Edward Cullen Is the collapse of the world Where every teenage girl has become more shallow Than ever before Obsessed with looks and reading stupid books Many teens are spoiled Too many of them have cellphones They are over stimulated WIth technology that manipulates In the twilight movies Bella is extremely selfish and is often expressionless She stares into space Obsessed with Edward's face She's making a mistake Her personality is fake She don't care about her High School friends All she cares about is having a boyfriend What message does this send To little girls then? Isolate yourself from the world Just so you can be someone's girl? Run away from your dad Forget everything that you ever had Edward Cullen's Personality is sullen Bella's personality is often dull then I'm sure eventually their love will go wrong After many years as a Vampire All of her friends are gone She'll wonder what have I done?
For Vampires, I'll stick to Bram Stoker's "DRACULA", or F.W. Murnau's German silent classic "NOFERATU". Although I must admit, I did like "FRIGHT NIGHT". The 1985 version, NOT the 2011 one.
None of the girls I went to high school with would have hung out with a pallid faced, mascara wearin', glowing eyed dude like Edward Cullen. Recommended blood transfusions and vitamins, fed him liver and onions maybe, sure. But be seen in public with him, much less go off into the woods ALONE with him? ... was not happenin'!
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
I don't get how Dracula turned into a 98 pound sparkly guy. It disturbes me.
I like how you have brought the bigger picture forward with this one aspect of teen girldom hehe - I will admit I read all 4 Twilight books and loved them - I think teenage girls have always been a little boy crazy and from about 12-15 all you think about is getting a boyfriend, at least I did and that was way before these novels - So sadly I fear that's just the curse of being a teenage girl, to pine over a perfect man who doesn't exist - eventually we do get over it tho ;) - great work reviewer!
Posted 12 Years Ago
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Hmm, it's interesting you take this take with Edward. I really enjoyed the books, I don't really care for Bella in either book or the movie. In the book, Bella is too annoying and in the movie, Kristen doesn't portray the character the book at all. She creates a different Bella. One thing I like in the movie though (not sure if happens in the book) is that Jasper and Alice hold hands in the car when they take Bella to Arizona. It makes me feel happy to see that their love lasted all this time (even though its fake). But I can see what your saying. Doesn't send a good message.
So true!!!! i do love vampires, but not twilight. I gotta say the books were good. But the movie sucked. And yes many teenagers these days have no respect and care about popurlaity. This poem is really good :)
The poetic persona's dislike for the Twilight Saga is very much expressed in this poem. Though this is full of biases, I would still say that I enjoyed reading this piece.The line "She don't care about her High School friends" should be "She DOESN'T care about her High School friends".
Nice work, The Reviewer. You've just made an explosion over here. (=
For Vampires, I'll stick to Bram Stoker's "DRACULA", or F.W. Murnau's German silent classic "NOFERATU". Although I must admit, I did like "FRIGHT NIGHT". The 1985 version, NOT the 2011 one.
None of the girls I went to high school with would have hung out with a pallid faced, mascara wearin', glowing eyed dude like Edward Cullen. Recommended blood transfusions and vitamins, fed him liver and onions maybe, sure. But be seen in public with him, much less go off into the woods ALONE with him? ... was not happenin'!
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
I don't get how Dracula turned into a 98 pound sparkly guy. It disturbes me.
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