![]() English Violets - TD Mitchum Chapter 2A Story by Confuser![]() After the divorce, Jules is like a leaper to the society crowd but attends a party; Line dividers will not correct; this is nuts!! So sorry!![]() English Violets: Chapter Two Written by Teresa Dale Mitchum Copyright© 2015 All Rights Reserved
As soon as her
divorce was finalized the local grapevine lit up. She visualized those posh
philanthropic society clones wearing shiny skates of gold and platinum
searching the state of Virginia and beyond for the new `Charles.’ To say
friends would be an over-exaggeration, they were uptight snobby acquaintances
she endured for the sake of Charles. And she was no longer part of the married
“You owe it to yourself to start over Jules,” said Diana Miller.
The same
disingenuous concerns continued for weeks with a plethora of calls and dinner
invites to meet: Mr. Tech-wizard, Mr. Banker- or Mr. Wall Street. When she
politely refused the invites, their paranoia became all too obvious. She was the interloper and in their warped
minds, an enemy lurking slyly into their gated communities. A demon seductress
with round alluring sky blue lit eyes. At any moment she could entrance their
men lure them away, with their money.
They were
carbon copies, the whole stinking lot. United in vein attempts to stay young,
never missing weekly spa trips for Botox treatments and fillers. Their vanities
began to show its full radiating intensity and self righteous attitude in
college. Although some have married and moved away, the entire cast of `fake
friends’ manipulated, cheated, lied and did everything to one up the other.
Their lunch club gathered together eating only a few saltines, continually
trying fad diets starving their bodies, but instead it corrupted their brains
changing them into vain, self-centered greedy, crazed mad women.
Maybe it was
there all along, but one thing she was certain of, as certain as their attempt
to hide their flabby Buick butts below too tight spanx; they were jealous and
ravenous for attention. As vicious as hungry hyenas eating away their self
dignity obsessed with the illusion of perfection driving endlessly for more. She
laughed inside; their filament injected lips were very similar to the hyena. She
imagined them all, at The Towers, a revolving restaurant, on the 14 floor of
Wellington’s, a gathering for the ‘elite’.
The saliva drooling like the carnivores, eating a petite salad, but all
at once, unable to maintain control, Anna grabs a T-Bone eating it bone and all.
The others will follow gorging themselves,
snatching pastries off trays, eating with their hands, cramming food in their
mouths, running around patrons faster, snarling at each other, after all it was
always a competition with them.
Nothing would
ever fill their empty unrighteous souls. It was a long dark road they would
never find an end that would bring fulfillment. Their line of reasoning invaded
the yellow paint dividing that beaten down road hidden inside the recesses of
their psyche screaming, `Coward.’ But on the other side, she had to
believe their true desire was whispering, love me as I am. Just simple
acceptance, but it had gotten out of hand, and the ripple effect was as long as
Route 66.
She had lost
herself too, but her best friend, Shelly Hanson, kept her spirit up, reminding
her she would find herself again. She went through a period of forgoing any of
her own needs and desires trying to please Charles: exercising, cooking,
dieting, anything short of a threesome, which he alluded too. But unlike them,
she married Charles for love, not for his portfolio. She had truly loved him.
They always
kept their husband’s on a tight leash, and with her loose and running free, it
was as if they fell into the mist of a black water fever. By God if they could
have tracked her with bloodhounds they would have. Jules was incensed at the thought she would
desire a married man, especially one of those spineless trained spider monkeys.
The idea was atrocious, disgusting and simply ludicrous. Although they feigned
concern, they were clinching onto their husband’s with all their might, tighter
than those too small spanxs.
New Year’s Eve 2013
She reluctantly accepted Cindy and Steve Newman’s invite for their
annual New Year’s Eve party at the urging of Shelly. She encouraged her to get
out of the apartment, so she accepted.
“Jules, you can’t just sit around there and mope. I know how that
group can be, but you’ll at least enjoy the drive and it’ll make you feel good
to get dressed up. I know they’re jealous, you’re beautiful Jules, accept it.”
“I wouldn’t go that far Shelly, I’m not unattractive, but
I’ve got plenty of flaws, you know that better than anyone.”
“Okay Jules, you’re very pretty, and your heart is beautiful. How’s
that?,” adding a snicker.
“They’re phony and insecure and you’re original. Don’t be
intimidated by them, remember you can leave anytime. I’m so sad thinking of you
sitting there with Gee-gee on New Year’s Eve. I love my sweet doggie too, but
it’s time you take a small step outside, and you’ll be home in plenty of time
to kiss Gee-gee and call me.”
Shelly Hanson moved to Florida four years earlier and supported
Jules throughout the marriage and divorce. Shelly’s upbeat attitude and
philosophy on life helped her immensely. They loved each other as if they were
sisters. They literally bumped into each
running around a corner in elementary school when they were seven years
old. God had blessed her on that day. Shelly lived two blocks away and they grew up
together, rarely missing a day without seeing each other or chatting on the
phone. Even when she left for Columbia
and met Charles, Shelly was supportive
in every way.
Since Shelly moved they talked everyday and she begged her to move
to Florida, “We’re family, Jules please come, there’s a room ready for you, and
David loves you too.” Shelly knew Jules
inside and out, and even though it was a touch lesson, she had encouraged her
to attend the party for one reason only. She just prayed it would work.
Her brother, Randall Catone was just as encouraging and they
talked often. He lived close by Shelly and David. Randall was recruited by the
Federal Bureau of Investigations during law school, though after some years he
opted for work in private practice.
The ride over was beautiful. She stopped at every stoplight
staring at the full-moon pondering her place in life, feeling restless,
wondering where her life would go. She suddenly realized it had been years
since she had been to a party alone and it felt wonderful. She was finally free
and felt her confidence building with her smile. She had been thinking more
about moving but was hesitant to leave her Meme and brother, but tonight she
felt waves of possibilities entering her mind. She was happy and at peace.
Before she knew it she was driving up the Newman’s long driveway and her
thoughts escaped somewhere into the cold winter night air New Year’s Eve 2013.
She arrived at 7:00 on Saturday evening driving her dark blue Audi
Roadster convertible dressed in a conservative blue channel dress and white
cape with tiny hand-sewn beads twinkling as she walked under the subtle
restrained light of the night. She loved the nostalgia of wearing the hand-made
cape she bought in a vintage shop while visiting London with Meme. The silk lining
felt soft against her skin. She thought of the woman who had worn it before,
maybe to the theatre, or a wedding and smiled loudly.
As she walked up to the front door and rang the bell she felt
uneasy, but put on her best show face and thought, `I can leave anytime, make
the best of it.’
Lori Balkan opened the door and gave her a gracious welcome
smiling primly. “Jules you look so lovely,” giving her traditional fake air
kiss on each cheek, probably not to smear her perfectly painted makeup. She
noticed her frozen botulinun intoxicated forehead right away. Her words seem to
come from somewhere else as she strained to move her mouth. Lori escorted her
to the coatroom leaving her clutch and cape.
She glided across the stone floor trying not to make eye contact
and accepted a chardonnay from a waiter, hoping it would ease the tension. The
enormous living room showcased twenty-five feet ceilings and a gorgeous Shonbek
Swarovski Chrystal chandelier. Everything was beautiful. The design was
Euro-Modern, sophisticated and the lighting was magical. The buffet displayed a
row of flickering candles inside a golden boat shaped design and the perfected
candlelight continued outside to the veranda and pool area enhancing the
ambiance. She would love to go stargaze and dream, inhale the cold night air,
but unfortunately that wouldn’t be proper etiquette.
There were many faces she didn’t recognize and that was pleasing,
but when she turned around it seemed as if some of the woman were staring at
her. Maybe she appeared as the wilting wallflower but sympathy was the last
thing she needed, especially from them. She felt self-conscious and the ominous
feeling persisted until Steve Newman approached. She and Charles had known the
hosts since college and attended many outings together, only because of him. She maintained a pleasant distance. Cindy even
had the audacity to encourage her to stay with the habitual cheater, “Just suck
it up Jules, I’m certain it’s just a phase.” The only thing that mattered to
her and many in that crowd was social status and fat wallets.
Steve approached smiling pleasantly and less than a minute into
their conversation, Cindy approached out of nowhere, a ghostly entrance and
just as transparent.
“Jules you look just lovely, dear, “frowning
with a pretentious look of concern. What
are you two talking about?”
“Not much, Jules replied cordially, I was about to thank you guys
for inviting me.”
“No problem sweetie, you know we love you,” replied Cindy
enthusiastically, as she clutched Steve’s arm closer.
Jules’s blue eyes scanned the living room, and now it appeared all
the women were staring more intensely. “Did she spill the wine on her dress,
was her slip showing,” she wondered.
Once while swimming, she jumped out of the water, and her bikini
top had slid over exposing one wet shining breast. She was just a teenager and
her brother jumped in front of her, a guardian angel protecting her from the
stunned onlookers. This was the same kind of look, a hauntingly familiar
feeling. Instantly she realized that wasn’t it at all. Julie Marie Matthews
felt so powerfully naïve and stupid. She was still the predator, the dangerous
lioness, with a long blonde mane, ready to pounce and take their husbands away.
If they only knew, how degrading they were. But instead of sadness, she felt
her face warming with anger. She accepted the invite thinking they understood
she simply wasn’t ready for a relationship. But they were dishonest, so why
would they believe her?
It concreted her thoughts, "How ridiculous they are." A
man was the last thing on her mind and certainly not one of their disingenuous
grinning baboons. Carline’s husband bragged about selling a bucket load of
faulty mortgages, the highest interest rates possible, even laughed about the `little’
people soon to be homeless, but he made a bundle. Scott, however, has always
been a gentleman. He was the first one to give her a clue about Charles, a
secret they had kept. All the other men were very careful to keep a safe
distance, not to make eye contact. Their wives reminded her of a wolf pack,
where the strongest b***h would take a cruel bite out of her mate if he feigned
disobedience. She didn’t understand until that moment just how much of a threat
she had become to their sense of propriety and stability.
Jules eyes pierced into the floor beginning at Cindy’s brown Jimmy
Choo pumps, decisively she made her way to her face, lips moving downwards, cocking
her head to one side, eyebrows held high, visibly displaying distain,
as if she was the editor of a runway magazine.
“So very sorry dear, but I must
be going,” Jules sarcastic tone well noted.
As their face met, Cindy’s eyes squinted, perplexed, wondering if Jules
could possible disapprove of her attire, feeling slightly off balance as
thoughts buzzed about her brain, but quickly rejected that thought. Her fake smile
lit up once again shimmering with excitement. Her teeth were reflective as the world famous
Tiffany Yellow Diamond, “No Jules you’ve just arrived,” all the while leading
her fast as a jackrabbit to the coatroom, fake implants, big as Chiclets
gleaming, lighting the way. Cindy’s new bob even seemed to bounce with glee in
sync with her stride rushing her to the door one uncaring hand at her side.
For a moment she thought, “Why don’t I pull off this dress, show
my lacey lingerie to the crowd, and give those snakes a really sweet rattle.”
She could visualize the woman trying to cover their husband’s eyes, as if they
were children.
“What an exit that would be, she tensed growing more angry. She
could jump in her Audi and wave adieu, as if she was in a parade, put down the
convertible and strip off all her clothes. She heard a voice inside saying,”
anything can happen, anything happens all the time.”
It was her Meme’s sweet voice and she was listening clearly, “To
hell with them.” Now, her Meme on the other hand was only too well versed with
the proper use of invective slang. She was a gentile lady, the type that could
use risqué’ words and get away with it. She was elegant with expletives and
sounded almost charming. They rolled off her tongue gently, sounding almost
endearing. Her sincere sweet smile
always constrained and she only did it to get rid of this type of snobbery,
caressing their sensibilities into shock and reason.
She moved from London to New York with her Papa when he was
offered a job with the government. She didn’t have reservations about saying
she didn’t care for the `better than thou’ fake society types. Jules could feel
the words building inside of her, a volcano about to erupt, spewing ash upon
Cindy’s face, blotting those mammoth teeth, the whole crowd running from hot
melting lava, but then, she composed herself.
“They’re not even worth my time.” She gathered her brown suede clutch
and cape drove quickly to her apartment and began to cry.
Her heartache reveling once again; another cut, another slice
eaten away. It was in that moment she decided she had to move away. Instead of
tears, sadness from Charles’ betrayal; wasted dreams and wasted time rose like a
tidal wave. She hadn't allowed herself to truly weep, but for the first time
she did.
She called Shelly and together began to search for the perfect
place to start-over. She gave her employer notice and they were supportive and
understanding. Her senior manager, Bob Wilkins, hugged her.
“You’ll be hearing from me and don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” She
exited the doorway, with no regrets, walked slowly outside to her car, her mind
filled with thoughts, and overflowing with certainty her decision to move was
right. It was time, past time to have a happy life and she was intent on living
it to the fullest.
For a moment she felt angry, “He cheated on me in college with my
roommate, why didn’t I see?”
She thought about the words of the psychologist she had seen with
Charles. He had helped her prepare for these feelings. It takes time he had
reassured her, but it will get better.
“It’s not my fault, it will get better,” she repeated.
That night she slept with Gee-gee cuddled by her side and awoke feeling
renewed and at peace.
Today is a new day and a new year.
© 2015 ConfuserAuthor's Note
Featured Review
22 Reviews Added on May 17, 2015 Last Updated on June 19, 2015 Tags: fake friends, deceit, vanity, insecurity, revelations, liars, decisions, love, love lost, new beginning Author![]() ConfuserManning, SCAboutHappily married with three wonderful children. The first poem I attempted was Paper Heart which I submitted here last year. People here have been so kind and encouraging! Their feedback and reading t.. more..Writing
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