

A Poem by Colton Warr

She had been Beautifully Broken...

A Poem by Colton Warr

"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness" secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name." Isaiah 45:3 

I heard a story of the most forsaken girl 
Born into a world of darkness 
She never had her own world 
Sold at a different type of market 

I heard a story of the most betrayed girl 
Sold off by her own father into the arms of the unknown 
What they did would make even the strongest of men cringe and curl 
Did their work and then cast her aside like a stone 

I heard a story of the most broken girl
What they did left her bruised and blind, decimated and deaf
A story of a cracked pearl 
But something intervened, a friend, a ref 

I heard a story of the most courageous woman
The true father intervened 
He said she could when she said she couldn't 
Once dirtied by the devil, the messiah has cleaned 

I heard a story of the most empowering woman
Now walking in the midst of the true faith
Hand in her fathers, she believed when others wouldn't 
It is now that she is saved 

I heard a story of the most enduring woman
Now she speaks her story to others 
Because we are all but only human
Her words a crusade for those who still suffer

I heard a story of the most precious girl 
She had been beautifully broken 
But I heard her sing, her voice rocked my world
I heard her sing, now God has spoken 

© 2015 Colton Warr

Author's Note

Colton Warr
This poem tells the story of a girl I recently met a few days ago. She was sexually trafficked by her father. Abused and broken down, Blinded and deafened by a forceful overdose at the age of 2, literally caged by her father and only brought out when it was time for her to perform, you would think that there would be no hope, no light to runaway the encroaching darkness. But there was. I am not as religious as I probably should be, but hearing her story, and how broken and beaten down she was, and then hearing how she got back up, rose from the ashes and fire, and created a new life for herself with the help of God and an amazing ministry has changed me. This was the result of a rapid reaction from her telling me her story. When she finished, she picked up a guitar and started playing and singing for me. She had the voice of an Angel. I hope you guys enjoy!

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God meets us sometimes at the worst of our life, and offers us beauty for ashes. Your poem is brilliant. Thank you for sharing the story Colton!!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Colton Warr

9 Years Ago

Thank you very much! Thanks for stopping by and giving this a read! I love the way you put that "bea.. read more

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71 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on April 7, 2015
Last Updated on April 7, 2015
Tags: Love, Hate, Imprisonment, Life, Death, God, New Life, Light, Darkness, Discovery, Broken


Colton Warr
Colton Warr

Morgantown, WV

Rolling Stone... Twitter: @colton_warr Instagram: colton_warr Facebook: Colton Warr more..


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