Jazz Cats

Jazz Cats

A Poem by CrazyEm

Sensual alley cat's song.


Soft cat paws

whisper through the night,

and pad alleyways,

by the fog-quenched light.


Roaches scuttle from cans,

pinprick feet tickle brick streets,

and a man outta luck

croons a slow, sad tune,

and taps his boot in the muck.


Rats slide slimy bellies

through mounds of trash heaven.

The man’s stomach

rumbles hungry drums,

craving cracker crumbs.


The working girl strides by.

Weary, stilettoed feet

click-clack a beat,

before crackling beads, and sequined friction,

disappear onto a fog-veiled van seat.


Intake of breath,

and rustling nose hairs

pick up her eau de toilette.

Sharp, floral scent of Joy by Patou,

mingled with choking Diesel puffs,

and ripe, caustic foodstuffs.


The man croons on

after the girl is gone,

and the low howl

of the alley cat's song,

cries a bloody tune

of love gone wrong.


Liquid amber feline eyes,

glow like star-speckled skies.

Creeping cotton paws,

and scritching deadly claws

ghost toward the jazzy man,

ending his lazy tune, 

with a drowsy purr,

stroking satin fur.


© 2013 CrazyEm

Author's Note

Just a fun poem I wrote in an hour. I imagine it's set in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. It's a poem of sounds, did you hear them?

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Very atmospheric. Wasn't what I expected when I started reading it, but still enjoyed it!

Posted 11 Years Ago

The sounds come through in a very rhythmic fashion, it made it easier to picture the landscape you were describing. Nicely done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I did hear them. I wasnt expecting that ending! Very nice though.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I did hear them! :) Classic poem! And a really great idea. Plus.. cats rock! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you, cats do rock! Maybe I'll write a rock song about them :)
The Nude Writer

11 Years Ago

:) Would love to hear that one :)

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4 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2013
Last Updated on February 26, 2013
Tags: cats jazz blues hobos prostitute



London, Ontario, Canada

You can call me Em. I'm 19, and I'm in University going for an honours degree in English and History. I write in a lot of different genres, but I mostly enjoy writing fantasy, and horror. I love explo.. more..

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