Gray Coats: Part 2

Gray Coats: Part 2

A Chapter by CraziiDeerz

They're after her...and there's no stopping them...


Fria’s face showed despair and pain as if this guy’s voice hurt her. She winced when the gray coat tightened his grip even harder. “Let me go.” ‘This was all she said to defend herself? She sounded like she was giving up and that this was her last attempt to be free!’ I thought. She spoke so softly and quietly that I almost couldn’t hear. Was she crying? I didn’t really know. What I did know, was that she was scared.


Then, the guy in the gray suit (I never did learn his name) began to say something. His lips were barely moving. I couldn’t hear a single word…it was as if he knew that someone was eavesdropping. However, Fria’s face was changing as the guy spoke. Her eyes grew wider; her mouth opened in astonishment, and her body was beginning to shake. I could even see a single tear reflecting the surrounding lights. She slowly began to shake her head.


The gray suit dude grinned cruelly as if he were enjoying this torture of his. When he finally began to speak up a little, I heard him say, “Now, now, Fria, no need to be afraid. You’ll just come with us and everything will be alright.” He actually sounded quite soothing. If I had walked in right now, I would have guessed that this guy wasn’t all that evil (although the setting might have made me think otherwise).


Fria began to really shake, then. I thought she was going to explode…well, she sort of did. “No,” she began. “I won’t�'go�'with�'you.” Fria finally looked up into the gray suited man’s eyes. I saw the tiniest wince from her face, yet she still kept her stare. Personally, I thought she was just as intimidating as he was.


“Fria, don’t make this difficult. We can�'” The gray suited guy’s “soothing” voice was beginning to fail. Fria was tough. She doesn’t let people push her around. As her bodyguard, I have to be extra careful not to get her way.


She interrupted the man mid sentence, clearly fed up with his act. “Stop! You leave me alone!” Her voice echoed through the darkness like a song in an opera house. She shook the guy’s grip away and backed up until she ran into the white and black suited men. She was scowling and clenching her teeth in rage.


I found it very weird that the gray suited dude laughed. Was it amusing to him? Only a twisted, sick person would snicker at such a horrible thing. There was obviously something wrong with this guy. One question was running through my mind over and over again, and basically has been ever since that one night I first saw Fria and this mysterious man was what do they want with Fria? No one just gets a team of grunts (along with some nice looking suits) just to kidnap some random girl on the street. There was definitely a reason for all of this. Supposedly, it’s “top secret” and even I’m not allowed to know. It’s something that’s only between Fria and her father.


Just as I was about to step out from behind my hiding spot, Fria found a breach in the wall of the black and white suits. She slipped out, fell to the ground, quickly brought herself back up, and darted in the first direction that she spotted. Although I don’t think she really paid attention to it, she was heading for me.


I wanted to run away. There was a voice deep, deep down inside me that was telling me to get out of there; to leave before I got involved. But another, stronger, louder voice told me to stay. Now that it’s been a year with my new bodyguard job, I’m so glad that I didn’t leave that one afternoon; so glad that I didn’t abandon Fria.


When she ran, she was fast. I only had a second or two to gather my thoughts. The gray suit guy sighed and stayed where he was while his sidekicks chased after Fria. But, for a split moment, I caught the gray coat’s eye and he caught mine. His eyes widened as he began to realize that I had been standing there listening in on his conversation the entire time. He was getting pretty dang mad. “Wait!” he yelled. The black and white suits stopped dead in their tracks like robots following a command.


Even Fria slowed down a little, clearly puzzled by this. Yet, she still kept moving. I didn’t know what to do. ‘Should I step out? The gray suited guy already knew I was there. Should I escape? I could probably make it without getting caught.’ Several different options as to what to do ran though my head.


But it all didn’t really matter. I lost the thinking time. Before I could even move, Fria ran right into me. I was almost knocked right off my feet, but the wall prevented my falling. Fria’s very first reaction was shock. She began flailing her arms everywhere in an attempt to get away. She probably thought I was one of those white or black coats. Finally, I looked into her eyes, she looked into mine, and she calmed down. I could just read the fear, determination, and confusion. I felt as though we were looking at each other for hours. I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I could’ve sworn that I saw the tiniest and quickest bit of a smile.


“I see you over there, sir.” Our gaze was disrupted by the gray coat. Fria jumped and went behind me. Was I like her human shield? I didn’t really care. Something came over me, and I place my body protectively in front of her. I felt like I’d known Fria for years. I came out from behind my little corner, and she followed my footsteps. Again, Hanalise and Arabella crossed my mind for some odd reason.


The gray coat had turned to shoot his laser eyes through my head. I could now get a better look at him. When I say ‘bad guy’, what appears in your head? It may be what this dude looks like; creepy, frightening, etc. His eyes were coal black. Not a cool shade of black like Fria’s eyes, but a cold, evil, and eerie shade. His hair was unnaturally light blonde. I guessed that he originally had dark brown hair, but I’m a guy, so I’m not all that style savvy. He was very, very pale and rather tall. He even looked pretty brawny, as well (which intimidated me a little bit).


Realizing that he might’ve been freaking me out some, the gray coat wiped the grim expression off his face and replaced it with a fake look of welcome as if he were about to use that voice of his on me. “Young man, what do you think you’re doing?”

© 2011 CraziiDeerz

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Author's Note

Thanks for any reviews or reads!!! All support and criticism is greatly appreciated!!! THANKS EVERYONE!!!! <3

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Added on June 1, 2011
Last Updated on June 1, 2011



Aurora, IL

Hey guys! I guess I'm pretty new here, but all that matters is that I love to read and write. This isn't the first story-sharing site I've been on. I'm on WattPad, DeviantArt, Fictionpress, and a few .. more..
