The convenient and rather unpalatable too obnoxious usage of OUR Union Jack!

The convenient and rather unpalatable too obnoxious usage of OUR Union Jack!



By Stanley Collymore

It's not the least bit proud to
simply see the Union Jack
being flown, actually the
wrong way up and then bandied about
by a distinctly, rather glaringly, odious
bunch of evidently, simply delusional,
fatuously self-important, narcissistic
morons, with self-evidently, basically
far too much testosterone obviously
undeniably, quite discernibly, in their
nether regions, and likewise too few
brain cells to significantly rely upon!
So-called Patriots quite like Tommy
Robinson, that will defend Britain to
the last drop obviously of someone
else's blood but effectively, actually
and most crucially never their own!

And in case you gullible and quite
clearly, thoroughly intellectually
challenged morons obviously
don't actually know it, or puerilely wish
to ignore it, the Union Jack logically is
actually not yours alone and factually,
simply, crucially undoubtedly belongs
to everybody absolutely authentically
and really rather happy to be a Briton
and not uniquely, clearly distinctively
unquestionably vile racist c***s, like
you alone b*****d Tommy Robinson.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 July 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Quite an interesting phenomenon isn't it that discernibly the surfeit of biological b******s across the length and breadth of the UK who actually don't know their own authentic biological fathers, essentially so, simply because their own biological  mothers, assuming that they effectively know who they really are, actually  knew who got them pregnant, unquestionably clearly specimens for Long Lost Families; not obviously just love having this very distinctly bizarre penchant for obsessive name changing but, just as asininely, quite  basically love deluding themselves that they're so indisputably, but in reality fatuously far more British than those who, in undoubtedly logical circumstances, evidently are. Obviously clearly in essence nobodies desperately trying to be someone, and significantly characteristically failing in that pursuit! Isn't that distinctively the case Tommy Robinson and all you other discernibly, odiously vile, fellow lowlife scum?


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on July 29, 2024
Last Updated on July 29, 2024
Tags: Hatred.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
