in her eye. He knew fine right she liked annoying him, so he decided to do the same. He stretched, yawning loudly and moving into the middle of the back seat, glancing at the demon before he held his hands half a meter apart, parallel and let holy light - the light used to smite demons - stream from hand to hand, much like a slinky. Harley winced and moved herself closer to the window. She whimpered quietly, and kept her eyes on the light. As she focused on it, her eyes changed from black to a normal, ruddy brown.
"What are you doing?" She asked, trying to be brave.
"Nothiiiing" Castiel said, in an uncharacteristic sing-song voice, dragging his hands further apart and let the light bounce over his fingertips, occasionally letting droplets fly off, closer and closer to Harley. He didn't even know what he was expecting the demon to do... fight, maybe?
"Pity you don't have an cool 'demon' tricks to play with" he mused elbowing the demon in a fake playful manner.
Harley became increasingly worried as the drops fell closer. Her worried gaze fell over Cas' face and she thought about her options. Hiding her hand with her jacket, she formed a small flame on her finger tip. "Please stop." She implored, her voice quiet. She cringed every time his elbow touched her. Castiel heard her voice change, but continued his child-like antics. Dean glanced at them in the rear view.
"Guys... can it in, will you. Trying to drive here." he said unamused. But Castiel didn't stop... he didn't know if it was the fact that the demon was unpure, or the fact that she had an unconditional friendship with the winchesters that he found hard to maintain, but she hit a nerve every time she appeared... so he decided to stoop down to a level below hers. He flicked a few drops against the window... she didn't know he was avoiding her... smiling at her with his face illuminated by light. Harley's eyes widened as the drops came dangerously close to her face. In her mind, he was trying to kill her, and she reached for the pocket knife she always had handy. Of course it wouldn't kill the angel, but it might distract him for a few moments. It crossed Harley's mind to tell Dean, but she shook the idea and waited for a good opportunity. Finally, her nerves snapped, and she lashed out with the small blade. As the blade sunk into Castiel's cheek, he yelped, losing control of the light as he jerked his hands up in self defense. His cry startled Dean who swerved the car into middle of the fortunately empty road. The light he had been catching blalsted from one hand through the window of the impala, shattering the entire door, and when the car swerved the pair in the back were thrown through the unstable door, which splintered and crashed down the road behind the car, followed by Castiel and Harley tumbling behind it. The impala screeched to a halt, accompanied by frantic swearing from both brothers. Harley quickly scrambled to stand up. She was bleeding from her knees and one elbow. She was afraid, very afraid. She didn't like it when men swore, and she cringed. Part of her wanted to run away, but instead she ran over to Castiel. "Are... you okay... Castiel?" She asked, her voice broken with pain. She was worried about him, but she would never admit it. She was still deadly afraid of him now, but she still didn't want him to be wounded. She almost tried to crouch next to the angel, partly hoping Dean and Sam wouldn't see her. Castiel rolled onto his back, reeling. There was pain everywhere, and although he could heal it usually, he had just wasted a lot of energy dispelling all that holy light through the door. He inwardly cursed his stupidity, why did he have to be such a child towards Harley? He put his hand to his hand, feeling torn skin and a heavy stream of blood, but when he tried to get up his leg buckled, sending him back onto his back. He groaned, hearing Sam and Dean running and cursing, but the car was going quite fast and had stopped quite a distance away. His vision started to form white dots, but a small, concerned voice brought him back to the road. He heard Harley crouch beside him, a wavering hand on the knife lodged in his face. He looked into her terrified face.
"I'm so sorry" he coughed, turning his head to spit out a mouthful of blood and possibly a tooth, before turning back. "That was completely stupid of me... I can't believe I was so childish. I could have killed you if that light had have...." he tailed off, hearing Sam and Dean approach, calling both their names, not angry as he expected, but terrified.
"Are you hurt?" Castiel asked Harley, as Sam was the first to bound up.
"Harley, Castiel!" he shouted, grabbing Harley into an uncharacteristic embrace before grabbing her arms and looking for injury Harley was surprised, as she had expected the brothers to be furious. Shaking she said,"I'm fine, help Cas!" Harley's voice wavered and she thought she might cry. Strange enough, she had never cried before.
"I'm okay, Cas." She said weakly, kneeling next to Castiel. "Don't be sorry. I'm going to fix you right up, and you're going to be fine." She promised, her cheeks were pale white and tears were dripping down her cheeks and landing on Castiel's chest. Ripping off a sleeve of her shirt, she gently wiped Cas' fore head. She decided it would be better not to pull the knife out now. "I didn't mean to." She whimpered, clutching his jacket with her free hand. Castiel suppressed a cry as a rag was wiped across his head, sending shockwaves of pain shooting across his entire head. His 'mojo' as Dean called it wasn't replenishing itself... probably because he had been using such a massive amount of light energy to show off to the demon... enough to smite at least ten of them... he felt wet on his chest and looked up to see Harley leaning over him, crying, but reassuring him and attempting to tend to his many injuries.
"It's not your fault" he murmured as she whimpered, tears of his own rolling down his cheek as he realised that just because she was a demon, didn't warrant him calling her a monster... or anything else he had bitterly said to her. he brushed his hand against hers, causing them both to gasp in pain, but looked her in the eyes
"I was wrong about you, you know. Maybe you're okay." he tried to laugh but doubled up in pain as he inhaled. Sam was beside them in a second, clumsy hands not sure who to help as they were both covered in blood and crying.
"Jesus, what a mess" Sam said, "I thought you two could heal yourselves?" but before anything else could be said, Dean, who had stopped to inspect the busted car door, bounded over... with the anger Castiel had been expecting.
"Son of a B***H!" he shouted, "The car! Baby! She's ruined! What the actual hell did you pair do!" he fumed, not looking at the scene before him. Harley unsteadily stood up.
"It was me." She said weakly, stepping towards Dean. "I stabbed Castiel, and he just defended himself." She said, "I didn't think it would cause this." She added, fiddling with her hands. Through her slowing tears she winked at Castiel. As scary as Dean was, she didn't honestly care right now. Her hand still tingled from when Castiel had touched it, In honesty, it didn't sting, it was a warm tingling feeling. Casting a glance at Sam, she whispered, "I'm sorry." Her knees burned and she squeezed her hands shut. She wanted to be next to Castiel, comforting him... well... comforting her. But she stood strong, closing her eyes. Dean looked at her for a long moment, taking in the blood, her trembling form and the fear and regret in her eyes. His stance softened, and he hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder. "Harley... I guess it's okay. Cas can mojo my baby back to normal. Anyway I saw him doing his little a*s-angel trick back there... I'll bet that factored into the stabbing thing too." He sighed and Sam came over
"You two are massive babies... but you're our friends, so you can get away with this... but you're buying us drink and food next time we stop" he smiled.
"Okay." Harley agreed, looking at the Winchesters. She hugged both of them as her heart swelled with relief. "Can we help Castiel, though?" She asked, already walking back towards the angel. She almost felt some sort of magnetic pull leading her towards him. Checking him for more wounds she sighed.
"How's the patient?" Harley asked lightly, her legs were still burning, so she sat with them pulled up to her chest. The wrecked car was a long walk away, and she wondered if she could carry Castiel to the backseat. Castiel was deathly pale, drawing in rapid, ragged and shallow breaths. His watery eyes swivelled up to Harley, her face swimming in front of him.
"I'm still not healing" Castiel gasped out, a hand jerking up to cover his chest, which hurt when he talked. His head was still sticky and oozing blood, and he was in so much pain he couldn't decipher whereabouts he was injured. Castiel clenched his teeth, bringing a fist to his head and leaning into it, trying not to scream as he moved, hoping he could somehow make it back to the car. No such luck. He squinted back at Harley, worried.
"I think my vessel is in shock" Castiel coughed. He felt like a hypocrite, asking Harley to help, but Sam and Dean didn't know he couldn't heal yet... they weren't even coming over. They were probably still waiting for him to fix the car so they could drive. He curled up even tighter as a particularly strong wave of pain washed over him Harley knew it would hurt him, but she gathered Castiel up in her arms.
"It'll be okay, just don't panic." She whispered, ripping up her jacket and tying the strips of cloth around the wounds on his arms and legs. Lifting him up slowly, she tried to ignore his cries of pain. Harley had wrapped a sleeve around his head, and the blood was already soaking through. She cast a desperate look to Sam and Dean, but they didn't notice her. "I'm taking you to a hospital." Harley choked, the tears continuing as she held his almost limp figure in her arms. Being a demon, of course she was strong. "I can still transport." "No!" Castiel choked out, unable to stop himself crying out as broken bones were forced to grind against each other. His body was spasming with the pain, something he had never had to experience before. He clung tightly to the sleeves of the demon, and buried his face in her jacket to stifle a scream. "We can't just leave...." he stopped, finding it hard to speak. "can't just leave the winchesters... this is my fault... and the holy light" he fisted his hands tightly and took a deep breath, "it could attract anything, the amount was so large... easily picked up and followed" he looked up at the demon, "We can go to a motel room... and anyway you're also injured" he directed her eyes towards the blood still trickling from her knees and elbows, and there could be other internal injuries. "You need to save your energy. We can drive to a motel, pick up medical supplies on the way." he sniffed, feeling embarrassed, "if you could just make sure to control the bleeding during the drive there" he trailed off, it was unbelievable that he was aksing an injured woman, the injuries due to his own idiotic antics, to help take care of him during a no doubt break neck speed drive once the winchesters realised the siutation. Just as the thought occured, Sam realized something was up, grabbing Dean's sleeve and leading him over.
"Guys... you okay?" Sam asked.
Harley shook her head. "We need to get to a pharmacy." Harley said simply, already carrying Castiel towards the crashed vehicle. "And then a motel." She added, her voice cracking. Harley hoped that Castiel didn't think this was his fault. "Okay, Castiel." She murmured, as if trying to make herself believe. "It's going to be okay." Her heels had fallen off when she had fallen from the car, and she walked barefoot, wincing every time she set weight on her right ankle. Setting Castiel lightly in the back seat of the crumpled Impala, all she wanted was for him to be okay. She couldn't imagine him dying. Which was strange, considering she had hated him almost just thirty minutes ago. She wiped the remnants of tears gently off of his cheeks. Castiel's eyes filled with water again as Harley wiped his cheeks, reminding him why he was crying in the first place. He closed his eyes tightly and breathed in. He wasn't going to start again, when he had put her through this, and she was being so kind. He flinched as he settled into the backseat, the corner of the seat singed from their stupid fight. He wondered how they would drive. Sam and Dean reached the pair, having followed them as Harley began to walk to the car, the brothers stopping to carry parts of the door over. Dean reached Harley, looking at her quizically
"Is your ankle okay? And is feathers here going to fix the car so we can get going?" Harley poked him in the chest.
"You've got a rachet-strap in the trunk. Attach the door to the roof, and...get...driving." Harley said, her voice low. "Put you're foot on the gas, and don't stop." She added, walking quickly towards the car door and lifting it easily. Harley set the door on the top of the car, a tad hard. Releasing her anger and pain in the blow. Turning to Sam she said, "Find the nearest pharmacy, and the closest motel. We have three hours, tops." Harley was upset, and whenever she got upset, her eyes went to black. She peered dangerously to a small chunk of metal on the road, and with a wave of her hands, it burst into flames. Setting herself next to Cas' shoes she said loudly. "I suggest we leave now." Her back was facing the hole where the door was supposed to be, and she held on to the small handle above the hole. © 2013 Taylor M.Author's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Taylor M.Surrey, United KingdomAboutI am a young writer who wants to be heard. I am a Whovian, and a Sherlockian. I hope you enjoy my writing, because I often get ambarassed by my work. I mostly write about romance, heart-break, suspens.. more..Writing