The mendacious dissembling of white Caucasians irksomely ensconced in their vile state of denial!

The mendacious dissembling of white Caucasians irksomely ensconced in their vile state of denial!



By Stanley Collymore  

Does anybody with a modicum  
of rationality, a very distinctly  
discernible iota of crucially  
natural commonsense or a basically  
logical, and obviously working brain  
actually think, that the female slave  
who was effectually Kamala Harris'  
direct biological ancestor, and also  
very clearly, made pregnant, by her  
slave owner, as quite similarly too,  
evidently obviously, multiple such  
Black slaves, quite basically were  
by their white owners; clearly too,  
those ogre rapist Male as well as  
female kin - yes, there were evilly  
surely then, as there still is today  
Karen lesbians - and, specifically  
undoubtedly, obviously every day  
friends, wasn't unquestionably a  
thoroughly, very hapless victim?  
Or do you equally very asininely  
in you clearly steeped racism,  
and specifically conveniently  
disregarding all the clearly empirical and  
crucially very documented evidence still  
actually believe that these Black female  
slaves, simply had a choice; clearly just  
effectively like your present day female  
relatives that actually quite specifically  
rather helplessly get raped by a Jimmy  
Savile type figure or even an obviously  
absolutely, actually complete stranger  
to her! For clearly, if you literally know,  
and, moreover, really care anything at  
all about that malevolently egregious  
and evidently barbaric history and as  
well the dire consequences basically  
of what is generally, euphemistically  
referred to as, Transatlantic Slavery;  
you'd quite undoubtedly, know what  
those Black victims, horrifically and  
irrefutably effectively went through.  
Furthermore, is there not actually  
discernibly and intelligently too  
an undoubtedly considerable  
difference between essentially owning  
slaves, and being the non-consensual  
crucially enforcedly made victim, of a  
rapist slave owner? And, even worse,  
to be virulently castigated for simply  
being effectively a basically multiple  
generations later, crucially proven to  
be simply the biological descendant  
of an enslaved ancestor who clearly  
was actually raped, and distinctively  
also undoubtedly made pregnant by  
her slave owner? Or is such a really  
lucid explanation much too difficult  
and essentially thoroughly complex  
for you racist, gullible and evidently  
brainwashed sort rather toxically in  
tandem with the clearly likeminded  
hacks at the Daily Mail distinctively  
too thick to actually handle reality?  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
28 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Populist charlatans like Donald Trump and Nigel Farage of this world routinely and as well malevolently play the same game that is based solely on biased and largely also ill-informed ignorance and irrational fears, and areas of dishonesty that they can very readily and without proof obviously exploit. Doing so markedly for their own obviously personal gain!  
However,  they realistically have no fitting solutions to what they're saying and that's why they never venture into specifics. As for Donald Trump he knows that he simply cannot win talking about policies for quite clearly he has none and that accounts for why there are never any specifics in what he's actually saying. So, instead, he readily employs empty promises, odious threats, hate and divisive rhetoric. Quite discernibly he had 4 years in the White House as the President of the USA but effectively really did nothing!  
Make America great is just essentially an empty slogan! And very predictably Trump needs to resort to childish playground and fatuous name calling to obviously deflect from the emptiness of what he's basically both saying and doing! And sadly so, many dimwits have fallen for his bullshit!  
Essentially, and this is really what's clearly important, Trump is running now solely to avoid going to prison. He's been a criminal all of his adult life, and is counting on the fact that if elected as President he will of course have direct control over the DOJ - the Department of Justice and therefore can order his implanted minions to then literally dismiss the Federal charges that have been proven as well as the myriad of others against himself!  
Donald Trump - or should we all resort to calling him by his real name of Donald Drumpf - Trump being used to evidently  deceive the general public in his rather deceitful proselytising of himself as a bona fide American with longstanding links to that country, when his links are nothing of the kind.  
Both his German parents were immigrants to the USA, a country Trump's mother was not that enamoured in living in. At her repeated urgings Trump senior returned to their native Germany, which wasn't then a unified state but a number of separate entities. Trump was subsequently kicked out of his home state for clearly brazen cowardice in not joining the armed forces and banned from returning. After this very stark humiliation Trump Senior managed through bribery to get the USA authorities to let him back into USA. And it was there that his already pregnant wife gave birth to the odious b*****d we now know as Donald.  
So all of this macho American crap on his part is just that, and like numerous of his hard-core supporters Donald Drumpf is a first generation American, and only just so. And as they say the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, as lily livered Donald Drumpf just like his dad is a brazen coward who pulled every conceivable trick to dodge the American military Draft and has never ever served in the USA Armed Forces. And just like several of his hard-core followers are the evident scum who while dishonestly claiming to be Patriots of the USA will heartily and fervently defend that country to the last drop of someone else's blood but never their own! Don't take my word only for any of the aforementioned just use what brain cells you actually possess and do your own detailed research on this odious, racist, populist, KKK aficionado just as his dad was an actual member of the KKK, for yourself.  
Not my business to tell you Americans who to vote for but if you vote for Donald Drumpf you deserve everything you get and the opprobrium of the decent world and is elements of humanity!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on July 29, 2024
Last Updated on July 29, 2024
Tags: Hatred.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
