Call her what the f**k you like; but an odiously evil, white w***e would do nicely!

Call her what the f**k you like; but an odiously evil, white w***e would do nicely!



By Stanley Collymore  
Britain: a country self-evidently  
and markedly devoid of real  
talent and ability but also  
filled to the brim, with quite entrenched  
bastardy, at every level of society, also  
where ingrained, outmoded, and quite  
clearly, debilitating classism is literally
rampantly and, essentially, as well as  
rabidly obviously brashly, rapturously  
enforced by the crucially clear in situ  
monarchical ruling Klan and its quite  
like-minded overtly racist, privileged,  
unwarrantedly accorded, so wealthy  
and self-entitled naturally hereditary  
champions and evilly, a vile state of  
affairs equally, effusively and rather  
avidly and devotedly endorsed and  
uncomplainingly, fully supported by  
a burgeoning surfeit of distinctively  
intellectually challenged, dimwitted  
and white serf plebeians, totally as  
well assisted by their overseas kin,  
the simply barbarously genocidally  
attained possessions occupiers of  
those countries that they still hang  
on to, evidently unilaterally control  
to the distinctly barbaric detriment  
of their discernibly unquestionably  
indigenous inhabitants and rather  
like the odiously toxic vermin they  
simply undeniably are, still live in!  
These are the immoral and quite  
odiously evil pillocks who very  
enthusiastically and clearly  
exuberantly welcome this nonsensical  
but upcoming coronation, and its very  
daft crowning, with a manifestly stark  
medieval plus Dark Ages overture of  
two classic Windsor bores obviously  
publicly happening plainly laughably  
amidst the similarly, rather outdated  
pomp and ceremony that effectively  
fills at all times, these quite defunct  
white empire mind-set loyalist Brits  
and their undoubtedly, subservient  
non white Useful Idiots with clearly  
distinctly rapturous and essentially  
tremendous glee; and, additionally  
most incredulously to the plethora  
of intelligent minds globally simply  
bombards everyone with this very  
congenital lunacy, so bizarrely so  
in a visibly modern 21st Century?  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
19 April 2023.

Author's Remarks:
Newsflash! A thermo-nuclear device belonging to the United States of America and a salient part of a NATO drill before the British coronation strays off course and smashes into Westminster Cathedral totally obliterating everything in sight and putting paid to the upcoming coronation. A Fox news source is allegedly saying that on being told the news President Biden is reported to have said: "why the f**k then; why not the 6th of May?" But in view of its problems with Dominion Rupert Murdoch's Fox News can't really be trusted on this one either. While the same organization is similarly claiming that President Vladimir Putin is beside himself with rage for not thinking up the same plan.
Meanwhile, the Daily Mail, other British right ring rags and the Queer Dan Wootton are all saying that this vicious attack on British sovereignty has all the hallmarks of Meghan Markle; and accounts for why specifically she chose not to attend Charles and Camilla's coronation.


Author's Note

As per previous works.

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Indeed... Indeed...

Ever listened to half man half biscuit?

The most disgusting, s****y white supremacists band ever...

Complete... Klan... pieces of s**t!!!

There's this particular song... I just enjoy so very much... indeed.


Soldier on!!!

Blessed be!!!

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 20, 2023
Last Updated on April 21, 2023
Tags: Inspirational.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
