Servile Britain doing whatever the USA's Pentagon tells it too!

Servile Britain doing whatever the USA's Pentagon tells it too!



By Stanley Collymore  
Why does the UK have to get involved in conflicts that are no concern of ours? Iran hasn't attacked Britain or even threatened to do so! Consequently, their actions thus confined solely to their neighbourhood, in strictly the Middle East, have got nothing whatsoever to do with Britain, and as such Iran can, in its own domestic and external issues, do as it pleases. How sickeningly, therefore, in the circumstances being here described, that the UK while overtly giving the stark impression that it can't afford to simply properly fund the NHS; support our veterans, many forced to live uncaringly by the UK government, Parliament, and even the MoD on the streets, while many of our elderly equally find themselves homeless, while those who're fortunate to have a roof over their heads, literally cannot afford the crippling prices by rogue utility companies in whose financial pockets the government as well as very hugely significant numbers of politicians of all the political parties are snugly, mercenarily, and highly beneficially ensconced; and, therefore, rather rarely, if ever, these impoverished elderly heat their homes because they cannot afford to and not infrequently freeze to death lonely and indifferently uncared for; while collectively these discernibly unfortunate people quite literally struggle to make ends meet!  
Yet miraculously Britain can find hundreds of millions of Pounds Sterling to obviously unquestionably quite ostensibly so, defend a basically rogue state country 3,500 miles away. What, may I posit, does Israel simply distinctively do, with the several billions of Deutschmarks-Euros, it annually and most exclusively simply receives from Germany under the quite lucrative post World War 2 European holocaust - Wiedergutmachung Compensation Scheme, as well as clearly the huge additional billions of dollars that it actually and also annually automatically receives from the USA?  
And didn't Israel simply egotistically, and typically malevolently on the 1 April 2024, distinctly appropriately for a bunch of vile, toxically verminous and actually distinctly evilly egregious morons masquerading as a civilised government, which most clearly and quite undoubtedly they are not, launch a literally unprovoked attack on the Iranian Consulate that is unquestionably located in Damascus Syria? A state of affairs simply requisite to which Iran crucially pledged to exact its revenge, in its own time; which it is now very justifiably doing! Since Israel’s actions clearly knowingly abrogated all the simply internationally accepted and deeply enshrined conventional rules pertaining to attacks on of any kind, and significantly as well specifically rather quite gratuitous and malevolently carried out ones on obviously the embassies, consulates or other clearly stated diplomatic buildings of any country, and specifically so, if not discernibly at war with that country!  
Which is precisely, what rogue state Israel clearly with the clandestine connivance of its western friends, especially the USA and its willing stooge, Britain, did; killing all the personnel at the Iranian consulate located in Damascus, Syria. Distinctly, dementedly pathetic really, bearing in mind that during World War 2, Spain: a professed neutralist in that war, but clearly in reality an actively staunch, very fervidly supportive backer of the Third Reich and as well a clearly active spy network rather knowingly also, for the said Third Reich, quite staunchly retained its own embassy, consulates and equally diplomatically assigned spies, undeniably evidently within Britain that clearly the UK Government, Establishment and the MoD knew of!  
And all this to the irreparable detriment of the Allied Forces; but very significantly no diplomatic relationships were ever broken by Britain with Spain, nor was the Spanish Embassy in Britain or very specifically any of its consulates bombed by the RAF! But it's quite okay the games that these white boys and girls undoubtedly play when the clearly discernible consequences literally involve one of their own - as significantly comprehensively, unquestionably and as well undoubtedly and actually compared with or contrasted to those perceived as distinctly involving and crucially dealing with inferior, and distinctively non-white governments and individuals!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
14 April 2024.  

Author's Remarks:
The serial warmonger and unquestionably  dementedly pathetic psychopath Benjamin Netanyahu knew this would happen, as it's clearly what he expected when at his very own behest on the 1st April 2024 he quite simply, clearly ordered the illegal and very unprovoked, actually murderous attack on Iran's Damascus Consulate literally killing everyone there. It was Benjamin's attempt to force Biden's hand, and very predictably it worked, with Britain as the USA's servile proxy!  
Now suddenly, and also not unexpectedly, we have the myriad apologists manifestly evidently for rogue state Israel clearly now that Iran has carried out its very justifiable pledge to clearly commemoratively avenge the simply odious murder of its diplomatic citizens being crucially, rather disgustingly silent or even critical of Iran's distinctively indubitable right to defend itself!  
Preferably, with Britain that unquestionably unctuous to the evident diktats of the USA, why in essence, doesn't it apply to become the 51st state? Something, which even the undoubted colony of Puerto Rico distinctly diplomatically and rather cleverly eschews!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on April 15, 2024
Last Updated on April 15, 2024
Tags: Greed, sycophancy.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..


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