I see this
reflection in the mirror of this brown haired character. He seems oblivious of
time and existence. He seems disconnected but originates a feeling of angst
within me. He’s looking at me straight in the eyes. He’s telling me I know
what’s going on, and because I know, I’ll be trapped in the mirror like he is.
trapped in the mirror like he is, because I know what’s going on and im telling
him I know. I’m looking at him straight into his eyes. I feel disconnected but
somehow I know I am the origin of his angst. I feel aware of time and
existence. I see this reflection in the mirror of a brown haired character.
They say
there is no reality, they say all we see are reflections. Not reality itself.
They say that the problem with reflections is not that it’s not real but that
it’s reversed.
I see
reality. I see it as it is. Not reflections. Im saying I see the world
directly, not as a reflection, but then again, this is a reflection.