Britain's conscionable arms embargo on Nazi Zionist, apartheid Israel!

Britain's conscionable arms embargo on Nazi Zionist, apartheid Israel!



By Stanley Collymore

Bombing children in schools to any
intelligently minded person is
discernibly far more than
any racially conceived, puerilely concocted
and distinctly unquestionably barbarously
carried out supposedly act of retaliation!
And for that solitary reason alone out of
numerous other very clearly discernible
acts of barbarity quite irrefutably so by
Isreal, actually against the genocidally
targeted and subjugated Palestinians,
as a British citizen, I rather personally
simply morally and also intellectually
don't want our UK economy, to really
depend exclusively; or actually even
significantly on the crass murder of
innocent children, regardless of the
financial aspects being very rabidly
effectively, and literally pointed out
evidently selfishly, advantageously
supposedly for the UK basically by
its literally, Zionist affiliated Nazis!

Israel has been systematically
waging war since the day it
was created; and literally
in the process of doing so has arbitrarily
and rather systematically displaced the
indigenous Palestinians quite routinely
under any guise that it can get hold of!
Therefore, what the Palestinians quite
in response, have been actually doing
is to quite bravely, resist the evidently
vile oppression, which they've clearly
been quite consistently, subjected to
in any way that they possibly can, as
would obviously, any other distinctly
subjugated people rather irrefutably
most unquestionably literally would
and decidedly so white Caucasians.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
2 September 2024.

Author's Remarks:
What a delusional, self-entitled bunch of inbred morons! Having been kicked out of Brazil having escaped their customary European internecine pogroms Europe-wide an actually specifically in their case Portugal and Spain after Isabella and Ferdinand drove them and their Arab protectors out of the Iberian peninsula, gone to Brazil when the Dutch effectively temporarily controlled that country but on the emergence of Spain crucially regaining that country were summarily and also instantaneously kicked out of Brazil effectively in that process not welcomed in any of the other neighbouring countries in this supposedly New World region; all of them clearly that is with the exception of Barbados which instantly gave to them the sanctuary they were very desperately in need of!

Whilst in Brazil, however, these Jews, obviously learnt of what's now quite universally known as the sugar cane and its evident properties from the local and indigenous Amerindian people for it was a routinely popular cottage industry to in fact extract sugar for themselves. Consequently these Jews, principally of the Sephardic group, and is the customary factor with and obviously the won't of their kind who quite effectively see the making and similarly the actual acquisition of money in everything that they embark upon, took several cuttings of these sugar cane plants with them when they were chivalrously and also altruistically given refuge in Barbados. A clearly astute move on their part as the climate and as well the landscape of Barbados was immensely ideal for the venture these Sephardic Jews had in mind; the undeniably large scale production of a profitable sugar industry in Barbados. So as a consequence the local Barbados Parliament in its wisdom allowed and likewise ably assisted these Jews to set up and implement this ideally new industry and the first of its kind.

Unsurprisingly the sugar cane industry evidently prospered, made these Jews rich and similarly also the economy of Barbados which attracted all sorts of white Caucasians, and not only from England of which Barbados was distinctively a self-governing colony quite effectively actually dating from 1627 when the English - there was no concept of a Britain then and the now known United Kingdom didn't exist - usurped the local owners, the Arawaks and Caribs and then made Barbados, autonomous in every other respect, England's first Caribbean and essentially wholly autonomous realm, which Barbados effectively carried on being throughout its independence in 1966 and decidedly for reasons I'm fully au fait with but won't disclose here, sensibly and quite intelligently then chose to become a REPUBLIC on the 30 November 2021 - actually Barbados' Independence Day, while discernibly voluntarily severing 394 years of being a realm of England, and quite discernibly after the latter's union with Scotland, actually then the United Kingdom!

Most commendably the Barbados parliament an autonomous body established in 1627 and the second oldest continuous parliament still in the world after the House of Commons in England categorically refused the request of these Jews to have slaves imported from Africa to replace the indentured workers who were primarily Irish and dying like flies in the  clearly unaccustomed tropical heat they were working in, whereupon these Jews who controlled all aspects of this profitable sugar industry, from its cultivation to the actual sugar production and distribution on this island of Barbados, decided to and actually arrogantly went over the heads of the Barbados Government, thus involving in that process key figures in the English House of Commons, the House of Lords, also prominent members of the Church of England and specifically also the English monarchy, who quite essentially were all told and rather effusively accepted literally how much wealthier they were very obviously going to become. So much so that the English monarch set up the Royal Africa Company (RAC) with the likes of EDWARD COLSTON of Bristol as their agents and with Barbados, my ancestral homeland, actually becoming the focal point of unquestionably, irrefutably became the Transatlantic Slave Trade!

However distinctively, evidently when North America was subsequently opened up many of these wealthy Jews - the actual equivalent then of billionaires in the 21st Century- then moved to the North American colonies, and where they continued their exploitation, as well as carried on garnering the filthy lucre that clearly, is indisputably their life blood and equally so their raison d'etre for living. Converts to Judaism, initially because their homeland Khazar a commercial empire that was established in the 6th Century CE was being pressurised either to align itself with the Ottoman Empire or the Christian Holy Roman one and wanted to do neither, the ruler of the Kharzian quite autocratically decided to have all his basically nomadic subjects declared as Jews. And that quite effectively is how rather opportunistically and self-servingly these people basically became linked to Judaism a religion they previously had little concept of and clearly no spiritual contact whatsoever with; and obviously quite frankly one cannot really have a more tenuous link to anything than what these Kharzians effectively did! Quite a marked difference from their European and Christian counterparts who quite obviously actually did convert, voluntarily, to their chosen religion of Christianity and not have it thrust upon them! So none of these people: the white Christian ones nor the Kharzians who were compelled into becoming "Jews" were or are ethnic Semites, and distinctly so from the Palestinians who are distinctively and evidently, unquestionably authentically, biologically Semites.  So how ironic then for these fake Semites, essentially Judaists, to quite asininely claim when they're called out for their crimes and overall crass and very selflessly self-serving behaviour, to rather pathetically claim that their accusers are actually anti-Semitic; when in reality this widely and inappropriate terminology of theirs is simply a means of ridiculously saying how dare you criticize us and our beloved genocidal Israel for its discernibly multi-faceted crimes? Yet no such anti-Semitism criticism is ever levied on the behalf of the Palestinians who are actually Semites!

Equally astounding to the idiots who clearly believe and focus on this anti-Semitic crap, effectively seeing it as being anti-white, is that the indisputably oldest authentic and Jewish religious sect on Planet Earth is very undoubtedly and irrefutably the Falasha, who are quite undoubtedly ETHIOPIAN and in biological terms, discernibly far blacker in natural complexion than evidently any Afro- Caribbean person of whom unquestionably I'm essentially and ethnically obviously one. And for good reason, because Judaism, like Christianity and Islam are all effectively and rightly classed as Semitic religions and very principally so because their creators were originally, authentically and indisputably as well biologically Semites; and distinctively NOT white Caucasian Europeans, and rather evidently what these discernibly European Judaists irrefutably are.

Characteristically, many European followers of Judaism, always a distinct minority clearly in principally declared Christian Europe, in essence during their many white and clearly also several centuries encompassed actually white Caucasian pogroms migrated, those who survived and were thus able to do so, to other countries, notably the island of Britain  and on arriving there often instinctively did change their names to British sounding ones and invariably as well adopted new English or other British ones, while simultaneously acquiring English/British societal airs and graces, even going as far, both themselves and their offspring, as actually proselytising themselves very risibly as the quintessential English man or woman, or alternatively so British! Laughably, to my way of sensibly thinking, parading themselves as a result as the, to use the same word again, discernibly quintessential English person! And amongst my most loathing lot in the aforementioned category is TOM BAUER, changed surname Bower, who distinctly, exemplifies the very worst aspects of such persons or any odious and vile supposed human being. Tom Bauer despite his own familial experiences of overt and toxic prejudices, forcing his parents to flee to England for their lives and where he was regrettably born, has nevertheless very fatuously as well as malevolently inculcated and fervently, clearly and readily dispenses the same disgustingly egregious prejudices his parents escaped with their lives literally from Nazi Germany, but  evidently sees no problem, does Tom Bauer, and with clearly consummate irony, in dishing out to those who he like his German Nazi kin basically considered to be Die Untermenchen!

World War II and its European holocaust exacerbated matters; a state of affairs that these so-called Jews, effectively in reality discernibly Zionists, fully exploited and rather shamelessly still do! With the world at large and not just white Caucasians having resoundingly defeated Nazism and it's quite odious fellow cancer Fascism on the battle field but less so in the hearts and minds of many brainwashed white Caucasians even in this the 21st Century; these Zionists,  many of whom at heart are ironically fascist, Nazi and overtly racist in their thoughts as well as their attitudes and actions, are no better or different in actuality from Adolf Hitler and his hero-worshipping Nazis; and frankly constitute a classic case on their own pathetically disgusting part, the discernibly classic example of Stockholm syndrome acquisition! People who have both rather opportunistically, callously and monetarily acquisitively exploited the post-war German Wiedergutmachung Compensation Scheme, which only  so-called "Jews" of the right ethnicity, namely white Caucasian and European, and no one else has or can benefit from; even although the other victims of Europe's holocaust, notably the Gypsies and the quite derogatorily referred to as the Rhineland N*****s: bona fide French citizens of mixed Black and white ethnicity, lost far more of their people in Nazi death camps than the disputed figure of 6 million European "Jews" quite allegedly murdered by the same Nazis. But that very undoubtedly pleases these current day "Jews" and Zionists who have never in any way ever sought to incorporate these other genuine victims in this German post-war Compensation scheme! Which all adds up to more money, well into the double figures of billions of Deutschmarks and Euros clearly for themselves! Money that is essentially their real God!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on September 11, 2024
Last Updated on September 11, 2024
Tags: Inspirational



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
