Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 10


            I was in my room writing in my journal soon after. One day I’d mail it to Anastasia, so that she would be able to read about all the things I’d done. I even told her about what happened in the kitchen at 8:15 in the morning. The lesson went well I guess. It was also fun. Dylan said that I only needed a few more lessons so I could get used to riding him. It was a warm day for March. I decided to step out to the widow’s walk.

            The warm air hit me like a wave coming from a newly open oven. I just stood there looking out to the vast land way out there. I didn’t even think, I just stared and stood. I opened my journal and read it to myself.


                Day 2 of Exploration.  March 12th , Location: The Emerald City Inn

Dear Reader,

            I am located presently at an Inn called The Emerald City. Strangely built in the middle of nowhere, I have gotten here by cab. The drivers name was Johnny Watson. Nevertheless have I forgotten the words of my guardian; “Make friends”. Unusually, I have made many friends, and saved one of them. Unfortunately I injured another while doing so. Here is what happened; I was wondering around when I heard voices in the kitchen, so I investigated. An argument started between the two siblings. The female sibling threatened to throw a jar, and eventually did. I threw a wooden spoon so that it fell to the floor then and there instead of on the target. The mess caused a five-inch splinter to enter the left side of the female sibling. My doing was anonymous, because I ran to my room afterwards. I also had my first lesson on horse riding. It went very well, and I leaned quickly. I also wore out the instructor after galloping around the entire perimeter of the Inn. There are only three more days until I am to leave. Of course I have to pay for both the horse and the room. So I decided to investigate in a way to make a little money. But now it is late so I must part.  

                                                                       For now,


I closed the journal. A lot had happened in two days when I thought about it…

            In the morning, Michelle was not there to wake me; I woke myself up. I sat up after having the fullest sleep. I stayed in my room and looked around. There was not much to it but… still it’s a cute place. There was a dresser in the room in the corner near the window. Above it was a television set. It looked pretty old because it had, what my grandmother would call, bunny ears. It was strange because I liked older things. I never liked the high-tech stuff, only some of it. Like the high-tech music, it was different. A night-side table beside the bed was also there… not much else though.

            Angela was in the kitchen while Markus served the customers. It was a little strange how people actually came there, even though it was in the middle of nowhere. I guess it was because it was the only Inn for the next fifteen miles.           Mostly men came, not many women traveled I guess. I was the only girl guest; it was sad, really. There was a stage in the bar too…. hmm.

            “There you go miss.” Markus slid the plate my way.

            “Thanks. Hey Markus, does anyone perform on that stage over there?”

            “Occasionally. Why?”

            “Well I… my money is getting short, with the room expense and all. I can pay for every serves now, but I think performing could help me.” He thought on this, twirling his thin mustache between his fingers.

            “I see no harm in it. How does tonight sound?” He gave me that smile of his, and I accepted.

            I had to prepare my pieces. There was a piano. I gave it a good look. I lifted the top to reveal its extra storage. Inside were multiple sheets of music. Old music, country music, but that’s ok. I always played by ear, and I would sing along, so I always got away with doing just plane chords. I thought I could get away with it here too. I closed the lid, and walked to Markus again.

            “Markus, another question.” He turned. “What kind of music are folks around here into?”

            “Country, jazz... Oh, and old rock. That sort of thing.”

            “Ok then.” I go back to the piano. Lets see…  A miner, then a G, B, and then E…

            I had my daily lesson with Dylan once again. I learned nothing new, but I was getting better and more comfortable. As my beautiful stallion strutted through the dirt, my mind was set on what it would be like to perform in front of people. The only other people I had performed for was my grandmother, and my piano teacher that I had for only a month at age seven. I was strange because I learned so much in a month. I learned the notes, and the art of reading music…. kind of… Ok, not really. 

            The stage was set, and I played simple music with out singing. Then I moved on. I started to hum.

            I went on with the song until the very end. I was surprised by the amount of applause from the men. Oh, pshaw, that was nothing… really. I moved on to the next one, and I just kept on going.

            Slowly the crowd died down. At about 10:00pm I took my final bow as a man struggled to make his way out the door, his friends held him up by his arms. The man seemed drunk, but he was out in less than a minute.  I was thirsty from singing for so long. I was used to it, but still. Markus has already counted out my share and placed it on the table. I count it. 5…10...15.…. 35 bucks?!

            “Markus!” I shouted, “Are you certain that all this money is mine?” His head perked up from washing a large mug, and he purred

            “Why of course.” My eyes widened, “They loved you so much some of the guests left a tip on the table saying that it belongs to you. I think they really like the image of a young singer who is skilled with the piano.” I thought on this for a while.

            “Do you think I could do another performance tomorrow?”

            “I don’t see why not.”

            The doors behind the bar busted open, it was Angela.

            “Well done, Court! I never knew you had it in yah.” She said with a smile. “This is for your great show, I heard you all the way in the kitchen, and I worked to it.” She plopped a plate in front of me.

            “Uh, Thanks.” I was holding back my blushes again. It was a plate of creaser salad, with strips of chicken mixed it. I grab the fork that’s speared in the jungle of lettuce and begin to wipe out the glossy forest. When I was done, I found myself alone again. I left the plate where it sat and headed up stairs. I dressed for bed, and I was soon in it. I thought to myself again. I’ve worked hard teaching myself. I’m glad that it went well. Now I can use the things that I’ve learned from teaching myself, on a stage. There was no more to be said from there, so I slept deeply for another night in The Emerald City.


© 2013 CourtneyCalle

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Added on July 1, 2013
Last Updated on July 1, 2013
Tags: The Pure Hearted, Heaven, Hell, Physic, teen, triller



Newtown, PA

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle