Why tell the truth, when lies are far more interesting and convincing?

Why tell the truth, when lies are far more interesting and convincing?



By Stanley Collymore

Nearly five months on and quite evidently still distinctively in solid silence, bless her patriotic heart, and actually counting; the dutiful mother, simply ever loving wife and patriotic citizen, Kate is unquestionably at home rather ardently, obviously recovering from her quite non-existent cancer, and as she well knows, distinctly like Charles and William do too, there's nowt better to boost your deservingly flagging popularity than a concerted act of simply, cynically induced sympathy; and therefore with cancer being as obviously ubiquitous; but, all the same, not as specific nor iniquitious as let's say gonorrhoea, herpes or VD, it's a safe bet to play the cancer game while very assuredly being guaranteed the rather accumulative sympathy of the surfeit of unquestionably brainwashed, thoroughly gullible and also the intellectually challenged ensemble of sycophantic serfs, moronic subjects and conditioned plebeians while, at the same time, actually reaching out hopefully and successfully to those Brits that clearly still delude themselves that Britain is patently somehow extra special with its evidently, in their pathetic assumption, outstanding traditions, and consequently therefore they must simply align themselves and accord Charles, Kate and William the undeniable benefit of the doubt, ostensibly for Britain; and, as such, clambour aboard as well this specific disingenuous and totally outright lying Windsor monarchical train!

Why then is the media trying to stir things - ask a daft question eh - up with this daft William appointment? As if intelligent folk don't already know! But it's succour for the fawning serfs, white racist Karens and as well likeminded Gammons; all 59 of them that responded to the Daily Mail article, in a UK population of 66.97 million as per the 2022 census, are kept happy and can openly vent their own racism.

Anyway, last week the MSM made it sound as if it was fresh news, this investiture of William, when in point of fact it had been announced a year previously. And having done that the said media are now simply obsessed with speculating that evidently Harry would have been given the job had he stayed in the monarchical family. The categorical answer to that is "No"! As it is pure bullshit. As this position which really was previously held by Charles in his own position as Prince of Wales was handed over to William as Charles' successor in that position when Charles became king.

A state of affairs that was quite inevitable requisite to the next Prince of Wales which clearly is now William. Yet quite obviously, here are all your literally purblind c***s in your element of clearly Harry and Meghan bashing. No surprise then that Charles like Kate who no more has cancer than I or you obviously have the bubonic plague, are in obvious collaboration with the MSM, really pulling the wool over your rather distinctly, f*****g daft eyes. Rather obviously not all that difficult; as the lot of you, are as thick as pig s**t!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
13 May 2024.

Author's Remarks:
I always speak only for myself and stand by the decisions I've made, because I do always engage in serious research before I write anything, backed up by longstanding and well trusted sources.

And it's no doubt whatever in my mind that neither Charles nor Kate have ever had any form of cancer. It's a bloody lie on both of their parts and a sympathy grabber since Charles has clearly proved to be what even his own mother regarded him as. A clearly narcissistic c**t who basically listens only to the vile and odious flattery of the Queer sycophants he surrounds himself with.

And as one longstanding German friend of mine from when I moved there in 1980 to rid myself of the dumbing down of the so-called education I saw coming in 1980 and didn't want to be any part of it; a decision which I've never regretted - if Charles, she said, has cancer, despite being already and clearly an unwarranted billionaire actually through no effort on his part, merely vilely acquired hereditary and inherited wealth, what Charles should now do is patent the formula that has caused this outstanding physical transformation in him, as nobody with real cancer and of his age bounces back with such incredible vigour. Further stating, she said, it's all a bloody lie but your Brits, obviously unlike your sort she went on, are so gullible, thoroughly class indoctrinated and pathetic that it's easy to see why they'll believe this s**t from their feudal overlords, and specifically a dimwit like Charles.

Her comments on Kate were even greatly more excruciating. For how she asked can Charles ostensibly with Cancer also be so fit and mobile and this stupid b***h half his age needs 5 months and counting to really recover? It's marital with her I riposted. I know that, and any idiot can see from the antics of William that this isn't a many that is worried about a supposed, really cancer stricken wife, but someone who wants out of a dead marriage but doesn't want to in effect create a Diana situation as Charles did.

My thoughts entirely, but I didn't actually have to prompt my German friend or anyone else I've discussed this matter with; for intelligent people, even Brit ones, just really don't give a f**k. And why should they with a paedophile Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball very longstanding buddy, a serial adulterous a*****e and a distinctly a pathological liar be trusted; because he allegedly came, out as firstborn, from the so-called appropriate monarchical fanny? We're in the 21st Century not the kiss-me-a*s feudal Middle Ages! And some of us are mentally liberated and don't fancy ever being serfs, subjects or fawning plebeians.


Author's Note

Asper myprevious works.

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Added on May 14, 2024
Last Updated on May 14, 2024
Tags: Hatred., Racism



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
