Intentionally overlooked and even cherished sexual abusers operating freely in the family home!

Intentionally overlooked and even cherished sexual abusers operating freely in the family home!



By Stanley Collymore  
Quite truthfully, what was it    
really like or distinctly still    
knowingly is, undeniably    
within your very own familial home;    
or do you effectively, basically prefer    
rather ludicrously, deluding yourself    
that the very opposite, is literally the    
reality as you distinctly, indifferently,    
and rather blissfully, carry on living    
in your noxious state, of deniabiliy?    
The mothers; step-mums as well as    
those female guardians undeniably    
in all of these nauseating sex abuse    
cases by actually biological fathers,    
step-dads, and also live in lovers to    
these aforementioned 'ladies' quite    
definitely: in my honest, forthright    
and logical opinion, unequivocally    
know or if these abuses were then    
in the distant past; knew perfectly    
well, what exactly in undoubtedly    
the two instances, was going on!    
But the feckless, immoral and    
evil cowards that they are    
they basically haven't    
got even the rudimentary principles    
or guts to actually stand up for their    
daughters, sons, or essentially those    
children, who're entrusted to them!    
Even crucially, and vilely choosimg    
in the vast, overwhelming majority    
of instances, that this abuse carries    
on; for with the quite malevolently    
egregious abuser undeniably more    
fervently involved elsewhere; they    
would aptly, be sexually left alone!    
Now, take a long; undeniably hard    
for literally numerous numbers of    
you; and likewise an unrestrained    
warts and all, quite simply, honest    
look at yourself in any mirror and    
truthfully, then hopefully respond    
to this essentially crucial question    
which I am now candidly publicly    
and most specifically so obviously    
unapologetically positing to all of    
you but quite concertedly I freely    
and likewise also rather willingly    
admit, to the Daily Mail's, usually    
pestilent and puerile aficionados:    
where do each of you irrefutably  
stand morally and solely relative    
to both sets of these inexcusably,    
truly evil, noxious, sub-humans?    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
31 May 2023.    

Author's Remarks:  
When it's considered quite au fait and similarly distinctly elan to court, have sexual relations with, have as your own lover or mistress; effectively marry and have offspring with, fully cognizant all along that they are your own biological and quite invariably as well your quite close blood relative and such deliberate family relationships were to effectively supposedly and ludicrously consolidate you specifically prized bloodline and as well ensure your massive and distinctly unearned and unwarranted wealth did  stay quite irrevocably within that exact family, it should come as no surprise to anyone with a truly functioning brain within their head, that essentially such persons perceived as their divine rulers and societal leaders would set the basis and the trend, obviously in an ongoing process, that the surfeit of very gullible serfs, commoners, plebeians - call them what you will - would earnestly follow; and they indubitably have done so.    
Incest is rampant across Britain and too within its kin, genocidally acquired and now quite exclusively controlled global seizures like Australia, New Zealand, in Canada and undeniably the anglophile areas of the USA and South Africa, just naming a few along with Ireland.    
And basically accounts overall for why British courts are essentially evidently lenient towards the offenders, of whom there are both males and females let's not forget, and explains exactly why all these commenters on these right-wing rags and electronic media happily lay the blame at the REAL victim's door; and rarely that of the perpetrator.    
Sick Britons and their global kin firmly ensconced in the Middle Ages in more ways than just subservience and gross fawning sycophancy to their ardently perceived societal betters!    
It's totally morally offensive, similarly too, essentially personally as well as culturally anathema to me entertain let alone realistically effect the reality of actually courting, having any kind of a romantic relationship with far less so indulge in a heterosexual relationship - quite specifically no other kind for me I'm afraid - consensually or otherwise, with someone who I'm even remotely so biologically related to; and why I ask myself would any sensible person quite logically and intelligently want to do so when there's literally a surfeit of actual clearly perspective partners to lawfully satisfy one's emotional or carnal needs globally? Beats me!    
My Barbadian cultural upbringing not only induces me to have an instinctive and reciprocal respect for other human beings of both sexes but indubitably so and quite importantly as well, my very own biological family members; and consequently we don't and never will as Bajans - the quite affectionate name which we nationally and very proudly call ourselves - see any of our biological relatives as relatively potential lovers, sexual partners or marital spouses. And furthermore, even members of the very opposite who we literally grow up with in our own communities are distinctly off limits physically and emotionally as we essentially see them as brothers or sisters and never as sexual partners or potential spouses.  
And it rather literally and significantly does account undoubtedly for why our quite beloved homeland, Barbados has one of the very highest and distinctly so most impressive genetic pools and also attendant with that per population also has the world's highest number of very active and likewise physically healthy and well educated centenarians. And the exceedingly proud, industrious and moral Bajans that we are; we intend to purposefully and intelligently carry on respecting the status quo while doing, as usual, our very best simultaneously to improve it in every way we can! Not for nothing is our National motto: Pride and Industry!


Author's Note

As per previous works.

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Added on June 1, 2023
Last Updated on June 1, 2023
Tags: Inspirational.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
