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The Daily Middleton with contributions from fawning Karen C***s, like Eliza Scarborough!

The Daily Middleton with contributions from fawning Karen C***s, like Eliza Scarborough!



By Stanley Collymore

If the most interesting thing
about the Windsors is the
amount of money they
spend on their clothes and therefore
the supposedly sweet tributes which
they get from all these brownnosing
serfs when they basically wear each
other's jewelry does clearly suggest
and I would also distinctly, sensibly
likewise imagine that all other sane
intelligent minds too, unimpressed
with this manifestly dim-witted s**t
of yours Eliza Scarborough, simply
regrettably too few of us in Britain,
that these naturally utterly useless
and notably superfluous Windsors
aren't only irrelevant, but similarly
also, effectively a waste of space.
And it's rather evident to anybody
that can think for themselves and
truly doesn't need to jump on this
stupid bandwagon because they
do have worthy, productive lives,
that they can truly call their own.

Unlike a discernibĺy, distinctly
odious and a thoroughly vile
and loathsomely, toxically
verminous, egregiously pathetic piece
of scum, like you effectively are Eliza
Scarborough, as you quite fulsomely
and idiotically, enthusiastically jump
on this specific bandwagon, so that
you can also literally, wallow in the
same, money-grabbing exposition
as the others and expectantly get
that recognition, transient though
it'll irrefutably be, which you truly
simply clearly obsessively crave
and irrefutably, earnestly want!

For had Meghan Markle worn
the exact, same outfits, this
article of yours and the
clearly utterly useless, dimwittedly
sycophantic, and the undoubtedly
very fatuous, thoroughly pathetic
b***h that you Eliza Scarborough
are it would be castigating every
aspect of her own characteristic
and evidently, alluring style; but
too, the cost of the clothing she
was likewise elegantly wearing!
Racism when challenged quite
Instinctively, lyingly denied; by
viciously egregious, obviously
though, such cowardly odious,
fatuously, toxically verminous
racist Karens exactly like you
Eliza Scarborough attendant
with like-mindedly gammons;
quite s**t scared to honestly
and similarly candidly admit
to what you distinctively are
in a sick bid, for recognition.

(C) Stanley. Collymore
22 June 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Will this ludicrously obscene and also pathetic, grovelling deification of the Daily Middleton, aka the Daily Mail's, stick insect Kate Middleton ever stop?

Highly unlikely, I suspect, in a country whose society is largely comprised of very endemically thoroughly sick sado- masochistic serfs who unquestioningly and evidently undoubtedly conditioned from their birth to what they really are simply and quite frankly haven't either the will or the ability to change.


Author's Note

As per all my previous works.

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Added on June 23, 2023
Last Updated on June 23, 2023
Tags: Hatred.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
