Gray Coats: Part 1

Gray Coats: Part 1

A Chapter by CraziiDeerz

They're after her...and there's no stopping them...


Alright, let's get things straight. My name is Luca Don, and my job is to protect Fria Varing. She’s the most beautiful, smartest, nicest, and overall the most perfect girl you could ever meet. I’ve been her “bodyguard” for about a year now, and we’ve gotten to be really close (hey, don’t get ahead of yourself, there’s nothing going on between us).


I’m not like a secret agent or anything. I’m only 19 years old, no joke. Fria has just turned 18 a couple days ago. We threw a huge party for her, although she nearly collapsed under all the pressure. There were about a hundred people invited. However, there were maybe fifty extra unwelcome guests. That was probably one of the busiest nights I’ve ever had, trying to make sure Fria wasn’t in complete danger.


Okay, so about my job. How did I get involved? Well, let’s just start with how my family wasn’t in the best condition. I grew up with a dad in the hospital most of the time and a mother trying to take care of my two younger sisters. There wasn’t much time on our hands to make income. One of us had to do something. Eventually, that one person came down to be me.


Actually, the timing couldn’t have been better. I finally graduated from high school and was ready to go looking for something to make a living off of. Considering our struggles, my sisters and I managed to maintain a rather good education.


At first, there was literally nothing available for an 18 year old who’s never been to college. I mean, really, I wasn’t expecting anything more than high school. We would never be able to afford college. Unfortunately, a good degree is essential for a good job to bring in big profits. To make things worse, my dad wasn’t doing well in the hospital. We were using every last bit of our cash to make sure that he stays healthy and alive.


But, a blessing out of nowhere was given to me. Back then, I didn’t realize what I was getting myself into.



I was just heading home from job hunting. My spirits were way down; almost to a depression level. I slowly moved one foot in front of the other as if I could put off seeing my little sisters’ jolly faces. It hurt me inside to come home, as a failure, to those little angels.


Hanalise, the older of the two at just nine years old, is shy yet clever. She has my father’s thick, dark brown hair but my mother’s striking gold-green eyes. Hanalise is at that age where she’s beginning to understand our family issues. Her face back then was showing fear and uncertainty.


Arabella is my youngest sister at six years. Like me, she has long light blonde hair. Like my father, her eyes are a very pale blue. She’s…special. I’m not saying that Hanalise isn’t, but Arabella is different. She sees things. In her mind she can see things others can’t. She seems very distant all the time, as if she weren’t really on Earth. That’s one mysterious girl there; I’ve got to tell you.


Anyway, I was heading home, and out of nowhere I heard something. It made me jump and I couldn’t help but stop to wonder where the hell it came from. I had to wait for it to sound again. After a minute or two, there it was coming from my right down a dark and intimidating alley.


As soon as I realized what the sound was, I broke into a sprint into the darkness. I had no clue what it was, yet I still ran. I suppose I would consider myself rather brave. I mean, c’mon, I’m a bodyguard for crying out loud.


I could hear a girl screaming; it sounded as if she were struggling. For some odd reason, Hanalise and Arabella popped into my head when I heard this girl shout. Clearly this damsel in distress was much older than six or nine, but it didn’t really matter. I still ran as fast as I could.


I paid no attention to the burning in my lungs. Something was drawing me towards this girl. I mean, seriously, who would actually go looking for trouble, running into a big, dark alley unknowing of what’s to come? For all I knew, it was an army of thugs with guns and stuff. Normally, I wouldn’t get involved in fights, but it was as if there was some invisible force pulling me along. I believe now that it was fate.


Finally I turned a corner and saw her. There was a girl�'obviously it was Fria�'and she took my breath away. Even while she was troubled, and frightened, she still looked stunning. I know, I know, what the hell was I doing just standing there, gawking at her while she was in danger? Believe me, you would’ve gazed at her too if you saw her. Her hair is pitch black like the midnight sky (she even has a natural crown that reminds you of the moonlight reflection). Her eyes are nearly just as dark as her hair. She isn’t as pale as you might think she is, though. No, she isn’t Goth or Emo or anything. She’s just…well, beautiful in a mysterious way.


I shook myself back to concentrate on the actual situation. I swear to God, I had to stop and make sure I wasn’t hallucinating or anything. There were strange men in white and black suits surrounding Fria. They were aligned in a circular pattern that went white, black, white, black, and so on. There was one guy standing in the middle, directly in front of Fria and his suit was a light gray. He clearly stood out from all the others. From the angle that I was looking at him from, he appeared to be quite young; possibly just a little older than myself, actually.


Fria looked extremely uncomfortable, mostly because this gray suited jerk was right up against her. He must’ve been trying to intimidate her or something, I don’t know. She was trying to look away, down at her sneakers, to avoid this dude’s glare. He was staring lasers into the top of her head. No matter where you looked, there was no other escape other than the dark alley I was hiding in. Fria was surrounded and the gray coat was slowly making his way to grip onto her arms. His hands gently moved up her wrist and finally settled upon her forearms.


Surprisingly, Fria did try to escape. Before I even did anything, she gave it a go. She jerked out of the gray coat’s hold, abruptly turned and used all her strength to push past the wall of the black and white suits. Unfortunately, those idiots were locked tight in their form. They didn’t budge a bit. They absorbed her strength and used it against her to knock her back into the gray suited guy. This time, he grasped her arm very tightly with his hands and brought her closer than before. His face was only inches away from hers. I don’t know why, but this made me furious. I was ready to jump out and make a move or something.


I was hiding behind the brick wall alley corner and I was just close enough to make out what they were saying. “Don’t struggle. You’ll just make things worse.” the gray coat said. Yep, this guy was young. He sounded young. But his voice still had a snake-like tone to it. You know, like an evil tone. He sounded a bad guy. And he meant trouble.

© 2011 CraziiDeerz

Author's Note

Thanks to anyone who reads or reviews! Everything that you guys do is appreciated!

Part 1

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Added on May 31, 2011
Last Updated on May 31, 2011



Aurora, IL

Hey guys! I guess I'm pretty new here, but all that matters is that I love to read and write. This isn't the first story-sharing site I've been on. I'm on WattPad, DeviantArt, Fictionpress, and a few .. more..
