![]() PrologueA Chapter by CourtdanksPrologue He watched as the fog rolled across the forest floor, not a
sound to be heard and not a soul in sight. His hand trembled slightly as he
brushed his fingertips over the old carved cross that hung from his neck. It
was at times like these he wondered if he was really made for this, was it his
destiny or was it just one big mistake… A bad decision made on his part. His
eyes were drawing to the movement coming toward him, he paused for a second
hoping to make the contact at least a little less painful. He lifted his head
and watched the figure as it stepped out from the fog, with each bound getting
a little clearer. Her bare feet almost tip toeing one in front of the other,
effortlessly as if gliding not walking, his eyes slowly scanned across her
dress until his eyes were met with hers. There was no sparkle in those eyes as
there always had been before, he retracted himself from her gaze. “Katherine” he
muttered “If I could have it any other way…” “You could let me stay” He
pondered for a moment “You know it is not safe here anymore, I’d rather you
escape with your life than stay and to lose it all because I could not order
you to leave” He tried again to gaze into those blue eyes but could not hold it
for more than a second. “Perhaps I can return one day” She said “Perhaps, but
now you must go.” He ran his hands through her silky blond hair and rested his
head on her shoulder and whispered close to her ear “I will always be with you.” She
cracked a faint smile and with that she was gone. CRACK! The sound rattled through my ears as I came back to
my physical self. Rain fell around me through the darkness like silver darts
falling from the heavens, a ferocious breeze rustled the trees to an almost
deafening degree. “Reese! Get down here”. The voice came from the embankment to
the side of the track. I darted down into the ferns where Sam lay making sure
no one had seen me move. “It came from the right further up the track.” He
whispered. “Scouts” I remarked. “I’ve never seen them come this far” Sam said
worryingly. “Ambush?” “No! we shouldn’t alert them to our presence, they will
pass and once they do we’ll move further up and then deeper into the forest”. I
ordered. “Then wait till morning” he asked. “Then wait till morning” I replied.
If I could avoid it I didn’t engage foes in this weather, although the wind
provided good cover from sound it could easily work the other way and a small
ambush could turn into being outnumbered ten to one. There was another crack but closer this time as another
branch snapped under their feet. The good thing about this force was that they
were undisciplined and their magic could not work here. Otherwise we would have
been sought out much more easily. The scouting party came into view, even under
the cover of darkness I could make a brief description. Each carried a lantern
and wore blood red robes with a strange and ungodly insignia on the chest; It
resembled much of a wicker man made of a small bundle of sticks. They mumbled
as they went though I could not make out what they were saying. They halted dead
ahead of us and looked toward our hiding spot, “We’re done for” whispered Sam.
“Wait” I replied. There was sudden movement behind us and a stag bolted out
into the open and disappeared into the darkness. I slowly let out a quiet
breath, relieved the party carried on their way. Once they were out of our limit of sight and sound we crept
off through the dense foliage, mirroring the track but wary not to take it to
avoid the risk of being seen. We then moved deeper into the wood away from the
track where we would wait out the night, and hopefully the storm. “Two hours
on, two hours off. I’ll take first watch” I said. Sam nodded and found a
suitable spot under a fallen tree which would provide him some cover from the
elements as he slept. I stalked about ten paces out and propped myself up
against and old oak positioning myself in the direction of the main threat. As
I stared out into the darkness my thoughts returned to Clare, had she made it
to safety, will I see her again. I felt my chest tighten and a strange feeling
overcame me like something was being taken from deep inside me, though I
resisted wanting to hold on to it a little longer. I stopped thinking for it was too painful and most
importantly did not want something to creep up on me or Sam all because I was
all too busy thinking on what I had lost. And with that I returned to being
sentry while we waited out the night, not optimistic for what the next day
bestowed. © 2017 Courtdanks |
1 Review Added on December 23, 2016 Last Updated on August 10, 2017 |