Who says school children aren't shrewd judges of character?A Poem by COLLYMORESelf-explanatory.
By Stanley Collymore
Well done to all the many schools, their teachers, children and actually essentially their parents admirably and highly commendably, actually showing their humanity, distinctly and obviously significantly unlike their undoubtedly cowardly, local MP Rushanari Ali, who I'll happily wager most undoubtedly literally for actual certainly distinctly will effectively quite distinctly not be in her present MP position either next year, or obviously whenever those General Elections are held! (C) Stanley V. Collymore 16 November 2023. Author's Remarks: For those of you who actually idiotically or otherwise essentially unquestionably and perniciously, distinctively, evidently sickeningly and essentially abhorrently self-servingly and thoroughly obviously for kickbacks and other very avaricious financial reasons dishonestly and quite lyingly say Palestine and what has very egregiously happened to it has nothing whatever to do with Britain, you would quite obviously say that, wouldn't you? And as such, these rather well-informed school children that you're scurrilously dreaming and vitriolically condemning do essentially know the unbridled truth; that it was Britain quite unquestionably that very obviously through its favoured irresponsibility and also unquestionably white racist bias, that distinctly created this discernibly genocidally situation in Palestine in the first place. So it's not these school kids that need a lesson in history but you racists as very usual with your sort quite happy to live enduringly in your noxious state of very entrenched denial of what undoubtedly and actually specifically, you really are! Toxically verminous and patently racist lowlife scum! What significant numbers of Nazi mind-set and delusional white master race supremacists are consciously doing is effectively trying to offload their pernicious guilt post World War 2, as their victims this time aren't the customary Black or other non-white ones generally perceived by these sorts of white lowlifes as inferior Untermenschen or undeniably sub-human. For quite evidently the victims they most belligerently went for principally and ruthlessly murdered were white Caucasians like themselves, the same type that they routinely eliminated in the centuries old pogroms which climaxed in World 2 on the same European continent. And what better way to hypocritically dilute that guilt problem of theirs or essay to assuage it than to exclusively pay these erstwhile white victims of theirs billions of Deutschmarks, Euros, Pounds Sterling, Dollars etc.; impose punitive rules and regulations on those who had nothing whatsoever to do with Europe's holocaust, and doing so in terms of what they can think, say, write or even protest against, while these hypocrites themselves sanctimoniously from atop their contrived and evidently essentially odiously virtue signalling bandwagons, play the virtuous and chivalrous white man and woman. While for their profitable, contributory part the Zionist, utterly bogus Semites and similarly in that regard Judaism followers happily in league with these white Nazi conspirators lavishly utilize to their hearts content the financially lucrative gravy train for all it's worth. And with the only victims in all of this quite suffocatingly, sickening hypocrisy being the Palestinians, exactly quid pro quo just like the Gypsies were in World War 2 for example, and equally now in conjunction with the Palestinians, all those who quite conscionably and very justly support them and what they're doing to rightly reclaim what's distinctly legitimately theirs. Global supporters of the Palestinian people who had nothing at all to do with Europe's pogroms or its holocaust, and even more significantly weren't the least bit involved in the very widespread throughout Europe of the quite intrinsic persecution and killing of genuine white Caucasian - not SEMITIC as they're NOT Semites any more than white Caucasian Christians simply are, because they too exactly like genuinely practising white Caucasian European followers of Judaism likewise practice a Semitic created faith which is named Christianity. There are essentially three recognized Semitic based faiths, aptly the two I mentioned earlier and likewise the Muslim religion, and they're classed as Semitic because the people who did originate them were simply biologically SEMITES, not bloody white Caucasians in Europe and most ludicrously from a region Khazar that was essentially next door to Russia, and accounts for simply why most of Israel's present day stock are Russian and Zionists. Incidentally, and you can check this out, the oldest and continuous genuine Jewish sect on Planet Earth are the Falasha, and they are authentically Ethiopian with literally biologically Semitic birth-rates. This is very obviously the 21st Century, although it's very clear that many of you prats in Britain along with your naturally obviously genocidal kin in those global lands you've unquestionably stolen, like delusional Terra nullius, convict inured Australia, New Zealand, Canada and as well the USA are still deeply ensconced mentally in the Middle Ages era, so very obviously what's going on in Palestine is music to your ears and you evidently actually see no reason why essentially the Palestinians shouldn't be dreadfully treated just like you've irrefutably done with the Aborigines, the Maoris and as well the indigenous peoples of Canada and the USA. And if only Black and also other non-whites protested your odious and criminally minded sort won't really give a s**t; but whites are also actually protesting as well as very self-evidently white school children, and that worries you because obviously noxious mother fuckers like you just can't stomach the truth. What you have are effectively two groups of utterly pernicious henchmen, namely the Zionists on one hand and the medieval mind-set monarchists, Nazis and their coterie of privileged and self-entitled elites, significantly very privileged and whose exclusive interests are political power but mostly interested all the same in obsessively making loads of money by any corrupt means that they can, and that's clearly inclusive of abhorrent and destructive wars. Interestingly enough but not in the least bit surprising they don't and never do the fighting themselves and won't be seen dead near a front line of the wars they wilfully cause; simply because they always get others to do their dirty work for them. From time to time though they have their own internecine wars like they did relative to so-called World Wars 1 and 2 which were essentially white Caucasian European inter-fighting. But all the same where loads of people they deem as wholly inferior to themselves do the fighting and stupidly get themselves killed on their behalf. But as night does follow day they soon make up and carry on as per normal until the next quarrel between themselves, then the whole charade goes into operation once more and there's a repeat situation. However, they're canny enough to make the loads of idiots, the intellectually challenged, entrenched racists, dimwits, the brain dead and the utterly gullible who worship and follow them think that they themselves are infallible, while collectively endeavour most assiduously to collective either penalize or try to do so those who do actually seek them for what they really are and fearlessly and courageously speak out about what's actually going on. Personally, I won't call or label either of these two pernicious groupings as Mafia protagonists, since the real Mafia behave far more impeccably than these two sets of Zionist and privileged elite scum and are far more principled than any of these Zionists, monarchical and other privileged elites who apart from being the bane of humanity have no concept of what morality is, nor have they any interest in learning and acquiring such moral credentials. Preferring instead to be bloodthirsty and acquisitive hoodlums who love to lie and dissemble; quite routinely do so and essentially always get away with it because they routinely project themselves either as the Master Race or God's chosen people, and the lowlifes like yourselves readily fall for it because, let's face facts, intelligence isn't, never has been or will it ever be your forte. And here's one cardinal point you really should focus on. This is the 21st Century and we live in the era of the DNA; so why then don't these Zionists and bogus Semites use it to prove who the bloody Hell they actually biologically are? As a daft question, he? Because intelligent people, those who can and do think for themselves and know what true and researched knowledge is and so don't buy this load of Zionist s**t, know what facts are and what fantasy, and the Emperor's New Clothing collectively are! Many of you Brits are aficionados of "Long Lost Families" the brilliant TV programme that biologically traces what many of you living in your own fantasy do periodically come to know who the Hell your mothers screwed with and who you really biologically are; so why are these Zionists, bogus Semites - since Semites are a biological group not a religious one, no differently so from Afro-Caribbean for example - not utilizing this modern and transformatory technology to prove who they really are, because it's them who're causing all the fractious s**t about anti-Semitism! And the reason is clear to anyone with a half functioning brain cell and knows how to use it. DNA testing would prove conclusively that these lying b******s and b*****s aren't Semites but white Caucasians from Europe like most of you who infest Britain with your odious presence. Moreover proven publicly and scientifically to be liars they won't be able any longer to convince publicly corrupt PMs, politicians and the rest of them, coerce the police and CPS into prosecuting people for speaking the truth, as well as put into serious jeopardy the billions they get every year exclusively for being victims of World War 2 - never mind the millions of other European holocaust victims like the Gypsies, so-called derogatorily referred to as Rhineland N*****s, the Russian POWs homosexuals - and the list goes on - who've gotten f**k all, get f**k all, and will continue to get f**k all if this bloody anti-Semitic charade continues. For in all probability the Germans will stop forking out the billions in Widergutmachen Compensation that they pay out and have been doing so continuously and exclusively since 1952 to these avaricious Zionist b******s and b*****s. And to the best of my knowledge World War 2 ended in 1945. And even though as an Afro-Caribbean we get nothing for centuries of slavery, a consequence of the Transatlantic Slave Trade initiated in my ancestral homeland of Barbados by, you guessed it correctly - JEWS - I'm nevertheless all in favour of not only European practitioners of Judaism who were victims of the European holocaust but all such victims being compensated. And how ironic that in Israel and the USA quite recently genuine European Jews who were victims of the holocaust in Europe were publicly complaining they were living in poverty, with all those billions ditched out especially to them. They can't be many of them after all, as the war ended in 1945, 78 years ago, this is 2023, and those surviving the European holocaust have to be very elderly indeed and FEW in number. So where the f**k are all these billions going; and to use a Barbadian terminology, into whose kiss-me-a*s pockets? Ask a daft question, eh? © 2023 COLLYMORE
Author's Note
Added on November 17, 2023 Last Updated on November 17, 2023 Tags: hate, greed, evil, self-entitlement. AuthorCOLLYMORECambridge, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutAcademic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..Writing