Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 4


            I woke up with the floor above me, and the ceiling below me. My arms hung loosely over the side of the bed. My legs were spread and weak. At first I was confused, yet I was never a sound sleeper. How do I get up? How did I get here? I gained an appropriate position. Get yourself together girl, Today’s your day.  I swung my legs over the side, and I dressed in something normal.  My necklace was clipped on. No turning back.

            I walked to the couch and sat. Anastasia, my grandmother came into view. She was wearing a blue blouse with a cardigan that was an even darker shade of blue. She wore this with her usual jeans, and white heels that were low and thick.

            “I know you’re ready. If I didn’t think you were ready I wouldn’t have said yes.” With that she gave me a wink. I knew that at my exact age, she went though this… in her eyes I’m ready… but at that moment I started to have second thoughts… I kept strong though.

            I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder, and she walked me down the carpeted hallway. We entered the elevator, and the door closed. The door opened revealing the clean, quiet lobby. It was completely empty except the man at the counter. He won’t be missing me, that’s for sure.

            We stood across from the revolving doors. She grabed both my hands with both of hers.

            “Now, this is your chance… to explore, to do what you always wanted to do.” This was understood. Noticing this she moved on. “And remember… Your destiny is a painting of your decisions in motion.”  I looked down acknowledging this. “Be sure to visit some time soon.” She tipped my chin upward to gain my attention again. She smiles brightly to me. “And don’t you be bringing any boys back, you hear?” She winked, and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Now, get out there, be yourself, and have fun. Find adventures, write letters, make friends, and just…. Enjoy every discovery you make.” My sight fades, a tear trickles down my cheek.

            “I will.” I hugged her tightly. “I promise.”

            With that I was handed money, and given a kiss on my brow. I lingered to the door. I looked back. Then spun through. I call a taxi loudly and proudly. It came to a stop, and I climbed in.

            “To Philips Street please.” That is the closest street to the outskirts of Oiram.

            I looked out my window, a man at the desk waved to me. How weird. No use in being rude, I waved back with my brightest smile. I passed places that brought back many memories. It was a sunny day with no clouds in sight. The driver was almost invisible with all the ads that were taped and or pinned around the deposit box. I looked at the deposit box mechanism over in more detail. The walls around it worked almost like shudders, so I could push them aside if I wished.

            “What’s ye name girly?” I looked up almost startled.

            “Um, Courtalia…”

            “Humph, never heard that one before. In fact I’ve never heard anything like it.” A pause. “Oh, how rude I is be’n to a lassie like yourself. The name’s Johnny, Johnny Watson it is. Now, do ol’ Johnny a favor, and open those shudders there. That’s it girl. Good job then. Gotta love a girl who ain’t afraid to show a little muscle.” He laughed hard to his own joke. I smiled back when he looked back from his driver seat. He wore black trousers, and a white puffy shirt. A black sailors cap was slung over the rearview mirror in the front of the car.

            “That’s a fancy looking hat you got there sir.” I said, with the most amount of pride I could handle. If there is one thing about sailors you got to envy, it’s their pride. 

            “Thank yah miss, I used to sail those ships down there I did.” I looked out the window, and to the bridge we were crossing. “I was on the Voyager down there, ain’t she a beauty.“ Huh, the Voyager, that’s where Anastasia was. Maybe he knows her. “I was the best of them all I was, by god.” Another thing about sailors, they’re not afraid to express their opinion, or show how full of themselves they are. Lets see… he said he used to sail ships… yet he looks to be only 40 or so... Hmm.

            “Why aren’t you sailing on those ships now?” I leaned back in my seat and gave a cocky smile. “Did yah get thrown off for something bad Johnny? Did they catch yah fist fight’n on the decks, or something of that sort?” He gave off his full tooth smile.

            “Ah miss, I would never dream of hurt’n one of them men. I left in search for a better ship with better judgment. Still on the search for the right vessel I is.”

            “Well, any crew would be lucky to have you aboard.” I said.

            “Aw shucks, girly ye just say’n that ain’t yah.” a pause. “ Now tell me… what’s a lass like you doing al the way on Philips Street? It be’n far and all, and ye be’n so young…” Well, no harm in telling him.

            “ Well, I’m going to … Minosis, and Philips Street is the closest to the path I’m following. So…”

            “But that’s a long journey on foot! Ye would still have many miles to go after Philips street!... I can’t let you do that missy; the least I could do is drop you off at an Inn that I know of. It’s right on that path.”

            “That’s very kind of you but I wouldn’t want to be a bother to your plans.”

            “If it means not see’n a lass like you get hurt, it’ll be worth it.” He said.

            “Thank you Johnny, this means a lot… really.”

It was then we passed Philips Street.

© 2013 CourtneyCalle

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Added on July 1, 2013
Last Updated on July 1, 2013



Newtown, PA

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by CourtneyCalle