![]() Chapter 7A Chapter by CourtneyCalleChapter 7
You know the
strangest thing about that place was that there were no locks on the doors.
Actually to me it was pretty scary. Especially that place because it was a… you
know what. Knowing that it wasn’t safe I slept for what felt like only an hour.
I woke to the sound of my stomach rumbling, as soon as I hear it I lifted my
head from my stomach-first position, and got up to go to the bar. There was no one
there. Only the bar tender. I sat. He turned around. You have got to be
kidding me. It was… him! The man with the derby hat. “How charming to see
you here again. And might I say-” “You may not say
anything” I snapped, impassively giving a dark blank stare. “Just tell me what
you’ve got, and serve it.” I was almost pouty then. I was ignored by my tour guide
and those winks from that Dylan kid were annoying. His thin long smile
continued as he handed me a menu. I flinched it toward me. I then read it and
ignored the man.
The Emerald City Inn Menu:
Main courses:
Roast Horse (eh, what?) Roasted Chicken Caesar Salad
Sides: Rice Potatoes Biscuit
I looked back at him, and glided the Menu along the counter. “I’ll have the
chicken with potatoes.” He did not hesitate that smile of his. “Of course darling.”
He had the weirdest accent. “None of that just
bring me my food.” I put my feet up and laid back. Ah, No one is the boss of
me now. The man disappeared into the kitchen… I think, it was some kind of
room. Just when I was in heaven, I heard a high pitched, annoying little voice. “Wot do you think your
do’n then?! Who said yew was the boss?” I turned around. It was a girl in a
peasant blouse, and vest. She had hair that was as bright as fire. She was
definitely not Angela. Her skirt was above her knees. I’m guessing you’re
one of them too. Oh how I wanted to say that, but I knew that doing that
would get me into even more trouble. “Well yah gonna answer me or wot?” I
didn’t answer. Instead I gave a devilish smile, and sipped my water. “Answer me girl! Talk
now! Or else ye won’t be talking for a while after me fist burses it up! Maybe
even knock out a couple of teeth too I will! I’ll-” “That’s enough!” I
was still smiling as the man with the derby hat stops her from getting too infuriated.
Ha-ha! Now she’s even madder then before. I sipped my water. This is
too good. “Treat our guest the right way. You will ask for permission to
speak.” “But-” “No buts Maraina!” Maraina?
Who on god’s earth gave her that name? My silent cockiness continued as I
listen to them go on. “Well this brat here
is ruining your counter top she is! Pretend’n she’s the boss, pshaw! A guest?
Ain’t she one of us? And of course if she is, she ain’t the boss that’s for
sure by god. Michelle-” “No, in fact she is
not even close. She is a woman of class, or so I’ve heard.” I took my feet off
the table after he shoots me a look. Words travel fast around here I guess. Maraina
was silent in embarrassment. Then she said. “I’m sorry to both
you, and miss…” “Courtalia.” He
filled in her blank, and allowed her to give a sincere apology. “Miss Courtalia.” I guess it was my turn to say something. “That’s okay. Your
name is Maraina, is that right?” The man with the derby hat went back to his
work. “Yes miss, it is.”
She still seemed to see me as a threat, which was something I didn’t want. “I didn’t mean to get
you in trouble or anything, my apologies.” “That’s alright, Miss.
I’ve been known for have’n a bit of a temper.” “Well that can be
both a good thing and a bad thing.” “It can?” “Well it’s kind of
bad, because sometimes it leads to trouble. But it’s also a good thing because
it exaggerates you opinion if you play the part right.” “I guess that’s
true.” She replied, I looked down at my shoes. Then my food was brought to me. “It was nice talking
to you, miss” “Same to you
Maraina.” Once I think about it, it’s actually a nice name. She disappeared
through the doorway. I turned to my plate. It looked good. The meat was juicy,
and tender. The biscuit was crunchy and warm. I bit into it again, and it
tasted even better than the first time. Mmmm. The man came back. “I see that the food
is being enjoyed, yes?” “Well, I must say
that Angela did a great job in her cooking.” “Yes she is very
talented in that sort of art.” There was a pause. “I taught her.” I smiled at
him and took another bite. “It’s true, she IS my daughter. Or at least I want
her to be.” I swallowed hard. “ What do you mean?” “I-I… just want
Michelle to settle down and get married… I’ve been waiting for her for years.
But she’s just…” I didn’t find it my business to give advise, especially being
as young as I was. “Don’t worry,” I said
putting down my fork. “she can’t keep this up for long. Eventually she’ll have
no where else to go.” He planted his
elbows on the counter. “I guess you’re
right.” He buried his face in one hand shading his shame. “They are technically
my children too. They feel like my own.” He took a long pause and looked to the
far left at me, not looking at anything in particular. “I care for them very
much. The way she is infuriates me. It makes me feel like I’m… one of the
others.” “I’m sorry, but what
is your name?” “Markus, Markus
Alexander. I live that name in shame.” “Certainly not sir.
That name will soon be shared by the woman you love.” “You really think
so?” He was looking into the far left again. “I know so, time
heals almost anything.” I said this while counting coins. Then I putt them on
the counter. I started for the door. He spoke before I got five feet in
distance. “You very wise for
one so small.” I stopped. “You really think
so?” I said looking to the far left. “I know so.” He
showed a nice smile. I smiled back. “On the house.” He slid the coins back onto
the counter. I walked back. I picked them up smiling. That was the last I heard
of him until morning. That night I had a
really weird dream. All I saw was shattered glass being spread in all
directions. Then It faded to black and that was the end that.
© 2013 CourtneyCalle |