When couples try this hard to convince others, they're distinctively covering something up!

When couples try this hard to convince others, they're distinctively covering something up!



By Stanley Collymore

I'm one of you! Cured! And my
husband is really straight!
Look! Cancer and also
chemotherapy treatment? Generally I
don't think so! And how very curious
that there's no hair loss! Irrefutably,
the crucially, most wonderful thing
about being rather acceptably rich
and powerful, is that you can spin
any lie you want, and undeniably
the braindead and gullible rather
essentially will believe it! So, I'm
specifically sure, that this lovely
news of Doolittle Kate will truly
keep the general panoply, aptly
of British pensioners, crucially
warm this prospective winter!
And the funny thing is that, in
spite of my sarcasm, it plainly
will; as basically simply them
and obviously all likeminded
and middle aged sycophants
quite pathetically care about
is such subservient overload
wilfully proseltysed, anyway.

Brusquely and quite honestly
there is no comparison to
ordinary people where
Kate Middleton's health problems - real
or largely and cynically imaginary, are
concerned. Obviously, no NHS waiting
list; neither any real job requirement,
nor financial worries unquestionably
attendant with, the longest sick leave
ever. Therefore real cancer sufferers
don't need to see, how the privileged
get treated! So who distinctively, are
these obviously laughably supposed
sweethearts, after simply irrefutably
several years of non PDA, generally
trying to undoubtedly kid? As what
Kate and William are literally, very
cynically and lyingly offering up to
essentially basically cover up their
odious duplicity is unquestionably
totally beyond fake, and obviously
undeniably, discernibly sickening!
Something, that all intelligent and
observant persons can swiftly see,
but quite discernibly brainwashed
sycophants either can't, or choose
not to, as they actually preferably
choose to simply and pathetically
believe their evidently perceived
'societal betters' wholeheartedly!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
10 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
The clearly discernible double standards of the Daily Mail's website and the vile surfeit of commentators there are as mindless as they are predictable. For obviously, if Harry and Meghan, but actually unusually so for them, had distinctively released, a similar video to this one, by Kate and William, it would have been mercilessly criticized to the heavens by people who know no more about Harry and Meghan than they discernibly do about Kate and William!

Oh the joys of delusional, white master race racism! While rather asininely living in the clear purblind state of denial that it actually exists!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on September 11, 2024
Last Updated on September 11, 2024
Tags: Greed, self-entitlement.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
