![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by CourtneyCalleChapter 5
It was just about
sunset when I could see the Inn that Johnny Watson mentioned in the
distance. I looked out the window; there
was a long shadow follows us. I was glad I didn’t make the trip on foot,
because there was absolutely nothing out there, just dirt and a lot of it. I could see the Inn
then in more detail though it was still far. “Well miss, I’d like
to grant ye a fare well, and good luck. Ya’know, we be’n just ’bout there and
all…” That man was so nice to me, yet he hadn’t asked for anything in return.
I really should pay for the extra miles he has driven. During the silence,
the Inn got bigger. We were getting close. To be honest I was a little nervous,
because there was nothing within miles of the place… a little suspicious to me.
The last thing I wanted to do is check in at a… never mind. “Now missy, the land
lady is real nice she is. She’s an old friend of mine. Her name’s Michelle. I
like you better though, you be’n more classy, Har Har! But don’t be telling on
ol’ Johnny yah hear girl?” He laughed hard at his own joke again, and I gave a
warm smile. This will not end well. Now I really had a reason to be
nervous. I started thinking of all the “what if” questions. What if they ask
if I’m willing to rent? What if they put me in a room with a bottle of
wine and two glasses? What if this is a…. Stop it! Then when we were close I get a better look at the “Inn”. It had only
two floors, and had a small barn attached to the back. It was made mostly of
wood, whatever metal was used is rusted.
A shutter was slanted, and barley hinging. The Inn used to be painted
green with what used to be gold rims and shutters. As a result of weather and
age, most of the paint had chipped off or had peeled off. There was a post that
ties down horses. Probably used for people staying at the Inn. Johnny pulled up, and parked beside the building. “Alright girl I’m gonna go in with yah, and introduce you to Michelle,
and her little friends.” Friends? Don’t you mean- Johnny opened the
door for me, and I steped out. I walked up a few steps to the porch that leads
to a door. I heard the door of the taxi slam. There was an empty rocking chair
on the porch. I walked in. I couldn’t judge it quite yet. Johnny then stepped
in and closed the door behind me. The walls were a deep green. There was a
chandelier that had gold wires, with many crystals that were spread like a
fountain. There was also a woman sleeping at the desk with her arms being used
as a pillow. Johnny gave a sigh and walked over to the woman. “Michelle….
Michelle!” “Huh, what? ” She
questioned, rising. “Johnny! What in gods name are you do’n here?!” She shouts. “This girl here needs
a room.” He said showing her who I was. “Well Johnny why
didn’t yah say so? Welcome to the Emerald City Inn girly.” She gave off a
bright white smile. She wore a green dress that had twisted straps that created
a V at the chest. This does not look good. She had blond hair. She wore
makeup that in-bolded every feature of her eyes, and was only a little taller
then I was. She looked to be about 35 or so. “So Johnny, is this
girl a new part of our… Collection?” Oh god, Johnny, say no… My palms
were clammy. I was running in circles in my head. “Now, now, Michelle,
this lass here is a lady of class she is. You be nice to ‘er now, got it? And
if I hear that they were up tuh’ trouble with ‘er, I’ll come back here and give
those jockeys a piece o me mind I will by god! Hey and you’d be next, that’s
for sure.” I give off a thankful sigh of relief. She gave a long sigh. “Fine then. What’s ye
name girl?” She asked. “Courtalia.” My voice
almost cracked in the response. “Isn’t it just the finest
name, Michelle? So fun tuh say.” Johnny stated with a smile. Michelle lazily
thumped her elbow on the desk. “Hmm, It does have a
nice ring to it. What’ll it be? A-” Johnny cut her off,
“Ahem.” She gave a long sigh.
“Fine, right this way.” We started walking; Johnny
didn’t follow. “Alright girly, I gotta go now.” Oh wait! I took $19 out
of my pocket. “For every mile,
Johnny.” I give him my big eyes, and a warm smile. He hands back about half. “Hey Missy you gotta
pay for ye room don’t yah?” He gave me a wink. I gave him a smile for his
kindness. “Thanks for
everything Johnny… Really.” “Awe, Miss, ye
embarrassing me again.” He said as I giggled. He saluted me farewell, and said,
“Good luck on your journey Miss.” I saluted back, and he then he was gone. © 2013 CourtneyCalle |
Added on July 1, 2013 Last Updated on July 1, 2013 Author