That's really some self-hatred on your part House N*****s!

That's really some self-hatred on your part House N*****s!



By Stanley Collymore  
White-owned, discernibly western in  
context; and generally, exclusively  
controlled, global corporations  
that in a distinctly profitable, business  
enterprise on their part, which literally  
essentially entails, really aggregating  
as well as quite distinctly overseeing  
billions of US dollars’ worth generally  
of revenue obviously really acquired  
by them globally, through irrefutably  
crucially successfully targeting and  
massively financially, exploiting the  
actually prevalent and sycophantic  
mind-set of considerable numbers  
of Blacks and other non-whites, as  
such corporations obviously profit  
massively, from the evidently rank  
stupidity and obviously, pervasive  
conditioning crucially of basically  
quite self-centred, purportedly on  
their part literally one upmanship  
advantage, but essentially in real  
terms; still the actions of gullible  
intellectually challenged morons.  
Black females and other women of  
colour who're quite conditioned  
or else easily persuaded that  
the actual or near eradication of their  
authentic skin colour simply through  
the very expensive purchase as well  
as the comprehensively continuous  
use of these respective companies,  
skin bleaching creams to eradicate  
or else significantly, really diminish  
their own really natural skin colour,  
simply in order to only emulate the  
appearance of themselves literally  
fittingly, actually looking like white  
women is not only asinine in itself  
to rational minds, looking on quite  
incredulously, at these undeniably  
stupendously, truly idiotic actions  
by actually supposedly intelligent  
human beings, that self-evidently  
they clearly are not! Undoubtedly  
and quite clearly, unquestionably  
so however; decidedly, obviously  
and very crucially too, dim-witted  
clowns, who then see and rather  
stupidly see and likewise regard  
themselves, not only as obvious  
innovators essentially societally  
an enormous boost all round to  
their authority - psychologically!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
15 October 2023.  

Author's Remarks:  
I concur wholeheartedly with the solidly prescient minded and highly informative sentiments of the late, great Malcolm X - God's Blessing be eternally upon him - regarding these distinctively pathetic, repulsively treacherous, nauseatingly sycophantic, totally lacking in respect, discernibly Useful Idiots to their dimwittedly perceived as master race, white Caucasians; while embarking fulsomely and injuriously on any and everything they can undertake or involve themselves in to consciously and quite egregiously to undermine, threaten and destroy the legitimacy and moral progress of Black men, women and children, asininely believing that by bleaching their skins and aping the white man, woman and even their delinquent children, they too, along with their similarly indoctrinated offspring, will undoubtedly, pleasurably and highly beneficially, inevitably and credibly morph into desirable and worthy white Caucasians; and wholly, satisfactorily dissimilar, from what being what Black persons are!  
The discernibly elucidatory writings and statements of Malcolm can be attained by Googling them on the internet.


Author's Note

As per the Author's previous works.

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Added on October 16, 2023
Last Updated on October 16, 2023
Tags: Stupidity, self-abasement, sycophancy.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
