Today it is possible to be trapped inside of freedom. You're not chained to anything, only kept inside. The towering walls of expectations imprison you when what is expected grows to be as panoramic as what is allowed. Guards with spears stand with their backs to the rest of the potential, suggesting with authority that there is plenty inside the playground of your life. And they're right, they really are; but they are in the wrong for it. Build a business out of blocks, create games to sweat over and run around for, collect all you can and do all that there is to do with it, which is a long list but a limited one nonetheless. Just wait until you get a glimpse over the guards' shoulders and see the eastern sun glistening behind them, its rays reaching across an ocean and an entire history, shining with the intensity of literally endless possibilities. And yet, we're encouraged to stay put. Do all you can, but do it within the confines of your own region, your own expectations.
Ignore them. Build monuments out of actions, create beauty to share with and enlighten others, collect all of the kindness and adventure and memories you can with the little time you've been given. Shove past the guards with the spears tipped with a poison that tastes like "we know what's best for you." They don't know what's best for you, and often no one does. They planted you in a field where you were free to grow and go, and you should be thankful for that; but the extent of freedom lies not in politics. Freedom doesn't end. Beyond the walls of expectations there is a rising sun, and it casts a gold across the horizon more valuable than wealth can tell.