Jade of Everen - Chapter Three

Jade of Everen - Chapter Three

A Chapter by Cousitarian

Round and round and round August as well as Ashlen go. Where they will stop, no one truly knows.


Chapter Three: “Chase after Chase after… Chase”

“Moon, watch it, look out! Too close, girl, too close! You’ve got to prepare better for those downed trees better when �" Ditch! Yes, good wolf! Excellent leap there!”

What had started out as nothing more than a search to return one lost lamb back to the village had become a wild goose chase for something completely unknown in identity. This was August’s opinion of the matter anyway and he found he was alone in thinking such. No one else, neither the wolves nor his sibling, paid heed to his apparent caution. Like the foolish youths they were; they ran then, thought later of wariness. Ahead of August, whenever she would glance back to check on him, he could see his sister actually having the time of her life while holding tightly onto her steed. Even with her on his back, it was somewhat unnerving to see the incredible pace that Ajax was going. Whatever had the yellow wolf's attention must have truly peeked his curiosity. Nevertheless, dodging past trees along with jumping over downed logs, Moon kept up easily with her tense brother and why wouldn’t she have? Since being born, both wild dogs had been near equals in the world. Presently, they were the same young ages of ten years old, friendly to all, fierce fighters, and, as they displayed now, excelled in agility.

Regardless of knowing the capabilities of the steeds, August still felt that the canines were acting rather differently than usual towards the situation. At this, he experienced some questions pop up in his mind while he watched his sister lead ahead. The wolves, raised intentionally by everyone to be swift, were currently showing off a new kind of haste rarely seen. They only really ever became so speedy, so focused, as they were now whenever having the sure scent of prey while on a hunt. Is that what the canines thought at the moment? Were they hunting? Yes, in a sense. Still, there was nothing ordinary to hunt down ahead apart for the mysterious song. Did Ashlen not say that she had heard singing to the east, nothing more? So, what was this song or music then? What about it made everyone seem undeniably attracted to it? To get to it, why were the steeds throwing their safety, their masters’ safety, to the winds? Always had Moon as well as Ajax obeyed the wills of their riders. Always had they thought about wisdom firsthand and, thus, they commonly took to being quiet rather than crashing through the undergrowth like bears. Yet, everyone had become unlike themselves. Why were they being reckless?

What was ahead? What was coming? Those were two very troublesome riddles that were giving August a growing headache. Theoretically, he was aware that song was ahead. Song was coming to him or he was coming to it. Nevertheless, what was the source of the supposedly beautiful harmony which entranced the hunting party? That was the largest topic of all whirling around in his conscience. It wasn’t the most disturbing though. No, to be precise, he was actually recollecting dark words he’d read in old books he had been given by Father Sleevan in the past that had described unnatural things. Things that very well could be at the end of the path ahead, singing away to lure prey into their shadowy nets. Of course, as his sibling had mentioned earlier, August could very well have been overthinking things. Neither “Banshees” nor “Phantoms” or any kind of ghosts were a common sight apart for farther in the north. “Mermaids” only ever seduced victims near large bodies of water which were further eastward. Therefore, if none of these, what could be singing?

Reading wasn’t all good. Indeed, it did make one more aware of the world but it also made that same person stay up late at night having nightmares while watching the shadows closely. The truth of the matter, the only way to settle August’s paranoia going over the creatures of the night, was for him to hear the gorgeous music himself and, yes, it was very much real. It would only take a few more moments for him to hear meanwhile. That which Ashlen seemed to be hearing remained muted to her uncertain brother’s ears for the longest time as the woods whizzed by in a blur. For too long, August couldn’t hear anything apart for the whistling of wind rushing by him while rapidly moving along atop Moon and, when finally feeling that his suspicions might be correct, he looked to cease the reckless charging of the group. However, just at that moment, everything came to a halt. In attempts to hear the interesting melody once more, the dogs came to such an abrupt stop that their masters were nearly unseated. Knowing the appropriate steps to prevent from falling off, though, the riders remained mounted. As Ashlen sat up straight �" straight as the alert ears of the steeds �" August looked to make himself heard. He didn’t like the dreadful feeling rising in his mind along with his gut.

“Ash! This is too ridiculously far! Farther than we intended! We need to return to-” He was cut off when his sister frantically waved for him to quiet down. Still, August could not hear what it was that had everyone else’s attention and, now certainly uneasy, he spoke up once more, “Don’t do that to me! I still can’t hear anything and that tells me that something’s not right! We go back now! Even if I have to drag you back!”

“Ha ha, really?” Ashlen replied to this, showing amusement along with curiosity at her sibling’s unnerved tone. She swept aside her hair while adding, “You’ll drag me back, will you?”

“Yes! Yes, I will!”

“Then you’ll have to catch me first, ha!”

“It won’t be a very long race, sister! Remember who won the majority of the races, for sport or not, in the past? Indeed, I did."

"It's been a while since our last race, brother. You know that, correct?"

"There, if I can't catch you on foot, I'll have to settle having Moon getting you!"

“And how do you intend to race me down now when your wolf isn’t exactly willing to listen, hm?”

“Don’t do this to me, Ash! Something’s not right. I should hear your mysterious music too by now and the fact that I don’t means-”

“That means that you’re rambling, brother,” Was Ashlen’s witty response, jokingly leaning towards August while grinning her usual grin, “and letting yourself get the best of you. Relax. Loosen up. Think on the lighter side. For one, I didn’t call for this stop. Sooner or later, with or without our say, the wolves are going to take off again but, before they do, let me ask you one thing. Are you sure you can’t hear what I hear?”

“Haven’t I already said that I can’t-”

“No, August, no.” With that forceful interruption, Ashlen purposefully directed attention away from herself towards the surrounding woods as well as stated, “Don’t say anything. Don’t do anything. Do as the rest of us do… Just listen.”

With what he thought was the right way of doings things welling up inside him, with his fear near to overflowing in his chest, August didn’t exactly feel like doing what his sister told him to do. Instead, he wanted to help his fellows get over what he thought was a "siren’s" call decisively taking a hold of them. For all he knew, that was what was presently going on. He very much thought this a possibility until, reluctantly, he followed his sibling’s example. He sat up straighter upon his steed and, like how Moon was, he became attentive for something evidently indescribably beautiful ringing throughout the forest. Instantly after, a second hadn’t passed by when a slight breeze rolled through where August could have sworn he heard something indeed alluring. Then �" he could not have only sworn but attested it this time �" his ears definitely caught things reverberating among the trunks around him. Everywhere there were high, low, smooth, as well as deep notes resonating from somewhere. Where was that somewhere though? Immediately, before he could stop himself from showing it, August was eager to find out the answer. A moment later, he regained his senses and, humored, he looked to his smiling sister who understood what he wanted to say without words.


“Yes.” Ashlen said, looking around at the environment in turn, “There you go, August. You know it now… We can’t go back. We need to find what’s singing.” Yes, now when hearing it too, her brother couldn’t disagree. There was no option of turning around.

What a fool August had been to be afraid of such exquisiteness! Oh, yes, he had had plenty of reasons for being formerly cautious. With good solid reason now, his fears had disappeared though. Literally, down to his very core, he experienced nothing miserable anymore but the warmest feelings of comfort, easiness, even joy as the resonate melodies continued to reach him. He wanted to explore, to move, to even run for no purpose and, due to this, the motive for why the wolves ran, not crept, was made clear. There was so much energy, too much of it, in the air to stay immobile! No one could ignore its call. Thus, as August listened to more of the mysterious song, its positive influences were made clearer to him until he certainly confirmed no ill spectral could be the source. True, he hadn’t ever heard a fiend sing in his life beforehand. Still, judging by the info from the books, he could very well guess that the tune he currently listened to would have more of a sinister feel if it was the workings of a demon. It most certainly wouldn’t make him recall things that made him happiest.

August wasn't a complicated individual. No, where most favored the idea of being wealthy or powerful, he adored the simplest things in his life. As the music coolly grew higher in pitch it called back memories that made him not see the woodlands but have them be substituted by a dazzling brook during the Rebirth Season. After, as the music gradually fell in pitch, the spring brook framed with melting snow changed into Whistler’s heavily cropped farmland under a strong sun only the Sun Season could bring. Then, it was as the music entered a long comfortable note that nearly seemed to meld into the air that the Eden family appeared to their adopted son’s mind’s eye. There they were; not August’s true father, mother, or sister but they were real enough to have made him into a good mortal. It was because of them �" because of happy Jasper, generous Nella, and encouraging Ashlen �" that he was able to say as well as feel that he was a worthy Whistlerian. That he was a good kristia of the All Father, despite his sins. August was happier than anything when remembering his adopted family and, among all the faces before him, he looked upon Ashlen’s longest. For a few moments, he might have even looked at her more than as his sister. He might have loved her very much more than that also. That was until she couldn’t help but crack into a shy smile under her brother’s gaze and, with that, reality returned to him. He had been staring at her for too long.

The odd music was angelic. In mere moments, like August had just experienced, it could make anyone lose themselves in their best moments. That wasn’t a terrible thing as he'd feared but a grand one. It was something the world couldn’t get enough of these days.

“What were you looking at, brother of mine?” Wondered Ashlen, showing very deep want for an answer from her recovering sibling while her face resumed its regular shade rather than being cherry red, “Did you want something from me?” Perhaps. Perhaps, someday as everyone back home predicted, August would want something more from his sister. He kept running from it but the possibility would arise eventually. At some time in the future, he probably would want her love. For now, though, there were other things to be focused on rather than an awkward romance in the woods. However, as the wolves remained still and alert, it seemed August wasn’t going to get away without giving his expectant sister some kind of answer to her question.

“Did I want something from you? Well, I… Was I looking at you? I don’t-”

For once, Moon’s recklessness was properly timed. To Ashlen’s surprise as well as August’s relief, before her master could speak another word, the black she wolf appeared to decide on a direction to take through the forest and bounded forward past Ajax who followed. At once, it didn’t exactly feel right to either hunter to have left their conversation half finished. Still, the chance to wrap thing sup had passed them by. Trailing behind her brother, Ashlen couldn't help but show her obvious dislike at not getting an answer to her inquiry. During the song’s course, August had looked at her in the most peculiar way. He seemed to be entranced by her. She would very much have liked to know what his fascination was with her, with her face, at that moment. She could half guess the reason already but, due to a lifetime of uncertainty, she couldn’t be sure of it. Was he willing to love her? That’s where she dearly needed her sibling’s own answer of why he looked at her so intently. Nonetheless, she had a weird feeling he wouldn’t have answered her nor wouldn’t for a long time and with him presently leading the way she couldn’t pursue the subject any further. Once more, now with August included, everyone had refocused on finding the source of the eastward singing. The questions would have to be answered whenever another opportunity presented itself.

The eager chase, the tracking, assumed a climb uphill next where the wolves were slowed but not discouraged. With every passing moment, the alluring tune grew stronger in volume. Obviously because it was getting closer. As the ascending journey proceeded, even though having his many fears set aside, the riddle of what was singing continued to pester August without end. Therefore, he went through a mental list of things he’d read about that could be the cause of the song. He thought over good along with bad creatures capable of inducing tranquility. Could it be a “Fairy”? No, such spirits were more to the south plus there would be signs. What about an “Ent”? No, again, they were native to the south and their singing was more of a moan or groan. The possibility it could be a “Centaur” was not likely in the slightest for they belonged in Dunigue, not Everen. So what in Jerome or, perhaps, who could be the singer? If it was no abomination �" which it couldn’t be �" what sang out as heavenly as the All Father could have? The wondering god would be impressed if close by, most certainly.

Finally, with a mighty push of her legs along with pant from her maw, Moon conquered gravity’s pull as she bolted over the crest of the lengthy hill. In a matter of seconds, Ajax joined his out of breath sister and both dogs �" with their tongues lolling out �" exhaled deeply numerous times. In the meantime, their ears were as alert as their riders who, once done eyeing each other, looked around in question. The music was at its loudest, clearest now. The source or owner of it had to be close by and nothing seemed to appear to be too ominous for comfort. There was nothing wrong so far. Never being one to take risks, though, August remained attentive for anything dangerous that could blindside the party. Beside him, Ashlen didn’t pursue their previous topic. Instead, she made her own thoughts about the matter known.

“Where is it coming from?” She inquired aloud.

“I’ve been asking myself the same question since you said anything earlier, Ash.” Was her brother’s reply, referring to when he hadn’t been able to hear anything beforehand, “Really, it’s the wolves that are to be congratulated. We wouldn’t have made it anywhere close to here without them. In fact, ha ha, I wouldn’t have even noticed anything.”

“Ha ha!” Laughed Ashlen, understanding the joke in the statement all too well, “No, you wouldn’t have, would you?” No, August would not have even taken notice of the singing without his sister. He would have passed right by. Still, that was an oddity. How had his sister heard it and he hadn’t? Well, if they found what they were looking for then an answer might present itself to them.

“Ash… About your question of what I was looking at you for,” At this, both brother and sister were back on the former topic before Moon had bolted. Ashlen eagerly awaited her sibling to answer her request. Her mind raced with the possibilities. However, she felt a bit disappointed when she was asked a question herself, “I wanted to know what the singing made you recall. What did you remember?”

“You know, I asked you first, brother.”

“I realize that but at least tell me what it is that the singing made you, makes you, think of before I say anything. What does it remind you of at the moment?” How unfair. That always seemed the way the exchanges went. Nevertheless, Ashlen merely let out a sigh while she thought over what the music made her recall she liked most. At last, she had an honest answer.

“As I listen, I think about the days of our childhood, August.”

“Oh? Is that what these notes through the forest bring to your mind?”

“Well, yes. Why wouldn’t they? I mean, we had some pretty entertaining days when being kids. Whistler's festivals, celebrations, and feasts seemed better then. Plus, do you not recall the times we wanted so desperately to be hunters like we are now?” This was obviously met with humored laughter. Yes, now that she mentioned, August began to review his days when he'd been a kid. They had been filled with little adventures, hunts, along with lessons. Of course, there had been dark days too but those were drastically outnumbered by the good ones. Suddenly, Ashlen burst into mirth as she focused onto the steeds, “Do remember us running around town after Ajax and Moon when they were pups? We pretended they were little nature sprites that needed catching!”

“Yes, well, it’s the other way around these days, isn’t it? Now, whenever they see us coming, Ajax and Moon come after us like we’re the sprites that need catching and, no matter how fast we run, they run us down without effort.” Again, this inspired laughter from both riders.

“Ha ha, we taught them well, didn’t we? Then, there were the times we drove the farmhands absolutely crazy by capturing ducks, sheep, and pigs every night because we were pretending to be bandits!” Oh, yes, there had been that. Being kids, August as well as Ashlen hadn’t really meant any harm to the village when they "raided" the stables late at night numerous times. Of course, then, they’d kept the wolf pups following them from biting the frantic ducks plus chickens they caught. Still, the farmers began to think evils were playing tricks with their livestock until, one fateful night, they caught the true perpetrators behind the little crimes.

“Yes, we kept up that little joke for how long?” August said, musing over the thought of himself getting dirty while catching a frantic chicken, “Oh, right, until we tried to snatch an actual cow off the grazing grounds. Too bad it refused to move and even began wailing out when we got forceful.”

“And stealing a cow was supposed to be the pinnacle of our thieving careers!” Ashlen giggled, “I remember each time we took its neck rope it tossed us about. By the time we were caught by the farmers lying in wait, we were so covered in slime that they thought us little goblins at first! Well, even when we were cleaned up, they still called us that.”

“Some still call us that, Ash, and I can’t really blame them. We were frightening them with our little runs. Still, yeah, those raids had been… fun.” 

There was a silence shared between the wolf riders. As their steeds regained their strength, August noticed Ashlen giving him an odd look. “I said what was on my mind, August…” She purposefully said to him, “Now what’s on yours. Why were you looking at me earlier?” Fair was fair. An answer deserved an answer.

“This singing made me think of my family. It made me think of Jasper, of Nella, and of you.”

“Ah, you were thinking of me? In what way?”

“Well, truth be told, I was pondering on-” August’s words were cut off when, with a slight start, his ride jerked forward. It looked like Moon had the trail again but, this time, it was Ashlen who determinedly ordered the dark wolf to remain put. Now that there was the opening, she wanted to hear August tell her why he had looked at her the way he had.

“Moon! Be a good girl and stay! Stay, Moon!” Being a horse sized wolf, it was lucky that even August had any control over Moon. However, at the moment she listened to no master �" not even her own �" and, against Ashlen’s wishes, she bolted forward with renewed strength. Ajax followed and, with impatience, Ashlen yelled ahead, “August! You’re making Moon run on purpose!” That wasn’t true. Moon was moving on her own and Ashlen was simply being humorous. In turn, August hollered back his response over his shoulder.


“It’s like you said earlier! With or without our say, the wolves are going to take off when they want to! This isn’t my fault, sister! Believe me!”

Once more, the hunting party was moving at an incredible pace. Sure, August had skipped out of answering his sister once more. This time, it wasn’t intentional. Nevertheless, both siblings felt somewhat better at having remembered their days when children. Even now they were the same in a way. As they had wanted to be when kids, they were hunters of Whistler. Their roles weren’t as glamorous as they had formerly depicted but it was still and always had been exhilarating. Rather than herding sheep with toy swords, they had just faced off with a panzer with real blades. Rather than tracking lazily grazing cows �" there was no point to that since the cattle didn’t really move �" they were looking for a gorgeous oddity through the woodlands. Speaking of “cows”, one such similar creature �" another species native to Everen �" abruptly made itself known along with heard as it crashed into the hunters’ flanks from the left! Being utterly distracted with searching, even the wolves were caught unawares by the sudden newcomer! Regardless, the dogs evaded until able to whirl about to face the newest threat. Once like that, Moon and Ajax prepared themselves for combat. In turn, August and Ashlen already had out their bows. It was as they drew arrows that they registered what had come out of nowhere; what was staring them down alongside many others also.

What had crashed its way through the forest from nowhere �" several trees were even uprooted due to it �" was a “Gull”. Not just merely a normal gull but a “king” in fact, with an aggressive herd around him. With the build of bulls, long hair of yaks shaded blue, with mighty girths as well as being the size of elephants, along with curved horns similar to rams adorning their heads, the dozen gulls present were seriously formidable animals. Due to their strength, gulls of the peaks alike, if not tamed as well as at any size, were intimidating to anything that threatened them. The present wild blue bulls were the perfect examples of this. Therefore, even when mounted on larger than normal wolves, both Whistler hunters were aware that it wasn’t wise to combat the gulls head on; especially when drastically outnumbered as well as outsized by them. Together, August and Ashlen exchanged tense glances. As they did, as the wolves growled from their throats, the male gulls let out mighty bellows before stamping their hooves which seemed to shake the environment. The Everenian blue bulls were sturdy, confident in themselves, yet not willing to attack. Why? At their flanks were nervous smaller gulls; females plus younglings. Ah, something became plain then. The gulls were on the defensive, not the offensive, because they wanted to shelter the weaker of their herd.

Taking the lead at this realization, August carefully leaned forward onto Moon. “Moon, easy there.” He whispered into his black wolf’s ears, being sure to lower his weapon slowly for the upset gulls’ sake, “Back off. Back off nice and easy. There’s no reason to fight these bullies. We didn’t mean to surprise them. There was a little misunderstanding here and their asking for trouble but back off, girl.” At his words, Moon didn’t relax. That wasn’t a surprise to her rider. Who could be easy when facing hundreds of pounds of angry muscles that could charge any second? As told, though, she obediently began stepping back. Close by, Ashlen had caught onto the plan. She was having Ajax slowly moving backwards too. As for the blue bulls, they only watched intently. Yes, everything seemed to be going well enough. Good fortune hadn’t vanished. Not yet. “That’s it, Moon. Easy does it. We want no trouble. We’re just looking for-”

“GROAR!” Cried out the king gull powerfully, smashing a tree aside with his heavily horned head meanwhile! What incredible power from one of Jerome’s humble creatures! As the smashed tree crashed to the forest floor with an explosion of sound along with a cascade of leaves, the king gull literally reared up onto his hind legs. Then, he violently came back down with another roar of, “GROAR!”

Everyone, everything, froze up at this display. At once, August could tell something wasn’t right and �" as crazy as it seemed �" giving the gulls space to breathe freely wasn’t helping. What could be done then? For a fact, running for the hills was an option. The gulls, being territorial beasts, could gain good speed and would pursue if the riders decided to flee. Nevertheless, August knew for certain that the pursuit wouldn’t last long. The wolves had already shown earlier that they were capable of unrivaled swiftness. Thus, even though currently winded, they could still outrun any of the angered blue bulls. Knowing this, August attempted to gain his sister’s attention. Together, they were going to run for cover. Afterwards, they would resume searching for the song. Yet, as he tried to catch her eye, August noticed something was happening on Ashlen’s side. She seemed to have realized something concerning the leader gull and, as he observed, her brother finally noticed that the disturbed gulls had their eyes on her. What was going on over there then? That was clarified when something ran past Ajax towards the apprehensive herd.

“Maroo!” Cried out a youngling gull �" no bigger than a regular sized Whistler calf �" as it stumbled past Ajax for its watching fellows. Ah, so it was this separated little calf that was the reason for the stern anxiousness? Well, it was free to go back to its parents. Now, if neither rider acted hostile towards it as it fled to where it would be safe then the situation would have been done with. Regardless, as known throughout Jerome, life wasn’t ever that easy. Filled with adrenaline along with being too stiff for comfort, Ajax couldn’t help but nip at the young gull when it abruptly sounded from nowhere while making its way past him. Of course, the golden canine didn’t bite the calf nor meant to even look to harm it. He was just scared one too many times. However, his actions confirmed the fears of the king gull who, smashing aside another tree, wouldn’t tolerate any kind of enemy. He brutally charged with a vengeance, tearing up the ground as he thundered along! Immediately, four other males followed his lead! By the All Father, what a sight to behold!

“Ash, RUN!” August frantically yelled out, throwing subtlety aside while feeling his heart already increasing to a pace that was close to bursting, “RUN, RUN, RUN!” His sister didn’t need to be told to do this twice, thrice, nor four times over. She didn’t even need to be told the first time as she had already forced Ajax �" who had his ears back, fangs bared for combat �" to turn about and begin bounding away in a rush!

Already having a speed advantage, the gulls were hot on the riders’ trail! In several seconds, Moon was wildly running alongside her copper pelted brother with trees exploding behind them as their pursuers stampeded forth! Remaining calm, August plus Ashlen had their bows loaded. Many times had they had their share of experiences with Everenian blue bulls in the past. Whistler altogether knew that the bulls were ferocious defenders. Ferocious enough to make panzers leave them alone a majority of the time. Naturally, being peaceful animals, the gulls never went out of their way during their migrations to engage mortals or other animals. Like accidently now, it was only when they were pressured that they showed off their burly might against attackers.

Even as he fled, through his fear, August couldn’t help but admire the strength of the king gull as it trailed him. Gradually, he even began to better understand why the elves due south went out of their way to befriend the blue bulls, then ride them also. Truly, the wolves were going to be too hard to catch. Nevertheless, the leader gull wasn’t giving up easily. He fiercely led his blue fellows as he crashed past trees, rammed through foliage, plus shredded up grass with each stride he took. Still, the leader gull meant to do harm and, with that in mind, August searched for a vulnerable spot to shoot into the creature. Easily, Moon kept up her pace alongside her blood brother. She only increased speed when her rider made his shot. Fortunately for everyone, it was a clean shot. Unfortunately, it only made the situation a bit worse.

Again, August had had had his moments hunting down and combating gulls of every size during his lifetime. Every experience for him hadn’t been easy but difficult. Several times beforehand, when Whistler wanted delectable gull meat plus furs, he’d gone out with the entire veteran troop of hunters in packs of five to expertly take down the larger males much like the ones currently on a rampage. Therefore, drawing off the recollections of being on hunts with the other hunters, August aimed his arrow to where he’d been taught by the past. First, he tried to see about shooting the leading gull in the shoulder. No, that would only make the animal angrier. The second choice was to shoot for the head. No again, there wasn’t a good opening to hit the beast’s thick skull protected by its horns. The third option, going for the legs, seemed best and, not hesitating another moment, that was where August delivered his intended blow.

Immediately following having its left front leg punctured deeply by an arrow shaft from ahead, the furious king gull tripped over himself! As his following brethren dodged past him, he let out a deep yelp, rolled over his face, then sprayed up dirt as he slid upon on his back to an eventual stop against a tree!

“Yes!” August couldn’t help but show his relief that he had shot true. It wouldn’t last as long as he hoped. Meanwhile, he got Moon to slow her pace until stopped at a safe distance to observe the king bull rise up onto his hooves. Nearby, Ashlen actually returned with Ajax to see what was going on. Now, with his leg handicapped, it was predicted that the leader gull couldn’t chase away his observers. That or he wouldn’t continue the chase. Therefore, he would return to his herd with the rest of the males. Everything would go back to normal, right? That, surprisingly, wasn’t the case. The king gull, rather than taking his losses, went right back to stubbornly rushing his distant observers who, in disbelief, returned to retreating as fast as they could! As they ran downhill, at their flanks, the riders heard the familiar sound of the woods being forced to make way for the coming stampede! This was madness!

“What were you thinking you were going to do by shooting the leader, August?!” Ashlen shouted towards her brother, not afraid of showing her bemusement at his decision of only making the gulls angrier, “Why didn’t you keep on running with me?!”

“Don’t even start with me, Ash!” Was August’s hostile retort, spraying spit as he shouted back, “Who was it that didn’t even want to venture off the path?! Who was against going searching for odd forest music in the first place?! Who’s wolf was it that tried to bite the baby gull?!” The last remark was a dirty one and both hunters knew it. Even before his sister snarled back, August already felt bad for putting down Ajax. The copper wolf hadn’t been able to resist nipping with good reason.

“Don’t bring Ajax into this! This isn’t his fault!” Ashlen shrieked over the noise.

“I know, I know! Still, you also know this isn’t my fault either so don’t point fingers! Who would have guessed that the king gull, after being shot, would come after us! I can kind of see why he's the leader of the herd now, ugh!”

In reply to this, Ashlen gave her brother a cold face but she couldn’t do anything about arguing back. The furious pandemonium coming after them wasn’t their fault. Actually, it was but not intentionally. How had they been following the angelic music as well as unknowingly ventured into gull territory meanwhile? How had the dogs done that? Not only that, what were the chances that they unwillingly appeared to be after a gull calf too? Not bloody likely! Yet, no matter the likeliness rarity, such a thing had transpired for the siblings and they now rode their wolves with utmost haste while a pack of ferocious bulls trailed them! The only real focus on brother and sister’s minds now was escaping danger. How long would that take them to accomplish though? They still wanted to find the source of the forest singing which, to their dismay, seemed to have faded! No, maybe it was being drowned out by the charging gulls’ hooves; nothing more. Anyway, after the arrow to their leader, the dumb bulls had to get the clue that they weren’t going to catch up to their attackers. They needed to stop being stupid and turn around! None of this was intended!

Luck just seemed to continue to get worse with every passing instant. It was when the king gull easily splintered a tree trunk out of his way that the available luck for both Whistlerians appeared to have vanished. From the force of the blow, the rammed tree collapsed forward after the fleeing wolf riders and, only last second, did Ajax notice the obstacle about to crush him. The golden wolf, even though able to evade, fumbled. As her brother yelled out in dread at the sight, Ashlen flew from her steed’s back to roll down across the forest floor alongside her wolf! Afterwards, she barely got to her feet to approach Ajax who had frozen up and, no matter how his alarmed master commanded him to snap out his fearful trance, the canine remained paralyzed with his fangs showing! Every second that passed by, the space between the wolves and the bulls closed rapidly! Next, not really sure if he was going to live after all to see his village again, August ran reluctant Moon up to stand beside his sister in need. As he armed his bow with an arrow, his black wolf steed snapped at her own paralyzed sibling to move! Stiff as a stone already due to fright, Ajax refused to budge for anything. He only watched as the gulls rushed forth.

There was only one option left to the party. If Ajax wasn’t going to continue running, if he was going to get crushed, he had to be left behind! The thought of leaving him to such an awful fate as being run down was terrible but August knew Ashlen couldn’t die. Her death wouldn’t only tear her parents apart; it would literally destroy Whistler or come close to that! That's how much she mattered! It would definitely leave a void in her brother’s already shaken heart and he, over the building noise, yelled to his panicking sibling, “Ash! Leave Ajax and get on! We need to-” Yet, despite his determination, he couldn’t even finish. Already, at the statement of “leave Ajax”, Ashlen had given him a truly grief stricken stare. How could he suggest such a thing? Would he leave Moon behind if she were in a similar situation as now? Would he leave half of himself, his wolf steed, behind to survive? No, it wouldn’t be easy. However, death was approaching again and Ashlen could NOT die! No one in the village, especially August, would ever be able to forgive themselves if she passed on!

“No! I won’t leave Ajax to be trampled! I can get him to move! He just needs to-”

There was no more time for anything else! Already, the gulls were upon the pair of bickering hunters and, in that moment, August left himself behind or, more precisely, he forgot being an Eden. He became something else, he became a Cousitar. Out of complete desperation to keep the worst from happening to him, to keep from returning to the village alone, August aimed another arrow at the leader gull looking to flatten him! He literally had mere seconds to decide on a spot to shoot for. He had little to no chance of making a difference. However, with the legendary skill of his real parents as well as the very blessing of the All Father that day, he scored a precise blow on the king gull’s other front leg! In turn, this caused the leading blue bull to trip upon himself a second time as well as skid to a stop before hurting any of the handicapped hunters! Much like with the encounter with the recent panzer, a miracle had just occurred for the riders.

Not staying amazed for long, August did what he could to help his sister. He tried to buy more time to get Ajax to move. Even then, August was shocked to see he’d done anything to stop what was supposedly inevitable. He was surprised to see he was alive. He couldn’t believe that the reaper had brushed by him again so closely. Nevertheless, he refocused onto the task at hand and, urging Moon forward, he shot another arrow into one of the confused gulls. Undoubtedly in shock, the blue bulls backed off at first when seeing they were being challenged. Seeing his tactic working, August roared out his loudest as he drew another arrow.

“RAAAAAAAAH!” He yelled out until his throat felt ready to rip in half and his heart nearly stopped. In response, the gulls stepped back with much snorting. Had they underestimated the little wolf rider? The gull leader had gotten back to his feet. At being challenged by someone so small, he had to keep his image before his brothers intact. Therefore, he showed off his horns while letting out a deafening bellow of his own.


“RAAAAAAAAH!” Was August’s tremendous reply as he got Moon to keep constantly circling around the uncertain blue bulls! Keeping them unbalanced was key! Mind, not even he knew he had it in him to face down a king gull nor four other male gulls at once. He didn’t even think he would make it that far into the plan but be simply trampled. However, when close to death, people along with creatures were known to achieve the impossible and, for Ashlen’s sake, the miracle had to continue. Right then, August's soul was aflame, his ears were filled with the pumping of his blood, his courage �" perhaps considered foolish by some �" was unrivaled. Inspired by this, he loosed another arrow into the crippled king gull who snorted in protest.


“WHAT?! YOU DON’T LIKE THAT?!” Again, August fired another projectile into the pestered leader gull while he yelled out, “NO?! THEN GO ON! LEAVE!” Moon snarled, snapped, as well as growled at this statement. She seemed to be just as inspired as her master as he readied another arrow. Nevertheless, he hesitated when the king gull rammed aside a nearby tree. Then, the blue bull leader charged August for the third time. What a bullheaded bull! Still, August didn’t mind it as much as he expected. The temporary miracle he’d created was over but, to his relief, the gulls were targeting him rather than trapped Ashlen who was watching him nearby with wide eyes. She couldn't understand what had just happened. Regardless, before encouraging Moon to flee, August signaled to his sister to get Ajax moving. For now, he would be fine distracting the gulls. One way or the other, they would meet back in Whistler. That, from a brother to a sister, was a promise.

“Go, Moon, go!”

Even as he said it, August found Moon charging downhill through the woodlands with unmatched speed! How fantastic was her endurance! With how much running she had done, the black wolf should have been completely out of breath. Still, that didn't mean she wasn't being pushed to the limit. If only she could hold on for just a bit longer... The gulls came crashing after them. Even so, this particular chase wasn’t fated to last as long as expected. Truly, despite his numerous wounds, the king gull was absolutely bent on chasing down his assailant. Alongside him, the other male gulls followed his example with equal anger. Nevertheless, none of them saw the fireball fall from the sky until it was blazing circles around them with ease; setting the settings ablaze at the same time! Yes, the days in Everen were usually trials. However, this certain day seemed to be filled with countless surprises too! Crying out with abrupt uncertainty, frightened by the arrival of flying fire, the gulls copied their leader as he reared up to avoid being singed. Noticing the commotion as well as the cause behind him, August slowed Moon so the both of them could watch in wonder from a safe distance away.

The fireball, possibly a living drop of the overhead sun itself, flashed in one direction through the dripping trees! Then, it would come back to startle the gulls backwards! Next, at the speed of lightning, it seemed to repeatedly slash the ground where a trail of flames rose up in its wake with every pass! Absolutely unfamiliar with the instant, one by one, the blue bulls ran for safety. As they had during the chase, they shoved the woodlands out of their way during their own retreat of whatever arcane element had cut them off. The last to leave the pursuit was the king gull himself who, glaring at he who had shot him repeatedly, swung his horns about. Last, he released a long roar before, uncaringly, leaving the scene. This left only the mysterious fireball behind which speedily flashed towards August who, with unnerved Moon, didn’t know what to do. To their surprise, the flying inferno whizzed past them with a crackling of sparks to a nearby branch high above the forest floor! There, it exploded without warning in a flash that blinded its observers as well as dowsed the surrounding fires!

When able to finally see, both August and Moon found that the unidentifiable fireball had indeed been replaced by a most remarkable bird of brilliant color. Looking down upon them, perhaps just as curious with them as they were with him, a graceful phoenix cocked his head to one side as if saying, “No thank you for me? Ah, well, you’re welcome anyway.”

© 2013 Cousitarian

Author's Note

I actually very much enjoyed inventing the Gulls, the hardy bulls native to Everen. It's probably hard for you to imagine them as I do and that's where I wish I could direct movies as well as write. I would have loved to film this scene alone.

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Added on January 3, 2013
Last Updated on January 3, 2013
Tags: Dragons, Fantasy, Warriors, Medieval, Heroism




Not the best, not the worst, at writing. Not old but young. Full of inspiration, imagination but not enough experience to make it big. It's not the money I work for nor ever really will. What I do is .. more..

Prologue... Prologue...

A Chapter by Cousitarian

Preface Preface

A Chapter by Cousitarian