Full cup, steady hand
A Book by Louise
Chapter 1 + 2. 
© 2013 Louise
Author's Note
I quickly lose interest in writing long chapters for long stories, so this time I'll try and create a mid-length story consisting of severeal short chapters.
Permanent writers block?? I wish that you would extend the time on this. Make this part be day 1 and then do a montage where there are different instances of writers block.
(This gave me an idea for something I'll message you about it)
I then want to see there be a hope for a story and then losing the hope. There is a seed for a good story but you need to write me c'mon you can do it.
Posted 12 Years Ago
12 Years Ago
I'm glad this gave you an idea - can't wait to hear it! :-)
Louise Denmark
I'm Louise.
Short prose is my preferred way of writing, though all lengths of stories appeal to me as reads.
In elementary school I learned to love making stories up, in high school I learned to .. more..