![]() "Roll over? Play dead?" Not gonna happen.A Chapter by Cory![]() John and the rest of his comrades launch an attack on one of Tristan's advisers in order to show him that they are not going to back down to petty threats and will fight if that is what he wants.![]() “Okay, if we want to hit Tristan, we are going to have to hit some of his contacts in the field.” Octavia says looking at the group. “Alright, how can we do that?” Kimberley asks. "Got anything in mind?" “We are working on the location of one, a contact in the local cartel.” Octavia adds. Allison appears on John’s shoulder, John realises she is there and looks puzzled. “Can- Can they see you or?” John asks. “No, only you can see me through your chip, since I was embedded into the armor, which then embedded me into your skull, armor or no armor I am going to be here, although I can see like a normal person however.” Allison says. “Erm, is, is John talking to himself?” Kimberley asked Emily looking over to John seemingly talking to thin air. “Oh, I’m not sure…” Emily says peering over to John who is talking to Allison. “No, It’s his AI.” Nate whispers to Emily and Kimberley “Oh, that makes sense.” Kimberley whispers back to Nate. “I gotta go into town to pick some things up, I’ll be back shortly guys. Octavia, get a file briefing me on the situation to my room as soon as you can, cheers.” John says walking out the door and shuffling past Jason, the armor folds back onto the pad and leaves it in his room next to the prototype on his desk. “Allison, you’re still there right?” John says. “Aha” Allison says. “Aha? Well, you weren't kidding when you say you could develop a personality.” John says walking down the hall. “I am reading a lot of books from the Internet. So many stories. They are all so interesting…” Allison says, she appears sitting on his shoulder with a digital book in her hand. “You are by far the coolest thing ever.” John says walking into the lobby. “I am glad you’re happy with myself.” Allison responds turning a page in the book. John drives to the nearest convenient store and picks up a couple cases of beer and a few packets of chewing gum. John begins paying for the items. Allison then appears again on his shoulder. John see’s her. “Jesus christ.” John says. The cashier gives him a puzzled look and proceeds checking out, he grabs his stuff and walk out to the car park. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” Allison says. “Yeah, don’t worry about it.” John responds. “This man, he was forced to cut off his arm because he was bitten by a human… Why?” Allison asks. “Wait, are you reading The Walking Dead comics?” John asks. “Alright, I’ll fill you in on the way back.” John says and gets back into his car. Meanwhile back at the salvation headquarters; Kimberley had been searching for the whereabouts of a contact in the cartel, that is linked back to Tristan. Kimberley leans back in her chair, throws her hands up behind her head “I GOT IT!” She shouts, feeling a sense accomplishment. She walks down the hall to Octavia’s office and knocks on the door. “Come in.” Octavia says. She opens the door and steps half way into the office, “I got ‘em” Kimberley says says as she hands Octavia a file containing the whereabouts of the cartel contact. “You serious? Nicely done!” Octavia says opening the file. “Yeah, wasn’t easy. But I got it.” Kimberley adds. “Let everyone know.” Octavia says. John reaches the Salvation car park again and steps out of the car. “You understand now?” John asks. “Yes, I understand. Thank you, this makes the comic a lot clearer.” Allison says. “We are going to get on just fine Allison.” John continues. “I am pleased to hear that John.” Allison responds. Nate is stood in front door of Salvation, “John! Octavia needs us inside” Nate says, “Right, I’ll be right up then.” John heads to the room, he walks in and throws Kimberley the packets of gum. “I saw you were chewing this before, spearmint right?” John says. “Awesome, thanks man.” Kimberley responds catching the chewing gum. “What did you need us for Octavia?” John asks. “Now that everyone is here, I’ll begin. Okay, he is mostly going to be guarded by many hired mercenaries or cartel members, which should be no problem for you guys. Each of you have separate files in your rooms which have your separate jobs on the mission, read them, gear up, be ready to leave tomorrow morning at 0745. Any questions?” Octavia says. “No? Okay, then, dismissed.” Octavia says. The group leave her office and head back to their rooms to read the file. John heads back to his room and reads the file. ‘You are all tasked with infiltrating the compound and, clearing the area, interrogating the target, then killing him. Remember this is about sending a message, nothing too fancy.’ John’s read ‘Position: Close quarters’ Emily’s read ‘Position: Marksman’ Kimberley’s read ‘Position: Close quarters’ Jason’s read ‘Perimeter watch’ Merik’s read ‘Assassination’ and Nate’s reads ‘Scout’. John double checks his rifle and threw it around to his back, and loaded his sidearm, and holstered it. Allison appears again on his shoulder. “John?” Allison says. “Yeah?” John responds. “I have been reading a lot more, I have came across this term time and time again, could you please explain it to me?” Allison asks. “Sure, what is it?” John says while packing a duffel bag with ammo and other gear. “Dream, what is it to dream?” Allison asks. “Dream? Huh, well. To dream, you have to have a passion for something and really want it. Another definition of dream is when you sleep you can dream of something like, you live a world inside your head for a little while until you wake up again.” John explains. “Huh, do you think I could be able to dream?” Allison asks again. “I don’t see why not, I am not sure if you sleep, but, you seem to have emotions humans do, you can definitely have a dream yes.” John says “That's great! Hey, where are we going?” Allison asks. “We have our first assignment as a team.” John explains. “Thats exciting!” Allison shouts. “Yeah, it is. Well, let’s do this.” John says and flings the bag over his shoulder and heads to the C-130 where Titus is waiting to transport them to the AO (Area of operation). Emily and Kimberley walk up the ramp of the C-130 with their gear. Merik and Jason are sat inside playing catch with a tennis ball they found in a box in the rec room. Nate is sat in the corner read ‘Pride and Prejudice’ in the corner. John walks up the ramp with his rifle slung over his shoulder and his armor in one hand. “Hey Allison wake me up when we are a few miles out.” John says while laying down on multiple seats. “Will do.” Allison responds. Two hours into the flight. They are coming up on the AO. “John, John. We are almost there.” Allison says tapping John's face. John wakes up. “Huh, what, oh right yeah…” John leans up and wipes his eyes. Jason and Merik are still playing catch with a tennis ball but now Nate has joined in. “Yeah, we’re near our drop.” Kimberley says while cleaning her Glocks. “South! It’s your jump! Octavia said you have to jump a few minutes before the others to give you time to find a position!” Titus shouts down the plane. “Alright, open the hatch!” Emily shouts back. The ramp lowers on the back of the C-130. Emily walks up ready to jump. John gets up and walks over. “Hey. See you on the ground.” John says leaning his fist out towards her. Emily punches his fist and John goes to sit back down. Emily jumps out. “Everyone else, it’s your turn!” Titus shouts back. The light turns green in the transport hold. John throws the parachute on his back and walks over, Kimberley follows. “This looks fun!” Allison shouts trying to make herself heard over sound of the engines and wind. “Oh it is, see you on the ground Princess!” John jumps out backward flipping his finger to the rest of the team, before spinning around and spreading his arms and legs. Kimberley follows but does a dive to go past John and do the same. Merik walks off the edge forgetting his parachute and hitting the armor patch having his armor form around him as he crashes into the earth below. “I don’t need this.” Jason says dropping his parachute “Hey Buzzard, I’m taking Horseman's way down….I’ll be back.” Jason activated his armour and steps off the edge shattering a fountain he lands on. “Good evening, Horseman, Demon. Care to explain why you flopped out of the C-130?” Nate says becoming frustrated as he floats down behind them. “Style points” Merik and Jason say in harmony “Jinx! You owe me a coke” they both then growl before moving to a safer location to devise a new plan after stealth went out of the window. John and Kimberley land on the ground and throw their parachutes away. “So much for the element of surprise.” Kimberley says to John. “Well, what would be the fun in not having a near death experience every mission?” John asks. “What ever, follow the alarm I guess.” Kimberley says. They both come across the front entrance to the compound. “Ready?” John asks. “Ready!” Allison shouts. “Sure.” Kimberley says. Their armor form around their bodies and they simultaneously kick in the front gates. “Cover me?” John says lowering his weapon. Looking at the empty courtyard. “I thought- I don’t know what to think.” Kimberley says. “Sniper in the window by the way.” Allison says when a shot is fired just missing John. They dive behind cover. “Jesus christ, Allison, could have done with that info before he shot!” John shouts firing back at the window. “Sorry, I am new to combat situations.” Allison says. “If you throw a grenade at the wall precisely there, it should bounce off into the window.” “That is the type of information I need.” John says pulling the pin on a grenade and throwing it at a wall ricocheting into the window blowing the sniper out the window in two separate pieces. Kimberley looks at John with amazement. “Did, you just do that?” Kimberley asked. “Allison told me.” John says back while jogging into the building. “Soo cool.” Kimberley says just behind him. “In position.” Emily says over the radio. “North, just thought I’d let you know Horseman and demon and I landed at the back of the grounds, basically the other side or the building. And the Horseman is now hiding in a vent. Demon is making his way round the outside to North, and Princess. I am going to go in through the door. Shout if you need me” Nate says opening the back door and walking inside... “I expected more resistance…” John says clearing a room. “Me too, something ain’t right…” Kimberley says. Merik crawls through the vents whistling the Indiana Jones theme, the vents give way underneath him making him faceplant into the middle of the main hall where all of the guards are waiting. “Erm...Hi!” Merik says standing up to face the guards “I am the Horseman, and this is your personal apocalypse.” Merik instructs Armageddon to release gas stunning the guards and then boost his strength and speed, Merik pulls out the staff and equips the bow and takes down the guards close to him, he then switches to his axes and takes out a quarter of the remaining guards, he finishes the rest by cleaving them with his halberd. “Found the guards, guards are dead, that was fun” Merik says while starting to laugh. “Demon, you about caught up yet?” John asks. “Eyy up!” Jason shouts as he runs round the corner “Found a way in that isn’t the vents?” “Yeah, we used the front gate, where surprisingly there wasn’t anyone there but a sniper.” Kimberley says. “Dude, this isn’t right, no resistance.” John says. “Heat signatures, coming up both flights of stairs.” Allison says. “F**k, we got company.” John says flipping a table over and lifts his gun aiming towards the door, Kimberley hides behind the door wielding a knife and a Glock. “currently about thirty casualties guys, and that’s only from me” “They are closing in fast.” Allison says. A man opens the door and begins to walk in when Kimberley shoots him through the door and kicks the door into the man following. John releases a horde of bullets into the door clearing the remainder behind the door, the rest take cover behind the door and small group prepare to breach the wall behind John. Jason moves forward letting the rest of the group use him as shield. “Let’s test how much this thing can take” Jason said running through the wall in front of them. Merik is casually walking down the corridor, he finds the group of guards that were preparing to flank John and Kimberley. he equips the cutlass and takes them out and then breaks down the wall finding John and Kimberley. “Oi. Oi. Miss me?” Merik said walking past them. “Not particularly.” Kimberley says. “Alright, you guys do whatever, I am going to find the guy we’re after.” John says jogging out of the room. “Allison, show me heat signatures throughout the building.” John says. “Bringing them up now.” Allison says, she allows John to see thermal through his visor, he see’s a lot more reinforcements incoming but also see’s a guarded room with a man inside hiding behind a desk. “I see the guy we’re after, I am gonna need some cover while I have a chat though, you guys think you can handle that?” John says over the armors frequencies. “Got you covered from out here North.” Emily says. “Allison, you ready?” John says placing the last C4 charge on the side of the wall to surprise the guards inside expecting him to come through the front door. “Of course.” Allison says smiling. “Alright guys, I am hitting the charge now, be ready for a s**t storm, just buy me ten minutes, scratch that make it five.” John says over the radio. “Copy that, North, I got your side covered, multiple guards making their way up to your position, not to worry, I can take care of them.” Emily says aiming down her scope firing several shots wiping out the reinforcements. “Alright, North, whats a concert without fireworks? Hit it.” John gets behind a bit of the wall and detonates the C4 making a hole in the wall. John dives through doing a barrel roll on the floor wielding his Python and knife. He fires the six rounds and throws his knife into the remaining guard. John takes out the knife from the guard and wipes it on his arm, he looks over to the man and laughs. “Really? You? You are the informant or are you just Tristan’s b***h?” John says walking over. “Please! Please! I’ll tell you what you need to know!” The man screams. “I know you will.” John says kicking him into the desk, John’s helmet deforms and he looks him dead in the eye, pressing his knife against the man's face. “Tell me, everything…” A guard slowly creeps up to John as he is leaning over the target, pulling a knife out of his pocket and placing it against John’s neck. “Not looking good for you is princess.” The guard whispers into John’s ear while licking his lips. “Could say the same about you darling.” Merik says as he decapitates the guard cutlass before switching to the halberd to turn the guard into a lollipop “As you were North.” “We got reinforcements inbound.” Jason says. “Sounds like fun.” Merik says casually walking outside whistling the ‘Adams family’ tune. A small amount of time passes and John begins to wipe his knife with blood from the target, he writes a little note for Tristans men to find. ‘You threaten us. You try to send us running. We will only kick back, stronger, faster, and bloodier. Any who, I am sure you are a busy man, thinking of ways to get revenge, how to kill us. What ever precious little fantasies you have going on in your tiny little mind of yours. It’s been a blast hanging with your pal here. From your friend North at Salvation.’ Emily zero’s in her scope to help Merik in holding off the reinforcements. “Ready to have some fun?” Merik says while his armour flashes white three times. “Gotcha back.” South mutters over the radio, fixing the stock of her marksman rifle tighter into her shoulder. Merik activates his strength boost and begins to walk towards the incoming reinforcements switching to the bow taking a few out from range before taking cover and looking for an advantage. Emily fires multiple shots piercing the hearts of many mercenaries before reloading her second magazine. Kimberley runs out into the courtyard behind the building where they originally entered and takes cover behind a long wall awaiting footsteps. Reinforcements begin to enter the courtyard and Kimberley trips one up placing a knife into the back of his head and tearing it out again running towards the other side firing multiple rounds towards the guards keeping them pinned. “Hey South, think you can lay down some fire for me?” Kimberley asks. “Consider it done.” Emily changes position so she can see the courtyard Kimberley is fighting in alone. Emily signals Kimberley to fire by firing rounds killing two mercenaries. Kimberley rolls out a weapons EMP device disabling all guns within a certain vicinity. She dives over the wall flipping a man over shoulder before running up the chest of another performing a backflip kicking one behind her; she throws several life threatening punches into one pulling out her modified glock, she kicks one in the stomach and puts a bullet into his head. One lunges in for a punch but she dodges it and kicks in his leg snapping it in half where Emily fires a shot to finish the man off. “Princess, looks like you’re all clear. Go meet up wi-” Emily is cut off by a large man with a machete slamming the blade into where she would have been but heard him at the last second and rolled out of the way leaving her rifle in position, she unsheathes her knife and flips it around with her thumb on the end of the grip. The man lunges for her where she slices into his hand forcing him to drop the machete, he pulls a pump action shotgun from a pouch on his back cocking it with one hand and aiming it towards her, she dives over a large rock getting hit in the arm from the shotgun. “Agh, f**k.” Emily shouts. Looking at the blood draining from her arm. She takes her M9 from her holster and c***s it and rolls to the side of the rock and fires into the man piercing his chest but the man takes the rounds, and is bleeding heavily before running dropping something out of his pocket as he left. Her helmets forming systems malfunction and the helmet deforms from her head, her hair blew in the wind and blood comes from her mouth, she wipes it off and picks up her rifle, she see’s the thing the man dropped and reads it. It was an identification card. She knew the name of the man who nearly took her life. She flings the rifle to her back and walks down to Kimberley holding her arm still bleeding but not as heavily. “H-Hey… Prin- Princess… No- Not feeling too hot.” Emily falls and Kimberley catches her. “Holy f**k, you’re bleeding!” KImberley shouts. Jason charges out of the main gate to the back of the large group of reinforcements and cuts them down one by one. Jason drew his golden blade and took out a quarter of the remaining grunts. “Horseman, Backup?” Jason says looking into the eyes of a man who matched his size and bulk. “Take care of the other guards the big fuckers mine.” “On my way Demon” Merik says jumping around the plaza, dropping into the middle of the remaining guards crushing a couple of them before cleaving through the rest “Demon is..that...is that guy bigger than you?” “Yes. And I don’t like it.” Jason says while the giant ran at him drawing a shortsword and lunging at Jason destroying the main power source for his armour. Jason rolls backwards and using what little power is left in his armour and actives the augmented gloves in his armor and begins to brawl with the giant, the giant retaliates and swings the sword round with such a great force it smashed against Jason’s armor leaving the giant confused and amazed, Jason takes the opportunity and knocks the giant off his feat.. The giant falls to the floor, Jason's armour flickers out and his helmet disappears from his face his armor has now lost all power, Jason pulls the staff that will turn into his axe, activates it, and the axe flickers into existence, Jason cuts the giants arms and legs, his blood spilling over the sands.. “Ahhh, You...Jason...I...wish we didn’t meet like this...” the giant says as he takes his last breath. “Good bye. Friend.” Jason says walking over the corpse of the giant. Jason bends down and closes the giant’s eyes noticing an ID card and taking it with him back to Salvation. “I will bring you justice.” Jason walks back over to Merik who has just finished taking out the last of the reinforcements that hadn’t made their way into the main plaza yet. “All clear out here guys” Jason says over the radio “Who still has all of their armour in once piece” Jason starts to laugh. “Mine is in one piece, but I didn’t do much fighting.” John says over the radio. “Guys, Emily is hit up bad, we have to get her out of here, she has lost a lot of blood.” Kimberley shouts over the radio. “What! Where!” John shouts back. “Same way we came in John…” Kimberley says, slapping Emily’s face trying to keep her conscious. John runs out the back with his armour deforming around him, he picks her up and runs for the C-130. “Guys! Get to the C-130 in five minutes or I am leaving without you! She needs a god damn medic!” John screams down the radio. Merik and Jason sprint out the back entrance and run behind the others. Nate blinks out from the building and makes his way towards the plane. “God that place is confusing...Blood! Lots of Blood! Don’t do blood!” Nate shouts closing his eyes and charging up his blink, he realises and lands into the C-130. © 2015 Cory |
Added on October 10, 2015 Last Updated on October 10, 2015 Tags: Retaliation, Fighting, Injury, Death Author![]() CoryPoulton le fylde, Lancashire, United KingdomAboutI am a beginner writer with a huge imagination, I enjoy writing as a hobby as I am in college; hoping to pursue a career in writing if that is a possibility for me :) I am open to criticism, I am lo.. more..Writing