White British - sociopathic in nature and paedophiles by design!

White British - sociopathic in nature and paedophiles by design!



By Stanley Collymore
No sentient human being, in his  
or her right mind, would even  
transiently ever tolerate,  
condone and far less so accept and equally  
embrace child abuse of any kind. However,  
there are effectively many of you out there  
who actually quite evidently vaingloriously  
like to basically proselytize yourselves not  
only as the clearly, irrefutably self-entitled  
elites of British society, but irrefutably too  
and very indisputably in tandem with that,  
by the divine approbation of the Almighty  
God actually regard yourselves as simply  
our unquestionably, although unasked by  
us let alone elected to be, clearly rightful  
and hereditary monarchical leaders! And  
persons therefore, who take and adopt a  
crucially different approach, attitude and  
treatment of minors; and distinctly really  
undoubtedly, specifically young children!  
That said, it's generally, obviously  
transparent to me that many of  
you who're actually fervently,  
thoroughly, vaingloriously and rather urgently,  
in your unquestionably best self-centred and  
evidently self-serving virtue signalling mode,  
as you crucially, eagerly clamber aboard the  
vitriolically actually contrived Huw Edward's  
bandwagon; would be most wary, of having  
your own private lives similarly and publicly  
dissected. And the truth, were it to be really  
told few, if any of you lot, who are virulently  
lambasting Huw Edwards, would decidedly  
very realistically, literally be in a position to  
truthfully assert a state of affairs basically  
relative to yourself that you're undoubtedly  
categoricallly and discernibly any better in  
your own private and concealed behaviour  
than how Huw Edwards so vilely behaved!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
17 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I'm not an apologist for what Huw Edwards has done and will candidly say that his actions were both immorally and repugnantly wrong. But I'm equally averse and similarly thoroughly repulsed by the irrefutably nauseatingly, sickeningly, self-righteousness and virtue signalling by the clear surfeit of those eagerly and vaingloriously, but secretively evidently as bad as or even far worse than Huw Edwards ever was, rather ecstatically but very hypocritically vaingloriously jumping on this discernibly contrived bandwagon in a clear endeavour to deflect attention away from their own more vile and damaging abuses!  
The only certainty in life is Death, which simply puts your own odious behaviour and deceptions easily at risk of being publicly exposed. So don't pamper yourselves that you're simply inviolately and permanently immune from ostracism! And simply so because of who you think you are!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on September 18, 2024
Last Updated on September 18, 2024
Tags: Hypocrisy.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
