William Windsor: the bone idle racist, white supremacist and quite witless heir!

William Windsor: the bone idle racist, white supremacist and quite witless heir!



By Stanley Collymore

Essentially, William is just as work
shy, bone idle but undoubtedly
self-entitled, as the rest of
them. Quite so in fact, that it wouldn't
surprise me in the least, if this simply
discernibly inured white supremacist
racist, essentially thinks that manual
labour is distinctly obviously, literally
undoubtedly, an immigrant to Britain
Spanish waiter. My natural solution?
Make him monarch; and effortlessly
sit back, as the Republicans then do
their thing; as they essentially did in
1649, with Charles 1, their erstwhile
and evidently unfit for purpose king.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
3 March 2024.

Author's Remarks:
To maximize their already monumental profits from the Transatlantic Slave Trade and the sugar industry in particular, the white plantation owners propelled by their commercial advisors introduced the system of setting the cane fields on fire directly before the harvesting of the said canes began. A process that ensured minimal loss of life requisite to the cane cutters and harvesters alike through the obvious destruction of poisonous snakes, the dispersion of other verminous creatures as well as the eradication of dangerous weeds; collective actions that in tandem with the protection of the workers' lives, thus minimized the physical turnover of slaves; and were actions that also greatly assisted in clearing the fields and soil of quite evidently superfluous weeds; while simultaneously rendering the land, now liberated and refreshed, far more conducive to richer and better yields of sugar cane production.

Elizabeth 1 of England and her cohorts in this barbaric slave industry like Edward Colston of Bristol who made massive fortunes individually as a consequence of the Royal African Company owned exclusively by the "royal" family but leased out to its own cohorts like Edward Colston and which therefore had a distinct monopoly of the Transatlantic Slave Trade were immensely pleased by these mercenary driven, financial developments.

Attendant with all that however, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, initiated in my ancestral homeland of Barbados by Sephardic Jews kicked out initially from the two Iberian countries of Spain and Portugal then for a second time from Brazil where they had subsequently migrated to, were readily given sanctuary in Barbados when no other country literally in the then known Americas and Caribbean would have them; against the rejection of their slavery plan by the Barbados Parliament (1639-present), nevertheless went over the heads of the latter to the English House of Commons in London, the monarchy and likeminded hereditary elements, and essentially got their iniquitous project approved. The rest, as they say, is history.

I've purposely mentioned all this because Global South people, as well as those of all the three Americas and the Antipodean countries of New Zealand and delusional Terra nullius Australia have over the several previous centuries been quite barbarically subjected to multiple genocidal exterminations, which many whites blithely accept as though nothing that significant has ever happened. Yet in marked contrast the entire world, including those whose ancestors and family members have been unjustly and quite routinely murdered in addition to customarily have genocide practised against them by the same white Caucasians, are automatically expected to perpetually wear sackcloth and likewise smother themselves in ashes over just one section only of those who were murdered in Europe's solitary holocaust between 1939-1945. While simultaneously those expecting this travesty of justice and common sense to be meted out solely to their white Caucasian kind, are the very ones who continue to abrogate the rights and dignity of indigenous people globally in their own indigenous homelands, as they asininely continue to add insult to injury by demanding that European countries, and specifically vile, odious ones like Britain with its global and barbaric track record, revert to being all-white; which quite risibly it never was. And significantly so because the original British inhabitants emerged from Africa, crossed into the Iberian Peninsula, continued their journey through France, used the then land bridge that physically connected Britain to mainland Europe - as there was no English Channel then and Britain wasn't an island as it subsequently became because of the melting ice - crossed into Britain and settled there as the people we now know as the Celts; then for nigh on a 1000 years the Romans who were principally Nubians and Black occupied most of Britain with the exception of Scotland.

Meanwhile, white genocidal North Americans are shitting themselves with fear because the continent which they barbarically and genocidally took from its indigenous people will in a few years’ time both democratically and as well demographically cease to be an exclusively white controlled entity as the white population inevitably ceases to be a predominant majority.

Which brings me to the purpose of this poem. Self-evidently to anyone with a functioning brain significant numbers of British people: specifically white in tandem with their non-white Useful Idiots are too indoctrinated and stupid as the monarchical lemmings that they are, to affect meaningful democratic as well as meritocratic change within the UK, and consequently if those who really ought to be engineering such vitally necessary, meritocratic change can't or cowardly won't do it for what are utterly nefarious or mercenary reasons; then the only scenario that's really a viable one, is the 1649 solution!

There's an old Barbadian proverb that exhorts the following if at sea, obviously, and you're about to be attacked by a dangerous octopus. You don't, it goes on, just simply, on actually nothing else but humanitarian grounds, just lob off a couple of its tentacles and fervently hope it gets the message and swims away, ultimately leaving you alone. For apart from everything else those depleted tentacles will eventually grow back and that octopus will become an unquestionably angrier and far more dangerous menace to others in the future. Consequently, the most practical and realistic thing to do, is to effectively chop that octopus' head off ensuring in the process of doing so that it's effectively dead, distinctly stays that way, and isn't a subsequent danger to anyone else. Quite clever are we Bajans!

Finally, I'll close this narrative by posing an inevitable question which should be asked and pondered over by anyone who is genuinely an intelligent person and not some intellectually challenged moron passing himself or herself off as someone gifted with an abundance of intellectual acumen.

So here's my question to you. Why do those people who're most prone to and quite automatically simply adore in very toxically, verminously, malevolently and rather egregiously making other people's lives an ongoing misery or vile nightmare, or else spend most of their waking hours essaying to do so, and all of this basically through their own innate jealousy, envy, racism or biased hatred, or likewise essentially because of their intrinsically evil and undeniably demented personality, are effectively the very ones most quick to scream blue murder when those who're not the least bit afraid of them essentially and successfully turn the tables on them?

I don't want to know your answers, but do firmly suggest that you rather save and enlighten yourselves on them; as I already know, and have for some very considerable time now, know the apt answer to that question I've raised!


Author's Note

As per my previous works.

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Added on March 4, 2024
Last Updated on March 6, 2024
Tags: Racism, hatred.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
