Zero chance the Labtories will ditch the British monarchy as Keir Starmer is a staunch Tory!A Poem by COLLYMORESelf-explanatory.
By Stanley Collymore
In a Republic you have a Head of State that's democratically elected for an undoubtedly specified period of years and also a distinctly, limited term of office and, electorally too during those times you can actually get rid of him or her at the next elections. In Britain however, and in very marked contrast we are clearly stuck with this increasing tribe of bone idle but privileged and self-entitled, so preposterously literally ridiculously, regarded as so-called 'royals'. Moreover, in a republic the Head of State has one salary; also a singular official residence and morally as well as actually financially, kin aren't paid by the country. Neither does the Head of State have a private income from duchies which consist of thousands of hectares of land, farms, properties, effectively invaluable art collections, numerous jewels; lots of herds of horses, private golf courses and airfields, effectively collectively acquired over multiple centuries of brutal appropriation from all those that originally, and lawfully owned them before their actually thieving new possessors and essentially too their greedy descendants, got their hands on them, and also evidently enhanced, through this effectively basically solid monopoly of theirs, their individual, and similarly too collective value by not paying any inheritance tax on them. Sensibly, very unapologetically it's fittingly high time evidently for some real fairness, justice, equality and too, authentic democracy rather than this recurrent rather pathetically sham kind, to emerge in Britain! (C) Stanley V. Collymore 20 April 2023. Author's Remarks: Keir Starmer the current leader of what most implausibly is still daftly called the Labour Party when its essential tenets are as far removed from core Labour principles as one can possible get and actually caused me to dub the party then under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown's right-wing leadership as the Labtory Party and its likeminded adherents as Labtories; is no true advocate of democracy. Essentially, Keir Starmer is nothing but a useless clone of his string puller Tony Blair, and as political ethics go, is as kosher - no pun intended Zionist Yid Starmer - ethically in his politics as Jimmy Savile was morally sexually. Effectively the three major parliamentary parties based in England and which originated there: The Conservatives, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats are all officially Tory in policy and political philosophy and all you idiots are being most malevolently and egregiously being had by this trio of political, financial, immoral and self-serving charlatans. And as for democratizing the British monarchical system far less so getting rid of this Middle Ages albatross just forget it. Moral and democratic persons who even as unelected and hereditary head of state as Liz Windsor was don't honour and elevate notorious war criminals like Tony Blair. But she did! Because throughout her utterly useless but all the same highly privileged and self-entitled nonagenarian existence she knew what the system was all about and still does. And so do the current leadership and financial bankrollers of the Conservative, Labtory and Lib-Dems, the octopus arms of the Tory Party. And regrettably Britain is so infested with intellectually challenged white idiots and their non-white Useful Idiot Coconuts and House N*****s that these prime a******s won't even want change, since none of them could handle or deal with real accountable, political democracy. Since brownnosing to their monarchical, hereditary and perceived societal betters in sick Britain, a country riddled with classism, racism and xenophobia from the Windsors downwards is all that these dim-witted pillocks know and understand; and accounts for why their politicians treat them accordingly. © 2023 COLLYMOREAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorCOLLYMORECambridge, Cambridgeshire, United KingdomAboutAcademic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..Writing