Where are the machetes that are sorely required in some areas of Britain when they're so needed?

Where are the machetes that are sorely required in some areas of Britain when they're so needed?



By Stanley Collymore  
The whole point is that if a  
school which is evidently  
distinctly designated as  
a girls' school is then thus officially
allowed, to generally label itself as  
such which it's quite perfectly and  
legally entitled to do and, likewise
moreover, blissfully does so; then  
there is absolutely nothing wrong  
with greeting any girl pupils there  
with a quite cordial salutation, of    
'good morning or afternoon girls'  
as the true time of day specifies.  
But then to clearly ironically have  
a female teacher at that school  
forced to apologize for doing  
what sensible and intelligent persons
regard as normal, by literally utilizing  
the normal aforementioned greeting  
to a class rather basically of 11 year  
old girls who vilely took a ridiculous
exception to this lady teacher, aptly  
doing so to them. Then, terrifyingly  
and irrefutably plainly evilly as well  
then most toxically, from their very  
nasty, and significantly sick minds  
forcefully so demand an 'apology',  
from her and then fulsomely have  
the Head Teacher, plus her senior  
staffers, back these fatuous kids;  
self-evidently, with their very own  
puerile decision beggaring belief.  
As I specifically see it from my  
own longstanding teaching  
and distinctively fulfilling  
Academic experience this discernibly
thoroughly useless Head Teacher, as  
indeed her senior staffers, are totally  
and simply, unequivocally braindead  
having quite significantly, it crucially  
would appear, evidently so long lost  
their respective "educational heads"  
if they ever had any, that is, to start  
with in the first place and basically  
actually urgently requires, that this  
state of affairs, ought to be clearly  
and very expressly, as well as very  
permanently consolidated. Rather  
fulsomely so by full the utilisation  
of sufficient, glistening machetes  
fittingly appropriately for the very  
accordingly enduring termination  
of all the toxic vermin concerned.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
16 April 2023.  
Author's Remarks:  
With heartfelt contrition as someone who all my life from childhood itself was religiously brought up to wholeheartedly value human life and likewise my own without even a mere thought of taking or dispensing with it - however I was never to fear anyone, anything or even Death itself, which I categorically don't, quite relative to the previous trio - principally but not totally exclusively because my clearly enforcedly made Bajan slave ancestors like their CARICOM counterparts, quite literally men, women and children of all ages, were thoroughly dehumanised throughout their Transatlantic Slave Trade experiences in which millions of them were killed, expressly so by the British and their kin as were equally so treated by many other Europeans; that as our ancestors suffered so much and most humiliating, it would be distinctly, discernibly significant and disgustingly also, for generations exactly like myself that were alive and moreover quite well educated and professional in status to take our own lives, for whatever reason seeing as ours could never be anything like their own were, and such action on our part would be gross insult to their memories, their lives and what they did, very barbarically endured so we could be here!

However, over the years while adhering to the essential precepts of that rather fittingly appropriate childhood delivered admonition I clearly noticed that while we Blacks were basically sticking quite rigidly to it for the most part, whites per se were having and discernibly seem to have no such moral calibre. And so, it's why I wholeheartedly wish that the very routine mass murders within these USA schools were similarly applicable within those of Britain and quite specifically in the process of this so happening, in the sorts of schools I'm totally cognizant of but for legal reasons, one of my several degrees is in law, I won't!

These afore hinted at institutions, as they quite obviously aren't schools that are in any way that naturally interested in any type of intellectual development of their expensive, fee paying charges. And quite basically what their principal concern is, is nothing other than odious societal horse trading except that these particular mares and stallions are quite supposedly "human beings". Trust fund wallahs, mating and quite happily in the process cheerfully also interbreeding at the appropriate time with each other so that the money and inheritance equally are kept in the requisite families.

Quite significantly however these make believe schools are also the grooming grounds for the prominent jobs within the kingdom including that of Prime Minister, senior cabinet members, the same in the Civil Service and others that are viewed and taken as prominent across the UK, and when you ultimately leave these institutions no one actually asks you what your "qualifications" are, what a draft question that would be. In fact far more relevant in such cases is, which fee paying institution did you go to?

Jealousy on my part, I hear you say? No not at all! The quite laughably so-called British educational system has clearly been basically failing for a considerable time now and quite essentially, several decades ago I very voluntarily quit it and moved to Europe to utilize my own Academic career; a decision I crucially have never regretted. Because I could clearly see the dumbing down of what was happening in Britain, as it still is after all those years, and still being very asininely passed off as great standards and for myself I wanted no part of it. So I quit! A decision I've never regretted.

No USA style freedom to weapons here in the UK - one can in live hope - but there is no shortage of machetes! Food for thought!  

There is a world of difference between personal self-confidence and purported personal entitlement; one needs to be actively and earnest encouraged fully, nourished and firmly consolidated. The other needs to be conscientiously and viciously wiped out by all means possible. And I unquestionably, fearlessly and most unapologetically know into which category either belongs!

Additionally, there’s an established Barbadian saying: You don’t kill a poisonous and dangerous female centipede and then allow her litter of infant centipedes to go free just because you feel sorry for the little ones and their now motherless state; since left alone to grow up they too will ultimately become the same poisonous and quite dangerous carbon copy of their mother.

Self-entitled persons in human terms are the same toxic vermin whatever age they’re at as it’s a condition very assiduously bred into them, and specifically so in very class entrenched Britain and among its kin infesting the overseas countries they’ve clearly, evidently barbarically and genocidally acquired; still exclusively control by their rather odious presence there and self-evidently continue to live in. And the lot of them quite naturally have no compunction or morality to employ whatever measures there are at their disposal to keep the status quo profitably for them and similarly exploitatively as well, going. So I don’t waste any time, positive interest or ethical sympathy on any of them or their offspring, one and the same thing!


Author's Note

As per all my other works.

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Added on April 17, 2023
Last Updated on April 17, 2023
Tags: motivational, inspirational.



Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom

Academic, Journalist, Writer. I'm a highly intelligent, articulate and well-educated human being with an intuitive but enterprising sense of responsibility and a strong moral compass that instincti.. more..
