Sainthood ill becomes Liz Windsor now she's dead, and in life never did!

Sainthood ill becomes Liz Windsor now she's dead, and in life never did!



By Stanley Collymore

This woman wasn't remotely saint
material when she was alive and
her death most definitely hasn't
improved on that simply highly unlikely and
unrealistic situation; other than perhaps, in
the irrefutably twisted, fawning and utterly
brownnosing minds of those with literally,
quite thoroughly meaningless lives and a
marked penchant actually, for delusional
exaggeration! Furthermore, those very
easily susceptible, to the distinctively
exaggeratedly too, PR propagandistic
also self-serving exploits, of a clearly
actually cynical, feudalistically, non-
meritocratically, undeniably, totally
class-entrenched, and a really, fully
supportive of all this noxious, crap,
from the British MSM! And, clearly
likewise firmly in tandem, with all
this pap and actually naturally are
the clear irrefutably, distinctly too
surfeit, of rather semi-literate and
placidly controllable, pensionable
serfs quite discernibly so, literally
thoroughly devoid, expectedly; of
any sort of meaningful education!

Liz Windsor got involved with a
man; who, had their personal
relationship truly occurred
in your now average Britain, in this 21st
Century, for argument sake, discernibly
would have distinctly rather obviously
rung all the quite relevant alarm bells
pertaining to paedophilia! But clearly
this was purportedly, high society; so
little wonder simply that throughout
these monarchical and longstanding
ongoing family intimacies, distinctly
the irrefutable likes of Jimmy Savile,
Rolf Harris; essentially, Bishop Peter
Ball, specifically Jeffrey Epstein and
significantly too, Ghislaine Maxwell
were warmly welcomed and simply
undeniably quite cherished visitors.

As for extra-marital relationships
both Philip and Liz simply had
more than their fair share
of these; doing their own thing really in
a marriage of convenience, while quite
actually, evidently living separate lives
but markedly, and quite hypocritically
putting on a naturally choreographed
scripted show of loving and evidently
very devoted unanimity, whenever it
was required publicly; also naturally
crucially really bearing in mind, and
certainly risibly by me, that your Liz
windsor was irrefutably Head of the
Church of England, both officially so
and undeniably too constitutionally!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
21 August 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Undeniably hard for those of you, who, as well as delusionally embark on creating in essence fictional heroes and saintly figures then undoubtedly actually unquestionably take to obviously pathetically worshipping them; should simply specifically think and rationally, actually remember that human fantasies, however evidently entertaining, can't ever be specifically transformed into plausible reality!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on September 11, 2024
Last Updated on September 11, 2024
Tags: Greed, self-entitlement.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
