No skills or real intellectual acumen necessary; simply one's birth in the perceived right bed!

No skills or real intellectual acumen necessary; simply one's birth in the perceived right bed!



By Stanley Collymore  
I blame the British educational
system actually! Really Daily
Mail? Seriously duly future
kings and queens; for no other reason
than that they were all of them simply
born into specific families? Obviously
self-evidently with the plentiful riches
and great privileges they're accorded
not earned, just simply given to them.
Literally how evidently ridiculous can
some countries and their undeniably
utterly gullible, quite thoroughly, and  
truly pathetically, fawning serfs get?  
Incidentally what simply is the Daily
Mail's stake - as if rather clever, and
thoroughly, very capable of thinking
for themselves folk, didn't generally
already know the obvious response
to that distinct question - in literally
pushing that undeniably feudalistic
disinformation in the 21st Century?  
Unequivocally, these so-called  
royals are all wasters whose  
only realistically, apparent  
achievement - other than essentially
having a perceived, suitable mother
shagged, and effectively, obviously  
made pregnant by the sperm from  
some specifically rather approved  
of male donor aptly discharged in  
her fanny - is basically being born  
with a silver spoon, of immensely
unbelievable privilege undeniably  
and likewise too, advantageously  
placed in their proverbial mouths.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
28 August 2023.  

Author's Remarks:  
No one is realistically royal, far less so, unless delusionally obsessed with and thoroughly addicted to that concept, or essentially and instinctively better than anyone else simply by birth. And really only ludicrously ingrained fools like you give these undoubtedly pathetic people the respect they instinctively and rather obsessively crave but self-evidently too, patently don't deserve!  
Furthermore, it's asininely ridiculous, as well as absolutely insane, to essentially bestow loads of money and literally too significantly huge amounts of distinctly effectively unelected, and bizarrely also unaccountable powers, which evidently along with these you blissfully and very stupidly readily allocate your laughably pathetic and quite obsequious, fawning admiration to such individuals basically because they were effectively born into certain families; themselves undeniably thoroughly dysfunctional; and evidently also additionally and clearly appallingly useless!    
Frankly, I've obviously had enough with our very own distinctly unquestionably, irrefutably rather dysfunctional, British so-called royal family without crucially having more privileged leeches literally being clearly rammed down the throats of those amongst us, who undoubtedly aren't intellectually challenged or really, simply and pathetically gullible!


Author's Note

As per all my previous works.

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Added on August 29, 2023
Last Updated on August 29, 2023
Tags: Greed.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
