A change of scenery

A change of scenery

A Chapter by Cory

With John fighting what seems like a war inside of his own head, Kimberley retrieves an unexpected phone call from her brother. Emily recruits an unfamilier face to the support team.


Morning nears, roughly around 8:30AM, the winter is coming to a close, the snow has almost completely set, nearing the start of December. Most are asleep, others training or having breakfast.

Emily knocks on Kimberley’s door and walks in with a bag thrown over her shoulder. Kimberley is sat with her legs crossed, sport shorts and a top, she is wearing glasses and holding a book.

“Hey, taking a few personal days, I will be calling every night to ask about John.” Emily says.

“Sure, sure. I’ll keep you posted.” Kimberley smiles back then returns her eyes back to her book.

“I didn’t know you needed glasses.” Emily says looking her over.

“As far as you're concerned I don’t.” Kimberley says with a smug smile.

“It’s not something to be self conscious about, you look cute.” Emily says with half a smile and a brow raised.

“Not the look I was going for… But, thank you... I guess...” Kimberley says blushing a little from the compliment. Emily walks out the door and closes it behind her. Just before Emily had gotten a phone call from one of her old Marine friends, asking if she wanted to go to a range a few states over, she accepted. Octavia had informed everyone that she was looking for more recruits to be enlisted into the support team. Emily had no idea she was about to encounter a perfect recruit.

A few hours later. Emily just enters Florida, where she is set to meet her old friend. She drove down an empty road, which was normally littered with pedestrians and high end cars. Lamborghini, Cadillac, Mclaren. You name a fancy car, this road had seen it. It was where all the rich douchebags came to gamble, it was obviously too early for them to show their faces just yet, still recovering from the night before. A pickup truck came screeching around the corner in front of Emily, followed by three black SUV’s, gang members holding guns out the windows shooting at the truck, horrible shots, couldn’t hit a ten foot wide target. A shadowy figure is seen in front of the truck, holding a rifle, an AUG assault rifle to be precise. The truck brakes and swerves into a car park. Emily follows behind the SUV’s and sees the man taking cover behind his truck. A rough beard, spiky red hair, wearing woodland camouflage, equipped with magazines in a tactical vest, a glock holstered, several knives around his left leg. Gang members approach the man behind the car and he throws knives into the two flipping himself over the car grabbing one and using him as a shield, spraying his rifle at an SUV, he runs out of ammo and throws the body to the side and unholsters his sidearm with insane speed putting rounds into the engine causing it to blow up.

“Holy f**k…” Emily says under her breath. She takes her M9 out from under her seat, c***s it and steps out of her car, she comes up behind several gang members and drops them in seconds, she rushes over to the man behind another car at this point and takes cover next to him.

“Wish we could have met under different circumstances!” Emily shouts over the gunfire. The man looks over to Emily with sweat running down his face. He then says with a rasky Australian accent.

“Nah, don’t worry about it. Any assistance is greatly appreciated!” He shouts back pelting a man with several rounds. “Hey, do me a favour and toss this about fifteen meters that way!”

Emily takes the hand grenade and rolls it under an SUV blowing it up, causing a chain reaction of the other, no survivors of the members are seen. They stand up and the man holsters his glock and holds his hand out towards Emily.

“Nice to meet a friendly face. Names Ryan.” He says shaking Emily’s hand.

“Ryan. Nice. I’m Emily. Not that you needed my help or anything but I got bored in the car, been driving for a good few hours, needed to stretch my legs.” Emily flicks the safety on her M9, and tucks it in her jeans behind her, she throws her shirt over it. “What are you?”

“Was. Australian Navy, let’s just say I met some unsavoury individuals at a casino. You?” He asks.

“Marines. Hey are you interested in any work?” Emily asks, searching a body for a souvenir, a rare pistol, a watch, something she could show off to John about when he awoken.

“Might be, why, what are you offering?” Ryan asks, picking up his AUG from the floor and wiping dirt off of it.

“Something where your combat capabilities could be very useful. Buy me a drink and we can discuss it.” Emily says checking her watch, she wasn’t to meet with her friend for a good couple hours yet.

“Alright. Gotta get far away from these c***s anyway.” Ryan says looking over the corpses. “Trust me there is a lot more where these came from.” Ten minutes later they are inside an empty bar. Emily orders a whiskey, so does Ryan. “So, tell me about this organisation. I have never heard of it.”

“That’s the point. It is a secret military project, we are currently at war with this Tristan guy-” Emily is cut off.

“Tristan? That’s what one of the gang members were saying before they jumped me. ‘Try not to kill him, Tristan said that he wanted him alive.’” Ryan says.

“Wait what? Tristan is in town?!?” Emily asks with concern and curiosity.

“Depends, if it is the same Tristan, this one sounds like a right wanker.” He takes a swig off his whiskey. “However, they were saying about using a helicopter so I don’t think he is in Florida no.”

“Thank f**k, we don’t have many allies near here for a fight.” Emily says. “So, you wanna join us?”

“It is interesting to say the least. Especially the technology part. First things first. I gotta clear up some things before I join. First, unlimited access to a gym and training equipment. Second, a workshop for my hobbies. And third, women, they any good?” Ryan says filling his glass yet again.

“All are there, steer clear of Kimberley though, he won’t admit it, but my brother has a thing for her, probably, I never could tell what girls he liked.” Emily explains, she had noticed that John and Kimberley had become very close since they first joined, it is impossible for anyone to think there isn’t something going on between them.

“Alright, sounds good then.” Ryan says finishing his second glass. Emily writes something down on a piece of paper. Grid coordinates to the facility. She slides it over to him.

“Go here, there will be someone there to welcome you, I will give Merik a call, I am sure you might get along.” Emily says. She exits the bar and notifies Octavia of the recruit.  

John approaches the door Allison explained before. He stands in front of it, meters away.

“You sure this is gonna work?” John asks Allison standing behind him peering over his shoulder.

“Haven’t I already answered that?” Allison asks.

“Right. Okay, let’s do this then.” John says walking towards the door, when Allison grabs his arm.

“I can’t, this is where I split off, I cannot leave.” She explains.

“Makes sense. How do we do this then? Like a hug, or a high five or what?” John asks.

“A hug? That is an interesting concept…” Allison says. They both share a hug and John approaches the door once more. Something about Allison being stuck in John’s head makes him sad but he focuses on the problem at hand. He opens it and walks into the raging battle he has grown all too fond of. John sees himself on the turret of the jeep just before it gets destroyed. He runs over to where the hole will be made and waits next to the memory of Kimberley fighting, she fired multiple shots into a soldier and realised she was out of ammunition, she threw the gun into another, unsheathed her blade and struck another. Before long John came sprinting and pushed her out of the way. John jumps into his body as it got hit. He suddenly awakens in the medical bay, no one is seen.

“Allison?” He asks looking around the bed.

“I’m here.” She answers, sat on the side of the bed, her hands holding her head up and a smug smile to go with it.

“Well that was a close o-” John is cut off when Kimberley walks in.

“Don’t you dare say it.” She says, leaning over him, checking the scratches and wounds he had suffered. “You seem okay. How many fingers am I holding up?”

“Three.” John says placing his head back down on the pillow. He looks around the room and sees his clothes on a counter, he tears out the I.V bag needle from his arm and leans on the edge of the bed.

“Thanks.” Kimberley says, facing his back.

“For what?” John asks, standing up.

“You damn well know what!” She says with an angry voice.

“Oh, you mean the tank shell thing. Eh, don’t mention it, I’m sure you would have done the same.” John says, he indicates her to turn around and he puts his jeans and shirt on.

“Would you have done it for anyone?” Kimberley says under her breath, she realises what she said after and hopes he didn’t hear it.

“Only, for you and my sister.” John says without hesitation. Kimberley’s heart began racing and she has no idea why.

“Hey Kim, I have been offered a place in the sup-” James walks in behind Kimberley and sees John. “So you’re awake, that’s good.” Kimberley hides her blushing face by facing away from the both before John could turn around and see.

“So it seems.” John says, wrapping his watch around his wrist.

“John, this is my brother James.” Kimberley introduces them. John walks over to James.

“Nice to meet you, I heard you are a Seal.” John says shaking James’s hand.

“Yeah, well was. It’s a long story. Anyways welcome back. I noticed your car had taken quite a bit of dama-” James is cut off.

“Wait what?! Is she alright?! Repairable right?!” John panics and makes his way towards the door.

“Dude, she’s fine! I fixed her up for you, I use to work on a classic myself, a Charger actually. But that got burnt to ash with the house.” James explains to John while standing in front of him inside the door frame.

“Thank f**k! That my car is okay, not that your house got burnt down, sorry to hear that...” John says making sure not be misunderstood.

“Leave it to you to be more concerned about the Shelby than waking up from a coma.” Kimberley says, still flushed with happiness she hasn’t felt before.

“Why wouldn’t I (he) be?!” John and James say simultaneously, they both look at each other and give a nod to one another.

“Nevermind, I will tell the others.” Kimberley walks out the room and slaps her cheeks with both hands and shakes her head a little to gain compsure.

“Want to see her then?” James asks.

“Definitely.” John says back. They both make their way up to the workshop where James had fixed John’s car. John looks the car over and pops the hood. The sun shines through the window into the workshop leaving shadows from items and cars inside. “You even fixed the air intake. I was going to do that before the battle did it’s thing.”

“Yeah. I am not one to leave a job half finished.” James says looking at the engine. John closes the hood and begins to walk over to the other side of the workshop.

“Come over here.” John says walking over to the covered vehicle. “Charger right?” John removes the pale sheet to reveal a classic 1968 Dodge Charger. “Isn’t much to look at just yet, still needs paint, exhaust needs replacing, as well as the gearshift, some other kinks too. But hey, she’s all yours.” John throws James the keys to the Charger.

“Are you serious?” James says holding the keys in his hands.

“Why wouldn’t I be? You took care of mine, I gotta repay the favor. I got some spare parts in the shed round back, the key is on the chain. I have to go say hi to Emily otherwise she will try to kill me... Again.” John says beginning to walk away.

“She is on a road trip somewhere, she isn’t here.” James informs John.

“I’ll have to call her then.” John says lifting the garage door and closing it behind him. John pulls out his phone and dials Emily.

“Hey Em.” John says.

“Holy crap. You’re awake?!” She shouts, gunfire is heard behind her.

“Why is there gunfire?” John says with concern.

“Oh no, no. I am at a range with some old friends. One of them wants to meet you by the way, she’s cute ya know.” Emily says before letting out a giggle.

“Not interested. Anyway, was just calling to let you know I am still alive and kicking, not sure how, but I am, so that’s a thing. Gotta go see Octavia about a few things, call me on your way back.” John says.

“Sure, see you soon.” Emily hangs up the phone and puts in her ear protection plugs once more and takes aim.

Merik, Nate, and Jason burst into the kitchen singing chicken on a raft. Each of them are carrying a cool box filled with ice and fish

“Skippers in the wardroom drinkin on gin.” Merik chimes

“Hey -oh, chicken on a raft!” Nate and Jason say in harmony.

“What we doing with the fish then?” Jason says putting his cool box down.

“Check. Cook. Then eat.” Merik says “Now, skin, gut and cook.”

John approaches Octavia's office. He walks inside and finds her looking over some files, she is beginning to piece together their next move on Tristan's forces.

"John! You're awake. I was hoping you would be, what do you reckon to this?" Octavia slides her holopad around to face John. He reads the plans and notices a more effective breaching location.

"Only one thing, how about if we breach through here. It would give us more space to move and possibly more cover, would make for a quick sweep." John explains pointing towards the pad swiping left and zooming in on a location.

"Huh, I will make the changes now." Octavia says, turning the pad back facing her and begins to make changes. John sits down opposite her. "Something on your mind?"

"How long before we can hit him... Hit him hard." John says, Octavia looks him in the eyes and puts the pad to the side.

"With the current intel we have on his forces, at least a month, two at the most..." Octavia says.

"Jesus Christ! Anything I can do to help? Gather intelligence, go on some recon, I can take Emily an-" John is cut off by Octavia.

"You have heard of this support team we're getting together right? We have some new recruits coming in, two are already here, we're tracking the others. Show them the ropes." Octavia explains. She is clearly trying to keep John out of trouble, because he has only just got out of a coma and some of his wounds can still be used against him in combat.

"Guess it can't be helped then. I'll get it done." John says, exiting the room.

Beforehand James and Ryan had been told to meet in the gym at 1300; Ryan only arriving at the facility half an hour before, James, well he has already become well acquainted with Salvation's North, his combat capability unparalleled to anything that has been thrown at him before, left some scars but nothing has killed the man yet. John enters the gym in combat fatigue trousers and a USMC shirt, he walks in front of the men who were standing straight up, arms thrown to there sides.

“Gentlemen, at ease, we don’t do that crap here.” John says looking them both over, he gives James a nod and adjusts his eyes to Ryan, pretty muscular build, looks well trained. Both the men move there arms behind their backs. “My name is John, on operations you can call me North, It is a pleasure to meet you both, introduce yourselves to each other and me, tell us a little about yourselves. You first, in the combat fatigues.”

“Yes, sir. My name is Ryan Leitch, was originally in the Australian Navy, was a lieutenant, trained in both CQC and firearms.” Ryan informs them both.

“Very good. I was actually a lieutenant in the Marines. Alright James, your turn.” John says, aiming his hand out at him.

“Name is James Lamb, brother of Kimberley Lamb of this organisation, was in the U.S Navy Seals, trained in just about everything there is.” James informs them getting straight to the point.

“Alright, now both of you shake hands, and get use to each other's company, you both might as well be family here, you will both be fighting side by side for however long you choose to stay with us. This place is all about discipline, I am sure both of you know what that is and have learnt to cope with it. Allison, bring up the feed.” John says, looking behind him, a screen emerges with footage from John’s helmet from when he was fighting the mech on the oil rig. “Watch carefully, this is the kind of thing you will be faced with, if not worse.” The men observe in awe, watching John maneuver the way he was, fight the way he could, watching the shockwave which shook the oil rig. “The next clip is from Salvation’s Merik, not the most stable of individuals but can handle his own.” The footage from Merik’s hud was also from the oil rig, when he was faced with Tristan and his forces. “Allison pause the footage. You see that man there at the end of the table, that is Tristan, our enemy. Play again Allison… Pause. She there is Octavia, fighting Tristan and Edwin, she leads this organisation with an iron fist, not to worry though, she is a down to earth, all round nice gal, if you stay on her good side that is.”

“Looks like we’re going to need some upgrades then.” Bill says while walking in. He walks and stands next to John with his hands tucked into his lab coat. “Gentlemen.”

“Good timing Bill, these are our support teams recruits.” John says and looks back to the men. “This is Bill, our sciencey tech guy, he produced the suits and every weapon in these videos. If you need anything, ask him, he can most likely get it for you. Alright, moving on; the rest of your squad should be here within the next few days, just got to gather them up and bring them here, you will be given callsigns for operations. Your team name, ‘Cobra team’. Cliche’ I know, but that is what it is. Until then, familiarize yourself with our facility, people and anything else you may be interested in. Alright, dismissed.” John says. He walks out of the gym, tapping Bill on the shoulder on his way out.

A few days pass, the other members of Salvation went out searching for possible candidates for the support team. Kimberley managed to find one a few cities over which was convenient for everyone, but they still need another one. No one has fit the criteria as of current. It is pretty late in the evening, roughly mid October at this point. The new recruit walks through the doors of the facility past some guards at the entrance. Average height of 5,8, long brunette hair and dark brown eyes, long sandy trenchcoat with a kiteshield on her back, and a winchester rifle going down the right side of her body. Her name is Samantha Taylor. She is the woman Kimberley found the night before. Samantha begins to feel uneasy, she had just passed several guards, came to an unknown location because a shady redhead told her to. She grips her hand around her weapon and releases her left hand gently to be ready to grab the shield. She looks around the room for possible fire locations, she spots the reception desk with no one manning it. It would be a good place to take cover after laying down suppressive fire, she thought to herself. Kimberley walks into the room and sees her looking uncomfortable.

“You made it. Awesome, welcome to Salvation, Texas HQ.” Kimberley says with a smile. She notices Samantha’s hand with a firm grip on her rifle. Kimberley becomes unsure if Samantha was going to try something. Kimberley moves her hand near her holster. All of a sudden Samantha’s grip loosens and looks at Kimberley.

“Hey, thanks. What do we do from here?” Samantha asks curiously, still unknown why she was called here in the first place. Kimberley moves to the side and gestures with her hand for Samantha to follow her.

“You have been seen as more than capable to be a part of our organisation, we have been recruiting a team to backup the main operations team if it is needed. The pay is good, you have shelter, freedom, all that jazz. If you keep following me I will show you to your quarters where your team are patiently waiting for your arrival.” Kimberley explains. They walk through a few hallways on the first floor. They walk through another dorm looking area and to a door at the end of the hallway. Kimberley opens it and the support team are seen littered around the room. Ryan performing press ups, Titus laying down on the couch, Sharon sharpening one of her short swords and James loading rounds into magazines for his M4A1. Titus spots them both at the door and notices Samantha; he jumps to his feet and walks towards them both.

“Heya Kim. Is this one of the rookies?” Titus says looking Samantha over. Samantha’s eyes meet Titus, she begins to access him.

“Yeah, I (she is) am.” Kimberley and Samantha say at the same time, KImberley embarrased by talking over each other tooks her hands behind her back.

“Well, I am Titus otherwise known as Buzzard on operations. I like your gear composition by the way, a rifle and a shield. Nice, great cover when you have to move around a lot in the field.” Titus says before walking over to the side and pouring out some scotch into a glass. “Welcome to the support team, I am the leader, make yourself at home.”

“Thank you. It is nice to meet you all, you look like capable individuals.” Samantha says, examining them all thoroughly. Kimberley gives her a nod then exits the room closing the door behind her. James looks over and sees her.

“Welcome to Cobra. I’m James Lamb. We’re having a feast with the main characters in a bit.” James says playfully.

“‘Main characters’?” Sharon looks over at James.

“What? It’s a joke, I can’t help but feel like we’re like side characters compared to them in this place.” James explains placing a half full magazine on the side. Titus gives a confused look but then nods in agreement.

“Well, he’s not wrong.” Ryan says standing up. “I’m Ryan, nice to meet you. Samantha, right? Mind if I call you Sam?” Ryan walks up and shakes her hand.

“Yeah, not at all.” Samantha gives him a smile and places her gear behind the sofa. She begins to feel more comfortable around the people here. They seem friendly enough, she thought to herself. Or at least better than the last people she knew, most of them were psychos, hell bent on murder, sure Salvation is not that different, but there is a fine line between being a soldier and being a murderer… Well, maybe not Merik, no one knows what he is. (Authors note: Merik is both. Continue).

Merik walks down to the support team dorms.

“Greetings peasants!” Merik shouts at the top of the corridor.

“Here comes a main character, look alive people.” James says mockingly.

“We are having a banquet and all of you are invited!” Merik says locating the support team.

Ten minutes after Merik let them know they were to join everyone at the feast they were all there, sitting opposite John, Kimberley, etc. John and James are zoned out chatting to each other about car modifications and parts that would and would not be compatible on each others vehicles. Kimberley seems interested in the topic too, involving herself every now and then, neither of them minded, she is actually the one that first sparked up the conversation. Emily and Octavia however are discussing tactics and mission plans on Octavia’s pad. Samantha sits quietly, she is still a little cautious as well as nervous, due to the fact she had only just met these people and she already felt like she had joined a family, a dysfunctional family that made a living of conducting dangerous operations, but a family none the less. It is an odd feeling, even gives her a little nostalgia from when she was a kid having thanksgiving dinner with her family. Sounds is heard from the kitchen and footsteps begin to be heard closer. Merik, Jason, and Nate burst through the door from the kitchen each wearing a different colour suit.

“Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen!” Nate shouted spinning on one foot in his baby blue suit with matching fedora, he then moves to the back of John and Kim.

“Tonight we will be serving... Fish!” Jason says as the three removed the lids on their platter to reveal a lot of fish, Jason follows this by moving behind Octavia and Emily.

“And oh boy do we have a s**t ton of it!” Merik shouts dashing to the over side of the room in his black suit with a “H” and a picture of a horse.  

“Wasn’t he suppose to get a mental health check?” John quietly says to Kimberley.

“I am not reminding him. You remind him.” Kimberley says back.

“I’m not doing it.” John says with a concerned look.

“Oh. Wow. This is a big surprise, I thought we were done after the appertisers were fish, but look to my surprise. More fish.” Ryan says with a smug smile and his arms crossed tightly.

“Dude stop being a dick.” James says to Ryan, he shrugs.

“Merik, Nate. Place the food down and take a seat, before we begin I have an announcement…” Octavia says with her hands locked together. Merik and Nate take seats around the table, the entire main assault team and support team are all there looking towards her, waiting for what she has to say. “I am sure all of you have either taken place or heard of the events that have occurred the past few weeks, we have had a full attack on our base which we believed to be concealed and a secret. Well… Tristan found Texas headquarters. This means we have to relocate.” Octavia informs everyone. Muttering is heard around the table.

“Alright… Where to?” Emily asks leaning a little over the side of the table, the chatter dies down and they look towards Octavia again.

“We have a location marked for Salt Lake city. I know it is a long way away, but this is a necessary precaution. For tonight, we eat, we celebrate. Tomorrow we move out in a convoy towards our new base location.” Octavia explains to the group. “I have some paperwork to sort out and get ready for the move; enjoy your food.” Octavia stands up and walks out the room.

“You know, that hit harder than a tank shell ever could.” John says. Kimberley immediately reacts and punches John in the arm.

“Don’t joke about that! You almost died!” Kimberley shouts.

“Didn’t know you cared that much.” John says back.

“I-I don’t!” Kimberley says nervously. She quietens down again and sits in silence.

"Salt lake city... That's what, 1200 miles?" Samantha asks, after calculating the distance.

"Give or take... Yeah, that's about right." Titus says crossing his arms uncomfortably. Emily crosses her arms with a smug smile and leans over to John.

“Heh, I could make that shot.” Emily says.

“There is a difference between being cocky and the impossible.” John says flicking her on the side of her head.

“So I take it most of us are driving there so what about those who can’t drive?” Titus asks.

“Road trip! woooo!” Merik shouts jumping to his feet, he walks to behind John and Kimberly who turn to look up at him, “I got that test, results not good if I get fired from here.” Merik whispers before going into the kitchen to see how much fish is left. “Great news Ryan! Just one piece of fish left. And here. I want you to have it!”

“That’s it! This is going straight in your eye!” Ryan stands and picks up a fork and prepares to throw it when James grabs his arm.

“Oh no, let him! It’ll be fun!” Merik says back with a cynical grin.

“Everyone calm the f**k down for a minute!” Emily shouts standing up. “This shouldn’t turn into a bigger thing than it already is! I have memories here that I don’t want to leave behind but I am going to for everyone sat around this table now.” She looks at all the people surrounding the table and they quieten down. John leaves his chair and walks to the door.

“I have to change the tires on my Shelby for the terrain and long distance. I think you all should start to pack and prepare also…” He walks out the door and it shuts behind him. Samantha looks at all of the misfits that formed there today and wonders what could have brought them all here together if not Octavia? She may not know them very well but she can tell that they have a bond that is odd and shouldn’t be possible but also turns out to be unbreakable.

“Yeah. I can get use to this.” Samantha says amongst the bickering being heard once John left.

“Huh, did you say something Sam?” Titus asks her while holding a beer.

“It’s nothing.” She responds, still sat in thought. He shrugs his shoulders and takes a swig of his beer. Titus begins to grow more agitated by the constant bickering between Merik and Ryan.

“That’s it! I have had enough of this s**t! You’re going down you b***h!” Ryan jumps over the table to Merik who is giggling like a schoolgirl. They begin a fist fight and soon after Ryan is thrown over the table towards Titus, with Ryan only getting a couple punches in.

“Uh, shouldn’t we stop them?” Samantha asks laying her hand out towards them.

“It’s better to let them wear themselves out, just give them a few minutes.” Kimberley says to her. Ryan begins to rise back to his feet when Titus finishes his beer and breaks it over Ryan’s head.

“Down puppy…” Titus says. He rises from his seat, swings his jacket over his shoulder and exits the room.

“I win!” Merik says, skipping back into the kitchen.

“Or a glass bottle. That works too.” Kimberley says laughing to herself. “It’s getting late, I am going to take John’s advice and prepare for tomorrow.”

“What, you’re going to go pack?” Emily asks.                       

“God no. I am going to sleep, f**k that. I’m lazy.” Kimberley walks out the room.

Morning steadily approaches and most people are loading trucks with supplies and gear. Octavia is coordinating everything with an advanced pad and ordering everyone around, telling them where and how to put things. Kimberley had loaded her bike into the back of one of the trucks as it isn’t particularly good for the terrain they will be crossing, it would cause it more harm than good. Octavia looks over to John.

“John! You’re taking the lead on this convoy! Hurry it up!” Octavia shouts over. John is under the hood of his Shelby making sure everything is gonna stay together for the trip, though there isn’t any problems with it, James did a bloody good job under the hood.

“Yeah, yeah!” John shouts back to her. She gives him a nod and continues. Emily is getting her rifle set up on the back of the convoy, inside one of the trucks a cover has been installed to conceal her and her weapon. Octavia thought it would be a good idea to have someone on watch incase they get followed, or at least a heads up if anything wanted to pick a fight.

“Hey sharpshooter. I’m riding with you.” Kimberley walks over to John still underneath the hood. Moments pass and John remains silent. “Did you hear me?”

“Yeah, I heard you. Load your stuff into the trunk then.” John says, he closes the hood and walks over to Merik.

“You look happy.” John says curiously.

“Saw a badass this morning...” Merik says cheerfully. “Turns out I was looking in a mirror.”

“Alright then...” John pats him on the shoulder and walks to the back of the convoy.

“Hey, John! What do you think? Do I look cool?” Emily asks him playfully, she lays down in the back of the truck and tucks the rifle into her right shoulder.

“Yeah, you look cool. It makes me nostalgic actually. Hey here!” John opens a satchel he has around his body and throws her a few sandwiches and cans of fizzy drinks. “For the road. Oh and this too, I know you’ll get lonely on the way there.” John says with a smile, he hands her a walkie talkie.

“Very thoughtful of you.” She looks over to Octavia who is signaling people to get ready to move out, people begin to get into their vehicles and start the engines. “Thanks for the ordnance, talk to you soon.” John laughs and runs back to his car, he steps in the driver's seat and starts the engine. He sets off down the road with the convoy following five meters behind one another. Kimberley reaches into the back and brings out a box filled with cassette tapes and begins to rummage through them.

“Bon Jovi… Blue Oyster Cult… You got anything that might suit my tastes?” Kimberley asks while searching the box.

“I wouldn’t know. Those are my dad's old tapes. Keep looking, I’m sure you will find something you like?” John says. They reach an intersection and turn down the road leaving the Texas Salvation facility behind in the dust of the vehicles.

“Whatever. Turn on the radio I guess. I’m gonna take a nap, let me know if anything happens.” Kimberley says while curling up into a ball in the passenger seat, placing her head on the back of the seat.

“More and more like a princess everyday.” John mutters to himself. A cassette tape is thrown at John’s head.

“Alright alright! Damn, sorry!” John swirvs and gets back onto the road again. The walkie talkie produces a voice.

“Hey John! Everything okay up there?” James is behind Merik’s rover and saw him swerving across the road.

“Yeah, yeah. Nothing to be concerned about.” John says quietly down the radio, Kimberley had already fallen asleep.

While they are driving down the highway John begins to get bored of watching the road pass underneath them; Kimberley had been drifting in and out of sleep over the past couple hours. He looks over to her with one hand still on the steering wheel. Her face is pressed against the chair facing towards him, something about her was different to him. He has started looking at her a different way this time, it is unusual to how he would notice her, most of the time it would just be a quick glance to see who it was, but this time was different… Clouds move into position covering the sun leaving rays of sunshine beaming on her cheeks. Her hair begin to glow a bright crimson from the beams of light. Her eyelashes are long… John thinks to himself, he notices her lips and how they glisten with moisture. He began to wonder to himself himself, why had he been looking at her in that way?

“John!” The walkie talkie comes through. John picks it up.

“What is it Em?” John says tiredly.

“I want to shoot that cow.” Emily says.

“Don’t shoot the damn cow.” John quickly says.

“I’m shooting the cow.” Emily quickly repeats.

“South, don’t shoot the cow.” Octavia comes through the radio to call her off.

“Awww, boring…” Emily says childishly. She releases the rifle from her shoulder and sits up, she has set up what looked like a cushion fortress to make herself comfortable in the back of one of the trucks, she sits with her head against the back of the truck, puts in earplugs and closes her eyes. Nothing was happening anyway, it is highly unlikely that Tristan has the resources to attempt another attack on them even if it is a convoy, they would lose too many men to make it worth the sacrifice.

Later on, roughly ¾ of the way to Salt Lake base, they stop off so everyone can rest. John looks down at his watch as he stops the car.

“Hm, 5:30 huh.” John steps out of the car and walks over to Merik as everyone gets out of his car. “Hey, you going into town?”

“Yeah, sure, why not.” Merik replies.

“I’ll hitch a ride with you, Kim is still sleeping.” John says getting in the passenger seat.

“Let us ride into the night!” Merik shouts.

“It’s not even six!” John shouts back. They begin to drive into a town somewhere located in Denver. They stop off in a car park just a few minutes from the high street. There are few people out at this time of night, which is odd as it is nearing Christmas, it should be filled. By chance something catches Merik’s eye in a toy store, John awkwardly follows him in, he looks over everything and picks up a toy Thompson. He glances over to Merik.
“Hey Merik! Check this out! Merry Christmas ya’ filthy animal!” John says in a new yorker accent.

“John. Dude. I’ll send you to the shadow realm for that.” Merik says picking up a set of Yu-Gi-Oh cards.

“You aren’t actually about to buy that are you?” John asks, placing the toy back onto the shelf as he wonders how the hell they even ended up in this store.

“Already have.” Merik says walking back over to John with the receipt in hand.

“Alright. If we’re really gonna do this then.” John picks up a different set of cards and purchases them. The cashier gives him a weird look and John stares him back down. “Before we head back I need to get a gift for Em.”

“Well you gonna go normal girl like stuff or you gonna get her a new game? Pretty sure a new Halo just came out.” Merik says looking through his cards.

“She has always liked first person shooters… I’ll see what’s new. I got plenty of money from my payment this month, might get her a couple if that’s the case.” John says walking out. Rain begins to pour into the town and the wind picks up heavily. He lifts the hood under his jacket over his head and puts his hands into his pockets.

“F**k.” Merik says as he walks beside John. “This weather reminds me of the week I spent in the UK when I was 17…”

“So the stereotypes are true…” They begin to walk down the highstreet when John notices the formation of clouds in the sky. “So that’s why there is no one here.”

“Hmm, Wait what?” Merik asks looking to the sky.

“Doesn’t look like a tornado or anything, maybe a low level hurricane. See that formation in the clouds?” John says pointing at the sky.

“Uh huh, Guess you learn these things when you are in the military… Or did you just really, really like the weather girl on channel 14?” Merik says mockingly.

“Eh, mainly from my time spent in fallujah on this deployment this one time, but can’t say I didn’t have a keen eye for her.” John says before smirking. “We should hurry, the thing looks like it’s gonna miss camp so that’s a good sign.”

“To the 110!” Merik shouts running down the road after John had finished buying several video games for Emily. John jogs after him.

Half an hour later they arrive back at camp, roughly 9PM, as expected the hurricane just missed the camp and nothing was effected. John and Merik sit across from each other with the cards on a metal folding table.

“So, how’s it going with the princess?” Merik says smirking at his cards.

“No idea what you are talking about.” John says studying his hand.

“Pfft. You know what I mean.” Merik says, “Dark world dealings. Discard a card then draw one”.

“Yeah, yeah. I am choosing to ignore the question as I don’t like where it is going. Why is everyone thinking I am making a move on her?!” John says frustratingly.

“Because you are…” Merik says giggling “Can I win yet? Or...You still want to drag this out?”

John flinches at the fact that Merik knew what his plans were with the game. He glances over to a fire with Emily and Kimberley sat around it. Kimberley notices him and raises an eyebrow.

“For the love of god. Do what you’re gonna do.” John says with the look of defeat in his eye. Shortly after Merik explains his move and card effects.

“I win!” Merik says before catching his breath “That was a mouthful, second turn too…”  

“Well played Koyba.” John says throwing his hand down onto the table and resting his head on his hands behind him.

“Who the hell is Koyba?” Octavia says walking past them “Wait isn’t that your last name Merik?”

“Maybe it is. Okay yes it is…” Merik lets on...

“I swear to god I didn’t know…” John says while still surprised that he even has a last name.

“Well of course I have a last name you biggot.” Merik says packing his cards back into his deck.

“I guess you’re right.” John says standing up and picking up his beer and walking away, leaving the cards on the table. He walks over to his car and lies down on the back seats with his hand tucked behind his head, still sipping his beer. A creak is heard and John opens an eye to see Kimberley looking down at him, he suddenly finds himself looking at her eyelashes again before her lips catch his eye once more, he shakes himself free.

“Couldn’t help but notice you were looking at me just now.” Kimberley says with a devious grin.

“What if I was looking at my little sister?” John says closing his eye again.

“Were you?” She asks.

“If you want to see it as I was looking at you, sure I was looking at you.” John says, giving in to her accusation.

“Hmm…” She sees a bag of items on the floor and picks them up and looks inside. “Video games? An- John. What is this?”

“Huh?” John notices the bag and sighs. She had noticed that John had taken a picture of them both in the car on their way there. “Thought you looked cute. Thought I would capture the moment.” Kimberley laughs at the photo.

“Well I am keeping the photo, it’s a pretty good one, I’ll give you that.” She says happily. She had taken it pretty well, it being said that she had a picture taken of her without permission, she seems happy it was. John rises from the seats and reveals blankets in the back.

“You take the seats, I’ll sleep on the hood.” John says stepping out the car.

“Now you decide to be a gentleman.” She says playfully.

“I always have been!” He says back to her. “If you get cold, there is a mini heater under the driver seat you can hook up.”

“Thanks… I really appreciate it.”Kimberley says with sincerity, he gives her a nod and walks to the front of the car. She looks at the photo one last time and stashes it inside her back pocket.

Morning comes and everyone has packed away everything from the night before, it began to snow late last night and it has decided to stick around a little while longer, the hurricane seems to have swept snow clouds into the area from the mountains, they can barely see five feet in front of them. A few hours later they reach the potential base location, they pull up and begin to unpack the cargo they brought with them. Octavia leads them inside where it seems old, and abandoned, cobwebs in the corners and dust left on old furniture. She leads them up a flight of stairs to the top floor where there is a long corridor. The team begin to look into the rooms, they are substantially larger than their last set.

“Looks like you get some more space ladies and gentlemen.” Octavia says. “You guys will be in charge of cleaning this floor. I know that it looks like a lot of work... But you guys are lazy, so you’ll find an easy way to do it. Have a good one!” Octavia walks down the stairs.

“I’m not that lazy… Am I?” Emily says with a sad look to her.

“Eh, kinda?” John says wearily walking past her.

12 hours later…

The top floor is clean, not a speck of dust. John had replaced the old, faded floorboards with carpet, Emily made sure the wallpaper was, how do I say this? ‘Cute’ as she put it, Jason and Merik went out to get furniture from a nearby Ikea, the pure look of terror in Merik’s eyes when he saw the store, he stayed in the car and helped move furniture around after they returned. The rooms look different than the last base of operations for them; the recreation room isn’t as tight, it has long glass windows which reach around 180 degrees of the room with a huge couch in the center surrounding a television and a coffee table, underneath them countless gaming consoles (courtesy of Emily) with endless amounts of games littered around the floor. Emily is in her room with Kimberley on the other side of the room scouting out her room.

“Ugh, I feel like I could sleep for an eternity…” Emily says as she flops on top of her new double bed.

“What are you? A vampire?” Kimberley asks curiously. She stands from a chair and moves it into a corner in the room.

“Might as well be…” Emily says with her voice muffled by the cushion around her face. Kimberley gets the idea of performing a joke on Emily. She walks over to her laying on the bed still and sits on it and crawls up to her in a seductive way.

“Y’know, laying on a bed that way would just about do it for anyone...” She says flirting with Emily.

“Really?” Emily says sitting up taking Kimberley’s chin towards her face with a curious face and a devious smile. She leans in to kiss her then stops. “Maybe you can try it on my brother then.” Kimberley falls back half relieved and surprised that Emily didn’t actually kiss her.

“W-What are you talking about? W-Why would I?” Kimberley says nervously, she has become overflown with anxiousness.

“Eh? Still trying to hide it from your bestfriend Miss Farsight?” She says leaning back on her pillows with her hands tucked behind her head looking relaxed. “It’s funny, I would have thought that I would be your best weapon of choice to use in this particular battle.”

Kimberley walks towards the door and stops before opening.

“We’ll see what happens then won’t we.” Kimberley stops and looks toward Emily with rosy cheeks. Emily gives her a wink then she exits Emily’s room. Kimberley then bumps into Octavia in the hall.

“Kimberley, just who I was looking for. Every few years there is this competition to see which secret organisation has the best operatives, combat wise anyway. Would you be interested in participating in such a thing? It is mainly close quarters combat based with the occasional rifle thrown in with stun rounds.” Octavia informs her.

“Sure, sure. Can’t see why not, I don’t have to kill anybody so I’m in.” Kimberley says moving her hands to the pockets of her sweatpants. Octavia shoots her a smile.

“Excellent, make sure you are ready tomorrow morning.” Octavia says.

“Tomorrow? Is this last minute?!” Kimberley asks shocked.

“Well, we kinda had our hands full, should feel honored they didn’t give us a lot of warning last time, gave us a couple hours before the event started.” Octavia says with her smile still present.

“Aw, how can I say no to that cute face?” Kimberley says again removing one of her hands from her pocket. Octavia becomes embarrassed and dismisses Kimberley back to her room.

Jason walks out of the rec room after listening in on Octavia and Kimberleys conversation.

“Hey, Octavia. That arena fight thing. Do you need two people to enter? ‘Cos I would love to play.” Jason says with a bored expression.

“Erm… One sec.” Octavia says pulling a tablet out of her bag to check the message about the tournament, “Yeah sure, you can fight. Be ready tomorrow morning, yeah?”

“Sweet, cheers boss.” Jason says walking into his room.

© 2016 Cory

Author's Note

This is chapter 9 of Project: Salvation, I added chapter 10 accidentally before this one.

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Added on July 23, 2016
Last Updated on July 23, 2016
Tags: Coma, Action, Military, Drama



Poulton le fylde, Lancashire, United Kingdom

I am a beginner writer with a huge imagination, I enjoy writing as a hobby as I am in college; hoping to pursue a career in writing if that is a possibility for me :) I am open to criticism, I am lo.. more..

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